Friday, February 28, 2014

Transcript: "Lasting Integrity" - Los Angeles Times, April 12, 1990

Happy Friday!  Today's transcript addition appeared in the April 12, 1990 issue of the LA Times during the Presto tour. "Lasting Integrity: Rush's Stubborn Individualism Has Paid Off In The Long Run", is an interview with Neil Peart, and is an excellent testament of Rush's integrity over the years, defying convention while crafting intelligent songs, and the ongoing shunning by the critics. - Thanks to Joe Pesch for the article!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Transcript: Alex Lifeson talks to Metal Express Radio, May 23, 2013

Here's an interview with Alex Lifeson from last May while Rush was touring the UK which flew under the radar until now. Alex talks to Mick Burgess of Metal Express Radio about the Clockwork Angels tour, and gives his thoughts on the R42 tour (sadly, doesn't look like The Fountain of Lamneth will be included). - Thanks to RushFanForever for sharing!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Transcript: "Stained Glass" - Kerrang!, October 17-30, 1985

My latest transcript is "Stained Glass", a review of Power Windows from the UK's Kerrang! magazine (issue No. 105, October 17-30, 1985).  The writer admits the album went over his head... First comparing Power Windows in scope to Hemispheres with "this album harks back to their 'Hemispheres' period, my least favourite Rush venture and the time when l largely lost interest in the band", he goes on to write "I've always thought I was pretty much in tune with what they're all about, but this album aims a little over my head and I wonder if Rush haven't somehow lost sight of who they're supposed to be writing for..." Thank god Rush doesn't write for the lowest common denominator...

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Transcript: "DW Builds NHL Logo Kit For Neil Peart's Rendition Of The League's Official Theme Song" -, December 2009

For posterity's sake, I've added "DW Builds NHL Logo Kit For Neil Peart's Rendition Of The League's Official Theme Song" to the Transcript Archive. This is a very short announcement originally posted on's news page in December 2009 to announce the creation of Neil's "Hockey Kit".

Friday, February 21, 2014

Transcript: "Geddy Lee: Entering Different Stages" - Long Island Entertainment, October 1998

Yesterday was the 36th anniversary of the recording of the Hammersmith Odeon show from Different Stages, and as a followup here is a fresh transcript of an exclusive interview with Geddy Lee which appeared in the October 1998 issue of Long Island Entertainment newspaper. "Geddy Lee: Entering Different Stages" is a really great interview, and includes some new tidbits regarding Different Stages, such as the fact that the album was delayed one month from its original release date so that two last minute additions, "The Analog Kid" and "Show Don't Tell", could be added to the album. - Thanks to Joe Pesch for the original article!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Transcript: "Rush Tunes Out Growing Temptation To Go Quartet" - Chicago Tribune, March 20, 1986

My latest transcript, "Rush Tunes Out Growing Temptation To Go Quartet", is from the March 20, 1986 issue of the Chicago Tribune. An interesting article from the Power Windows tour, Neil talks about working with keyboardist Andy Richards to record the album, and using new technologies to sample the sounds live on tour. - Thanks to RushFanForever the article.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Transcript: "Rush Fancast: Different Stages" - SonicNet, November 15, 1998

For your weekend reading enjoyment, here's a treasure from 1998: to promote Different Stages, Geddy and Alex appeared on camera from Atlantic's New York offices in a video chat which was streamed live on Sonicnet. Fans asked questions via text online, and those questions were posed by the host/moderator.  Example Q: What do you think of albums like Caress of Steel...I think its absolute genius.  GEDDY: Well, that guy smokes dope. (laughs).  Rush fan SLynn later transcribed the video fancast, and you can read the full transcript here: "Rush Fancast: Different Stages" - SonicNet, November 15, 1998. - Thanks to Kayla Kreuger McKinney for sending the transcript!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Transcript: "The Albums That Saved PROG: 'Signals'" - PROG #43, February 2014

Last weekend I let you know that the new issue (#47) of PROG magazine includes a feature on Signals, and I have transcribed it for your reading pleasure. "The Albums That Saved PROG: 'Signals'" is a new interview with Alex Lifeson, where he talks about the band's decision to make a change after the success of Moving Pictures, the difficulty in making Signals, his frustration with the album's guitar mix, the eventual dismissal of Terry Brown, and more. - Thanks to Reed Lover for sending the original article!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Transcript: "Moving Pictures World Premiere" - CHUM-FM, February 11, 1981

Moving Pictures was released 33 years ago today, and to celebrate I have added a transcript of the "Moving Pictures World Premiere", Geddy Lee on Toronto's CHUM-FM, which aired February 11, 1981. Running through the songs one by one, Geddy sheds his insights on Moving Pictures, recording in digital, and the then-shelved 1980 live album: "when we went over to Britain, we recorded about ten dates so we've got about 50 reels of tape sitting around somewhere". He and the interviewer are drinking Dom Perignon and it appears that after awhile, Geddy gets irritated by the interviewer's interruptions.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Transcript: "Rush Looks Forward, Back" - Billboard, January 31, 2003

Rush's best selling greatest hits compilation, "The Spirit of Radio - Greatest Hits (1974-1987)" was released on this day in 2003. Here's a new addition to the transcript archive: ""Rush Looks Forward, Back" is a short announcement that appeared on Billboard's news page on January 31, 2003, first breaking news of the greatest hits' release, as well as the news that Rush was working on their first concert DVD tentatively to be named "Rush In Rio".

Friday, February 7, 2014

Transcript: "Exit Stage Left - Deborah Samuel Interview" - Durston Photography, November 9, 2012

Rush's album art has always been of particular interest to me. In fact, that was what inspired the creation of my website in the first place. The latest addition to the Rush Transcript Archive is unique in that it provides details on some of Rush's most recognizable album art. Two years ago, photographer Rob Durston interviewed fellow photographer Deborah Samuel for his blog, and that interview never surfaced in Rush circles until this week. Ms. Samuel served as photographer for art director Hugh Syme on four of Rush's album covers, and in "Exit Stage Left - Deborah Samuel Interview", she provides many first hand details of the production of the album covers for Permanent Waves, Moving Pictures, Exit Stage Left and Signals, such as the wardrobe of the Permanent Waves girl, getting the dog on the Signals cover to sniff, etc, as well as details on her work after Rush. - Thanks Darren for the headsup!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Transcript: "'We Have Always Wanted To Be A Mini-Orchestra', An Interview With Geddy Lee" - Sym Info, October 1988

My latest addition to the Rush Transcript Archive comes courtesy of reader Alex Van Loon of The Netherlands. Geddy Lee appeared on the cover of the October 1988 issue of the Dutch magazine Sym Info, and Alex has provided the translation for us. In "'We Have Always Wanted To Be A Mini-Orchestra', An Interview With Geddy Lee", an exhausted Geddy is interviewed backstage at Rotterdam's Ahoy Sportpaleis in May 1988 on the final week of the Hold Your Fire tour. Topics include triggering sound effects on stage, pros and cons of touring, and Rush's best and worst shows ever. And in my mind, he also predicts the Grunge movement...
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