Monday, June 30, 2014

Transcript: "Singing Bass" - Guitar For The Practicing Musician, March 1984

I have just transcribed "Singing Bass: Geddy Lee Is One Of The Reasons Everything Is Coming Up Sevens These Days For Rush", an interview with Geddy given backstage at Radio City Music Hall during the band's Grace Under Pressure warm up tour, aka the Five Night Stand (September 18-23, 1983). The interview ran in the March 1984 issue of Guitar For The Practicing Musician, just  before the album's release. Topics include the Boys Brigade album which Geddy produced, Rush's use of the latest technology, his three basses (Ricky/Fender/Steinberger), how he taught himself the bass, and how they go about songwriting.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Transcript: "All The World's A Stage Press Kit" - Mercury Records, 1976

Today's transcript is the "All The World's A Stage Press Kit" published by Mercury Records, 1976. This is the brief bio sheet which was sent with promotional copies of the album. What is interesting is that this press release is very specific in stating that the Mercury release of Rush's debut album was four days before Rush's first U.S. show of the debut tour. We know that show was August 14th, 1974, which leads to a release date of August 10, 1974. This is closest "official" data I have ever found regarding that album's release date.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Transcript: "Lifeson Times" - Guitarist, March 1999

This past Saturday marked the 17th anniversary of Rush's performance at Chicago's World Amphitheater on the Test For Echo tour.  That night's recording would make up the lion's share of Different Stages.  To mark the event, I have transcribed an article from the March 1999 issue of the UK's Guitarist magazine.  "Lifeson Times" is an extensive interview with Alex Lifeson for the release of Different Stages where he talks about the album, the Chicago show, and more. - Thanks to Joe Pesch for the original article!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Transcript: "Clockwork Angels: Lifeson, Lee And Peart Reconnect With Their Prog, Power Trio Genius" - Guitarist, August 2012

Has it already been two years?! Clockwork Angels was released two years ago today!  From the August 2012 issue of the UK's Guitarist magazine, here's a new transcript to take you back..."Clockwork Angels: Lifeson, Lee And Peart Reconnect With Their Prog, Power Trio Genius". Still...simply an amazing album.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Transcript: "Artist Profile: Rush" - RPM Weekly, December 29, 1973

My latest transcript is now THE OLDEST transcript to be found in the Archive. From the December 29, 1973 issue of Canada's RPM magazine, "Artist Profile: Rush" was the world's introduction to a new hard rock band from Toronto who had just released their first single, "Not Fade Away" on Moon Records.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Transcript: "Rushing About" - Record Mirror, October 2, 1982

Today's transcript addition, "Rushing About", from the October 2, 1982 issue of Record Mirror, is a brief article published shortly after the release of Signals, commenting on Rush's touring practices in the UK. According to this, it cost them $20,000 just to ship their equipment to the UK, rather than rent comparable equipment while there.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Transcript: "Neil Peart: Just A Few Years Ago We Were A Pariah, An Outcast Dinosaur, A Bunch Of Weirdos" - Sym Info, June 1992

Imagine if Nirvana had opened for Rush on the Roll The Bones tour! If Neil Peart had had his way, that is exactly what would have happened. Neil appeared on the cover of the June 1992 issue of the Dutch magazine Sym Info and this and many other very interesting comments are discussed in the cover story "Neil Peart: Just A Few Years Ago We Were A Pariah, An Outcast Dinosaur, A Bunch Of Weirdos". The article was transcribed into English by Alex Van Loon, and I've done a little bit of touch up.
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