Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Transcript: "Rush: Carrying The Prog Rock Torch" - Faces, July 1986

Rush's Power Windows was released 29 years ago today!  My latest transcript addition is an interview with Geddy Lee given the day after the release of Power Windows, although "Rush: Carrying The Prog Rock Torch" didn't appear in print until the following summer, in the July 1986 issue of Faces magazine. Geddy discusses the dark days during the Grace Under Pressure tour when he wasn't sure the band would continue, and how the positive recording experience of Power Windows with Peter Collins had revitalized the band.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Transcript: "A Rush Of Sound!" - Music Canada Quarterly, March 1975

Here's another fresh transcript to celebrate R40!  While the general early history of the band Rush is fairly widely known, many of the specifics have lost focus over time. Here then is an article which contains many of those early details. "A Rush Of Sound!" from the March 1975 issue of Music Canada Quarterly tells us Geddy's favorite courses in high school, that while Geddy and Neil dropped out of high school, Alex was a Grade 12 honor grad (one of his lavish jokes!), and that as has been suspected over time, "there are a number of small rather unsuccessful bar bands playing the U.S. who are also named Rush" (which might explain the ticketstub showing a Rush opening for Genesis in '73!). The writer prophetically states "'Not Fade Away'...for Rush fans this original single will become a collector's item in the years ahead", but does given the false impression that Terry Brown first came into the picture when mixing the debut single (he actually first met them during the production of the debut album).

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Transcript: "Rush Release" - Melody Maker, May 5, 1984

My latest transcript is from the May 5, 1984 issue of UK's Melody Maker magazine.  "Rush Release" is an interview with Geddy Lee which opens with "Rush are in London to shoot videos for a selection of cuts from their new album, 'Grace Under Pressure'." Yeah, this was during MTV's peak. The writer goes on to describe p/g as "Simple Minds meets Led Zeppelin merging into a techno-rock U2," a description which Geddy seems to like.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Transcript: "Spirit Of Rush Reborn" - Toronto Sun, May 6, 2007

The week Snakes & Arrows was released, Geddy Lee appeared on the cover of the Toronto Sun's "ENT" Entertainment supplement. In the feature story "Spirit Of Rush Reborn: Fresh, Back-To-Basics Approach Breathes New Life Into Band", Geddy talks about the keys to making Rush sound "fresh", meeting with Nick Raskulinecz for the first time, and later finding out what a "stealth" Rush fan he really was. - Thanks to John Patuto for the transcript!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Transcript: 'Rush - Heavy Metal Makes For Platinum' - RPM Weekly, March 14, 1981

Rush appeared on the cover of the March 14, 1981 issue of Canada's RPM magazine (Canada's equivalent to Billboard). In the cover story 'Rush - Heavy Metal Makes For Platinum', the author copiously uses material supplied from Neil Peart via the Moving Pictures tourbook, but unfortunately misinterprets the content at the same time.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Transcript: "Burning For Buddy" - Downbeat, November 1994

This past Saturday marked the 20th Anniversary of the release of Burning For Buddy, Vol. I.  My latest transcript is "Burning For Buddy: Seventeen Drummers Tackle Big-Band Charts In Tribute To Buddy Rich" from the November 1994 issue of the drummer's magazine, Downbeat. The article includes comments from Neil Peart and his co-producer Cathy Rich, as well as a few comments from some of the other drummers regarding the project and Buddy Rich. - Thanks to Joe Pesch for the original article!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Transcript: "Geddy Lee on Rockline for Hold Your Fire" - October 5, 1987

The latest and greatest addition to the Transcript Archive is a transcript of Geddy Lee's appearance on Rockline with Bob Coburn which took place 27 years ago tonight, on October 5th, 1987. I remember listening to this one live, and in fact I still have my live cassette recording of this broadcast somewhere.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Transcript: "Alex Lifeson - 10 Questions We Ask Everyone" - Guitarist, Summer 2012

Here's a great new addition to the Transcript Archive, a short Q&A with Alex Lifeson from the Summer 2012 Acoustic issue of Guitarist magazine. Alex answers their "10 Questions We Ask Everyone".
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