Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Transcript: "Rush To Call It A Day?" - Classic Rock, April 2003

Ten years ago today, Rush were inducted into the Canadian Music Industry Hall Of Fame. After the ceremony, Alex Lifeson made a few comments foretelling events which thankfully never came to pass which had Rush fans running scared, as reported in "Rush To Call It A Day?", a short interview with Alex from the April 2003 issue of Classic Rock magazine.  He also mentions that parts of the Toronto Test For Echo tour footage from June '97 were being considered for inclusion on Rush In Rio.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Transcript: "Rush Recognized With Order Of Canada As They Prepare To Test For Echo" - SRO Management Press Release, May 1996

16 years ago today, Lee Lifeson and Peart received the esteemed 'Order Of Canada', the highest civilian award from the Canadian government, for 'significant achievement in important fields of human endeavor'.  Ten months before their official induction ceremony, "Rush Recognized With Order Of Canada As They Prepare To Test For Echo" was a press release by SRO from May 1996, which also served as an announcement of the start of the Test For Echo tour, and includes some classic comments by Neil and Alex.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Transcript: "Twist Of Fate" - Music Express, November 1991

"Twist Of Fate" is a feature interview with Geddy Lee  from the November 1991 issue of Music Express  where he talks about the success of Roll The Bones, the rebirth of the band during the Presto sessions, and an optimistic look towards the future. - Thanks to Mark Rosenthal for the original article!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Monday, February 18, 2013

Transcript: "Gearing Up For The Road" - DW Edge, Issue #10

Here is the transcript of "Gearing Up For The Road" by Neil Peart from the new issue of DW's Edge magazine (Issue #10). Neil talks about his workouts before the tour, first in the gym, and then on the drums. He also explains why there were alternate setlists on the tour, and why he performed two shorter drum solos versus the usual long one.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Transcript: "Geddy Up" - Guitar & Bass, August 2012

Many Clockwork Angels magazine feature stories are available in the Transcript Archive, and thanks to Heiko Klages for providing one more! "Geddy Up" is from the August 2012 issue of the UK"s "Guitar & Bass" magazine.  Featuring an interview with Geddy Lee, he walks us through the recording of Clockwork Angels and also talks about his basses from the past through today. Included is a sidebar which discusses his gear setup both in the studio and on stage.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Transcript: "Rush: Tom Sawyer" - Classic Rock, March 2011

"Tom Sawyer", Classic Rock, March 2011, is a short feature on the song which would be performed on the Time Machine tour as part of Moving Pictures (originally released 32 years ago today). Alex Lifeson discusses how the song developed, where and when it was recorded, and the band's relationship with the song's co-writer, Max Webster lyricist Pye Dubois: "Pye was a little mysterious - kind of a strange fellow! He was very quirky, a bit of a nut, but he did write great lyrics."

Monday, February 11, 2013

Transcript: "Rush Job" - Classic Rock, June 2003

Ten years ago today The Spirit of Radio Greatest Hits was released, the first single disk Rush compilation encompassing 1974-1987. Check out this excellent review, "Rush Job", from the June 2003 issue of Classic Rock magazine.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Transcript: "Grammy For Rush? There's Always Hope" - USA Today, January 30, 2009

The 2013 Grammy Awards will be held this Sunday. Not surprisingly, Rush's Clockwork Angels did not garner any nominations. You can read about the last time Rush was nominated in "Grammy For Rush? There's Always Hope" - USA Today, January 30, 2009. "Hope", from the "Songs for Tibet: The Art of Peace" benefit album, was nominated for a Grammy in 2009; recorded live on the "Snakes & Arrows" tour, the song lost the Grammy to Zappa Plays Zappa's cover of father Frank's "Peaches En Regalia".

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Transcript: "Smart Alex: Alex Lifeson's Mercedes-Benz 380SEC" - Car Stereo Review, January/February 1994

"Smart Alex: Alex Lifeson's Mercedes-Benz 380SEC" is a cover feature...featuring Alex Lifeson's CAR...on the January/Febbruay 1994 issue of Car Stereo Review.  The story is about Alex's car stereo system, which tallied $26,000 U.S. and 360 hours to install! The story also includes a sidebar "A Day In The Lifeson" where Alex gives an update on Counterparts and the 'upcoming' 20th anniversary tour... - Thanks to Monica Davidson for the original article (which is autographed by the way!).

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Transcript: "Last Night A Record Changed My Life" - MOJO, April 2009

Forty-four years ago tonight, on February 2nd, 1969, a 16 year old John Rutsey attended Led Zeppelin's first Toronto concert at The Rock Pile; 1,200 were in attendance, tickets cost $2.50. Not in attendance were Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson, but John raved about it so much that the trio went down to Sam The Record Man, bought the album, and listened to it together track by track...the rest as they say, is history. Geddy tells the story in "Last Night A Record Changed My Life", MOJO, April 2009.
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