Thursday, May 31, 2012

Transcript: "Rush: Interview with Alex Lifeson" - Power Play, October 2007

From the October 2007 issue of Power Play magazine, here is an "Interview With Alex Lifeson" given just before the band kicked off the UK leg of the Snakes & Arrows tour. Alex talks about the album, as well as discussing Neil's tragedies and the contrast between the recording of Vapor Trails and Snakes & Arrows. - Thanks to John Patuto for the transcript!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Transcript: "Legendary Trio Return To Action With Grace Under Pressure" - Hit Parader, August 1984

Here is a very cool story that appeared in the August 1984 issue of Hit Parader: "Legendary Trio Return To Action With Grace Under Pressure" was written by none other than the B-man, Bill Banasiewicz, three years before he published Visions. What's great is that B-man tells of his visit to Le Studio in early January of 1984, during the recording of Grace Under Pressure. Its a bit like being a fly on the wall, especially when he discusses hearing Alex doing his guitar tracks for hours on end, or when Geddy announced it was "weird sounds weekend...making reference to the fact that they were going to be recording various sound effects for the record...including noise from a television set and steam whistling through a cappuccino machine." - Thanks to Joe Sterle for the original article!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Transcript: "Q&A: Geddy Lee On Rush Merchandise" - National Post, May 29, 2010

From two years ago today, here's a very brief "Q&A: Geddy Lee On Rush Merchandise" from Canada's National Post, May 29, 2010, just before the launch of the Time Machine tour. Geddy talks merchandising, and mentions the "Homer Simpson" starman created by Rush fan Richard Carter.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Transcript: "Rush: The Complete Album-by-Album Guide" -, July 10, 2008

Another story Rolling Stone published online on the heels of "Rush Never Sleeps" which was lost to the ether: "Rush: The Complete Album-by-Album Guide" was also posted to on July 10, 2008.

Transcript: "Rush vs. Rolling Stone: A Qualitative Analysis" -, July 10, 2008

The July 2008 issue of Rolling Stone included the feature story "Rush Never Sleeps" (which you can find in my Transcript Archive). Not surprisingly, Rush fans everywhere responded that after 34 years it was about time the magazine run a feature on the band. Resurrected from the ether and added to the archive, countered online with "Rush vs. Rolling Stone: A Qualitative Analysis" where they claim a long standing support of Rush!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Transcript: "Angelic Upstairs" - PROG #26, 2012

On Wednesday PROG #26 hit newsstands, and I have transcribed the two Rush articles it contains for your reading pleasure. Geddy Lee is interviewed in the article "Angelic Upstairs" which contains the tagline: "After 44 years at the top of the prog rock game, Rush are set to return with their new album Clockwork Angels. Frontman Geddy Lee gives us a glimpse behind the scenes...". In addition, Hugh Syme is interviewed in the "Art For Arts Sake" column. - Thanks to Tony R for the original scans!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Transcript: "Fans Stick With Subtle Rush Evolution" - Ottawa Citizen, May 4, 1984

"Fans Stick With Subtle Rush Evolution" - Ottawa Citizen, May 4, 1984, is a review of 'Grace Under Pressure' focusing on the new release before going off on a tangent... - Thanks to Chris McDonald for the transcript.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Transcript: "All The World's Their Stage!" - Classic Rock presents PROG, May 2010

Isn't it strange that we have been talking about Clockwork Angels for two years now? If this latest transcription is accurate, Rush was mixing Caravan/BU2B the day before Beyond The Lighted Stage premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival on Saturday April 24th, 2010.  "All The World's Their Stage!" is an interview with Geddy Lee from the May 2010 issue of PROG magazine, where he talks about the film, the preliminary work on Clockwork Angels, and the then upcoming Time Machine Tour.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Transcript: "Three Rounds With...Geddy Lee" - Entertainment Weekly, March 17, 2009

"Three Rounds With...Geddy Lee" appeared from the March 20, 2009 issue of Entertainment Weekly magazine. Ged gives his ratings on three rounds of wine, and also discusses Retrospective 3, appearing on The Colbert Report and I Love You Man, as well discusses his favorite album, travel destination, book, etc.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Transcript: "Alex Lifeson Of Rush" - Sound Waves, January 2006

Rush appeared on the cover of the January 2006 issue of Southern New England's "Sound Waves" magazine. Included is the interview "Alex Lifeson Of Rush", given shortly after the release of R30. Alex discusses the R30 tour and the differences between Rush in Rio and R30. - Thanks to John Patuto for passing along the transcript!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Transcript: "Closer To The Peart" - RAW, February 8, 1989

Here is a rare cover feature from the A Show of Hands era: Neil Peart on the cover of RAW, February 8, 1989. In this in-depth feature story, "Closer To The Peart", Neil discusses the evolution of RUSH's live albums, how technological improvements helped make 'A Show of Hands' the definitive live album at that time, the beginnings of what would become 'Presto', and how Peter Collins had decided to move on to greener pastures, leaving them to find a new producer. - Thanks again to Erwin De Lathouwer for the article!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Transcript: "Mellowing Out" - Maclean's, July 22, 2002

Another Vapor Trails era article, "Mellowing Out" - Maclean's, July 22, 2002, is brief article discussing the return of Rush with the release of Vapor Trails, and how after three decades together, the members of Rush were not taking things as seriously as in the past. "I see young bands being interviewed and I remember what it was like to talk about your music like it was so important. Now Rush is just one other thing I do in my life.'"

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Transcript: "RUSH Roasted: Poonsters Honor Canadian Group" (Havard Lampoon's 'Musicians Of The Millennium') - Harvard Crimson, May 10, 1993

Last week I posted a video to my Facebook page of Rush's being named Musicians of the Millennium by the Harvard Lampoon. "RUSH Roasted: Poonsters Honor Canadian Group" is a short news report from the "Harvard Crimson", Harvard's student newspaper, from May 10, 1993.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Transcript: "Speed Freaks" - Classic Rock, July 2002

'Vapor Trails' was released 10 years ago today, and here is one transcript you definitely want to take the time to enjoy. Shortly after the release of the album and before the start of the subsequent tour, Rush was the focus of the extensive feature story "Speed Freaks" in the July 2002 issue of "Classic Rock" magazine. This is a great read, recounting how Geddy and Alex sat down and literally listened to the entire catalog to prepare the Vapor Trails setlist, it includes many of their thoughts on albums and/or songs from the back catalog, and goes on to recount the history of Rush, including all the highs, and lows. - Dave Ward, thanks for the transcript, wherever you may be!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Transcript: "Inside Rush's Moving Pictures" - Music Express, January 1981

Another great read, and this one a rare Moving Pictures cover feature. Published just before the release of the album "Inside Rush's Moving Pictures" - Music Express, January 1981, is a rare look at Rush just before their popularity exploded a few months later. Geddy talks about how their second live album, originally planned for release after Permanent Waves, was put on the back burner as "sometime last spring we found our jams at sound checks were suddenly getting very interesting". - Thanks to John Patuto for the transcript!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Transcript: "What A Rush" - Toronto Star, May 11, 2002

Ten years ago today the story "What A Rush" appeared in the Toronto Star, three days before the release of Vapor Trails. Chronicling the excitement over the album's release, included are bits of interviews with Geddy Lee, Donna Halper and RushCon's Phred Wyrrd.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Transcript: "Hockey Anthem A Rush" - Toronto Star, January 14, 2010

As the Stanley Cup playoffs are currently underway, I thought I'd pass this along. Back in late 2009 Neil Peart recorded a revamped "Hockey Theme" for Canada's TSN network. In "Hockey Anthem A Rush" - Toronto Star, January 14, 2010, Neil tells of the months of preparation that he put into the one minute long extravaganza, and also includes an interesting discussion comparing athletes and drummers.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Transcript: "Vapor Trails" (Review) - Guitar World, June 2002

I'm amazed at how quickly the last 10 years have flown by; Vapor Trails is nearing its 10th Anniversary. Looking back, do you agree with this Vapor Trails review from the June 2002 issue of Guitar World?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Transcript: "Revenge Of The Nerds" - Mojo, June 2012

Last week, the latest issue of Mojo hit newsstands, with an 8 page feature on Rush: "Revenge Of The Nerds" is a 40 year retrospective on the band from the early days up to the release of Clockwork Angels. - Thanks to John Patuto for the transcript!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Transcript: "Angels Are Go!" - PROG, April 2012

The April 2012 issue of Classic Rock Presents PROG is now available, and includes the two page story "Angels Are Go!".  The article shares for the first time additional Clockwork Angels track details.  Thanks Reed Lover for the original article!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Transcript: "Closer To The Art" (Chronicles DVD Review) - Classic Rock, July 2004

On this day in 2004, the Chronicles DVD was finally released in Europe, a full three years after its release in North America. "Closer To The Art" is a review of the DVD from the July 2004 issue of Classic Rock magazine by none other than Geoff Barton. If you have the DVD, then you'll likely agree that Barton's review pretty much hits the nail on the head...

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Transcript: "Geddy Lee of Rush: Driven" - The Island Ear, November, 1996

"Geddy Lee of Rush: Driven" - The Island Ear, November, 1996, is a bittersweet interview with Geddy Lee where he talks of the rejuvenation of the band 9 months before tragedy stuck... - Thanks to John Patuto for the transcript.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Transcript: "Snakes Alive! - Classic Rock, June 2007"

Happy Birthday Snakes & Arrows! Today is the fifth anniversary of the album's release - I'm amazed at how time has flown by. Here is the album's review from the June 2007 issue of Classic Rock magazine: "Snakes Alive!" is written by none other than Geoff Barton who you might remember as a the 'Sounds' correspondent who jumped the Rush ship with the release of Hemispheres, an album he could never come to terms with. In fact, in this review for Snakes he states "...The Main Monkey Business is closest in spirit to La Villa Strangiato (the nonvocal offering on 1978's Hemispheres) with its elaborate-but-heavyweight approach." Heavyweight? Overall, however, its a very positive review, and it is nice to know Barton eventually returned to the fold.
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