Thursday, July 31, 2014

Transcript: "Kid Rock, Femmes, And Rush On 'South Park' Film Soundtrack" -, June 10, 1999

My latest Transcript Archive addition is "Kid Rock, Femmes, And Rush On 'South Park' Film Soundtrack" posted on, June 10, 1999. A brief announcement, it confirms the album's release date on June 22, and the film release of June 30th.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Transcript: "Pressure Points" - Kerrang!, March 1986

My latest transcript is from the March 1986 issue of UK's Kerrang! magazine; "Pressure Points" is an article which briefly, yet poetically, recounts Rush's then 12 year history since the release of their debut album through Power Windows, and all the changes put forth over that time period.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Transcript: "Hemispheres: Shattered By Latest Rush Opus" - Music Express, December 1978

From the Hemispheres tour, check out "Hemispheres: Shattered By Latest Rush Opus" from the December 1978 issue of Canada's Music Express magazine. Neil talks about the difficulty in writing writing book two of Cygnus X-1 as well as the rest of Hemispheres, the difficulty in recording the album, and the surprise in the success of 2112.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Desktop Wallpaper Update: Clockwork Angels Tourbook 2013 Edition Images

Well, it took a year, but I have finally added images from the 2013 edition of the Clockwork Angels tourbook to the Desktop Wallpaper page.  These are photos which were taken during the 2012 leg of the Clockwork Angels tour.  In total, there are 13 new images which were exclusive to the 2013 tourbook, modified for use as desktop wallpaper.  You can find them here; they are the last entry on this page. - Thanks to John Patuto at for providing the raw tourbook scans!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Transcript "Innerview With Neil Peart" - Innerview, June 11, 1981

Here is another great addition to the archive, another transcription of one of Neil Peart's appearances on Innerview with Jim Ladd. This Innerview was recorded June 11, 1981, while Rush were in L.A. on the Moving Pictures tour. Again candid and relaxed in the company of Jim Ladd, Neil walks us through Moving Pictures, giving some history as well as his thoughts and inspirations on each track.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Transcript: "Toronto's Rush Top Rock Export" - Winnipeg Free Press, December 7, 1977

Here is a new transcript from the December 7, 1977 issue of the Winnipeg Free Press, "Toronto's Rush Top Rock Export" is a succinct history of the band's first five releases, including snippets of an interview with Neil Peart, culminating in their latest release, A Farewell To Kings.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Transcript: "Intense Early Reaction to Rush's Permanent Waves" - RPM Weekly, February 9, 1980

Today's transcript addition is from the February 9th, 1980 issue of Canada's RPM Weekly. Published just one month after the album's release, the article's title "Intense Early Reaction to Rush's Permanent Waves" says it all.
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