Monday, December 30, 2013

Transcript: "Rush Wins Crotchety Old Critic's Respect" - Toronto Sun, February 28, 1986

Here's a new transcript, from the February 28, 1986 issue of the Toronto Star. Written by one of their hometown newspaper critics, the title "Rush Wins Crotchety Old Critic's Respect" is self explanatory. - Thanks to Heiko Klages for the original article.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Transcript: "We Have Always Wanted To Be A Mini-Orchestra" - Sym Info, October 1988

Geddy Lee appeared on the cover of the Netherland's "Sym Info" magazine in October 1988. The accompanying interview, "We Have Always Wanted To Be A Mini-Orchestra", was given the previous May near the end of the Hold Your Fire tour. Topics include the planned live album, "A Show of Hands", fans in Europe versus America, their MIDI sounds, their best and worst concerts ever, and more. Thanks to Alex van Loon for translating the article into English for us!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Desktop Wallpaper Update: Clockwork Angels Tour Deluxe Edition Images

The Rush Backstage Club has released a Clockwork Angels Tour - Limited Edition Deluxe Package featuring additional artwork not found in the basic CD and Video editions. I've just updated the Desktop Wallpaper page adding over 30 new wallpaper images from this release, with thanks to John at for providing the raw scans.  Check them out here.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Transcript: "Rush: Up Close" - Media America Radio, January/February 1994

The latest addition to the Transcript Archive is "Rush: Up Close" a transcript of a 3-hour radio program from Media America Radio that aired in January/February 1994.  Thanks to Ken McWatters, who transcribed the radio program 20 years ago and shared it on the National Midnight Star digest later that spring!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Transcript: "2112 Deluxe Edition (Review)" - Classic Rock, February 2013

The 2112 Deluxe Edition was released one year ago today, and in case you still are unsure whether you want to pick it up, here is a "2112 Deluxe Edition (Review)" from last February's issue of Classic Rock magazine.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Transcript: "Rush - Heavy Metal Standard Bearer" - Record World, May 3, 1980

Rush appeared on the cover of the May 3, 1980 issue of Record World magazine. The cover story "Rush - Heavy Metal Standard Bearer" is a short article detailing the success of "Permanent Waves". - Thanks to Joe Pesch for sending the article!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Transcript: "Back To The Stack: Alex Lifeson Rediscovers The Joy Of Crankin' It Up" - Guitar Shop, Summer 1994

"Back To The Stack: Alex Lifeson Rediscovers The Joy Of Crankin' It Up" - Guitar Shop, Summer 1994, includes Alex's comments on his gear breakdown for the Counterparts album and tour, including moving back from solid state to tubes.  In addition, he shares with us the band's then plans to essentially tour and film a 20th anniversary tour in 1995: "for our next tour that's slated for early-'95, we're planning to do 'An Evening With Rush,' instead of having an opening act. We'll start the show with a set that runs chronologically from 1974 to 1984, then we'll take a short break, and run some film on the history of the band. After that, we'll finish up with another set covering the second decade." - Thanks to John Patuto for the transcript!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Transcript: "Rush Return Home After Lengthy And Rewarding 18-Week U.S. Tour" - Record Week, June 30, 1975

Here's a rare and great new transcript from Fly By Night tour! "Rush Return Home After Lengthy And Rewarding 18-Week U.S. Tour" appeared in the June 30, 1975 issue of Canada's Record Week magazine.  As stated in the article, Rush were about to embark on three week run through Canada before entering the studio in July to record their next album (Caress of Steel).  Includes some interesting notes regarding their lighting and power needs, and Geddy was already making plans for the stage setup on future tours: "We could never get into an elaborate thing on stage with make-up and all, so we'd like to surround ourselves with a show while we take care of the music. Eventually we'd like to get props, too. It could never be the main part, of course. That'll always be the music."

Friday, December 6, 2013

Transcript: "Class Portrait" - Toronto Star, February 28, 1986

My latest transcript is an article from the Power Windows tour, from the February 28, 1986 issue of the Toronto Star. "Class Portrait" is an interview with Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson, where they discuss the band's morphing from the progressive era of the late 70's to the synth-era of the mid-'80s, losing old fans but gaining female fans, the economy of Neil's lyrics, and how Power Windows finally had the right balance between guitar and synth. - Thanks to Heiko Klages for the original article!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Transcript: "RUSHing Around" - Beat Instrumental, July 1979

My latest transcript dates back to the Hemispheres tour. "RUSHing Around" is an interview primarily with Geddy Lee in the July 1979 issue of the UK's Beat Instrumental magazine. The focus of this article is a report on the instrumentation used on stage (i.e. Geddy's Oberheim/Moog "beast") and initial plans for their followup album (Permanent Waves). This article explains why "A Passage To Bangkok" was never performed until the Hemispheres tour...
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