Monday, December 31, 2012

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Transcript: "Rush In Rio: First-Ever Concert DVD To Be Released Early This Fall" -, May 22, 2003

Back in 2003, Rush fans were starving for Rush on DVD. At that time, the only official DVD was the Chronicles video collection, as the first three concert films has yet to be released on DVD. Accordingly, it was great news with announced "Rush In Rio: First-Ever Concert DVD To Be Released Early This Fall" on May 22, 2003. - Thanks to Jordan Finkelstein for sharing the original transcript!

Friday, December 21, 2012

2112 Sighting In Citibank "Airport" Ipad App Commercial

Since it is 21-12-12, I thought I'd pass along this Rush 2112 sighting which reader David Loschiavo recently brought to my attention. In this 2011 commercial for Citibank's iPad app, an airport's "departures" list shows flight "2112" leaving for Toronto. At first glance, this might seem coincidental, until you notice flight "5150" leaving for Los Angeles (home to Van Halen). I wouldn't be surprised if there are other music references included on the screen as well!

Transcript: "Rush Rock Sound Crisp And Strong" - Ottawa Citizen, May 30, 1974

To celebrate Rush Day, I've transcribed the earliest known Rush press that has ever surfaced; this is nearly 39 years old!  "Rush Rock Sound Crisp And Strong", is a review of the original MOON release of Rush's debut album, as reviewed by the Ottawa Citizen, May 30, 1974.  Included is the summation "Rush are definitely brash and unseasoned around the edges but the hard core potential - the willingness to let the notes fall where they may and stand proud - is exciting."  I couldn't agree more. - Thanks to Mark Rosenthal for the original article.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Transcript: "The Alex Lifeson Interview - The Snowdog Raps with CyberSteve" - A Show Of Fans, Winter 1996

Here is my first transcript addition from the fanzine "A Show Of Fans": "The Alex Lifeson Interview - The Snowdog Raps with CyberSteve" is an in-depth interview with Alex by Steve Streeter given 17 years ago in the Winter 1996 issue. This is a rare interview as the focus is on "Victor". Alex talks about working with his son Adrian, his wife Charlene and her friend Esther, Lisa Dalbello, Bill Bell, Edwin, Les Claypool, and more. Included are his comments on the complete coincidence in the similarity between Dalbello's performance and an early Geddy Lee, playing with The Dexters at the Orbit Room, how it was because of Primus that Rush performed "Hemispheres: Prelude" on the Counterparts tour, and how the plans to do a Twentieth Anniversary tour were shelved in order to work on new music (Test For Echo). - Thanks again to Mark Rosenthal for the original article.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Transcript: "Living In The Limelight" - Guitar World, November 1996

Published shortly after the release of "Test For Echo", although they were not featured on the cover, the November 1996 issue of "Guitar World" heavily featured Rush. Here is the main feature story, "Living In The Limelight: Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson And Neil Peart Look Back At Rush's Long, Illustrious Career". I should point that Neil is not featured in this article; his contribution was in the sidebar "A Peart Response" which I previously posted online and is included in the above link. In addition, this magazine included the previously posted "Time And Motion: Alex Lifeson Dissects Several Key Songs From Rush's Past". - Thanks to Mark Rosenthal for the original article!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Transcript: "Rush: Band of the Year?" - Classic Rock, January 2013

The current issue of the UK's Classic Rock magazine features "The Best Of 2012". The magazine is running with five different cover photos including RUSH, including the cover story "Rush: Band of the Year?". - Thanks to John at for the transcript!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Transcript: "Rush Go To Rio For DVD; New Hits Package Also In Stores" -, February 13, 2003

From February 13, 2003, just before the release of The Spirit of Radio Greatest Hits, published "Rush Go To Rio For DVD; New Hits Package Also In Stores". Included in this short blast is the news that at that time Rush were considering including some of the Toronto "Test For Echo" tour footage on the forthcoming Rush In Rio DVD. - Thanks to Jordan Finkelstein for sharing the transcript!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Transcript: "Rush - Why This Band Is Still Around" - Network, February/March 1992

"Rush - Why This Band Is Still Around" - Network, February/March 1992, is an interview with Neil Peart by Dave Bidini of the Rheostatics.  Neil gives his thoughts on how Rush had been able to stay together so long (and this was written 20 years ago!...), and also tells how one day he realized how fate had steered the band's career and developed those thoughts into Roll The Bones.  It is worth noting that two months after this interview was published, Neil would record with the Rheos for their album Whale Music. - Thanks to Mark Rosenthal for the original article!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Rush Sighting on The Big Bang Theory, December 2010

Here's a pseudo-Rush reference from back on December 9, 2010.  During the episode "The Alien Parasite Hypothesis" (season 4, episode 10), Sheldon Cooper says "The best number is 73. 73 is the 21st prime number. Its mirror, 37, is the 12th, and its mirror, 21, is the product of multiplying - hang on to your hats - 7 and 3. In binary, 73 is a palindrome: 1001001, which backwards is 1001001. Exactly the same." - Thanks to James McKay for the headsup!
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