Friday, February 27, 2015

Transcript: "Innerview - Geddy Lee" - Innerview with Jim Ladd, February 1983

Happy Friday.  My latest transcript addition is another transcript of the syndicated radio show, "Innerview With Jim Ladd"; this time it was Geddy Lee who talked with Jim, while Rush was in Los Angeles during the Signals tour in February 1983. These Innerviews have lots of great stuff included; in this one Geddy tells us who was the inspiration for the song "Digital Man".

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Transcript: "Joy And Pain, All In A Rush" - Orange County Register, September 25, 2002

My latest transcript is a thoughtful concert review from the Vapor Trails tour: from the Orange Country Register, "Joy And Pain, All In A Rush" documents Rush's first performance at LA's Staples Center in September, 2002.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Transcript: "'The Great Musicians: Neil Peart' and 'Master Plans For Tomorrow's World'" - The History Of Rock, January 1984

For your weekend enjoyment, my latest transcript addition is an extensive double feature from the January 1984 issue of the UK magazine The History of Rock. This issue includes two Rush features: "The Great Musicians: Neil Peart" written by Chris Welch, and "Master Plans For Tomorrow's World" by Brian Harrigan (who was previously press officer for Rush in the UK and wrote the first Rush biography in 1982).

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Transcript: 'Rush's Music Is Never Dry' - Stanford Daily, February 16, 1989

Published 26 years ago this week, my latest transcript is 'Rush's Music Is Never Dry' from the February 16, 1989 issue of the Stanford Daily. A review of A Show of Hands, the article includes a killer drawing of the band live, and the writer is obviously a fan, who points out with tongue in cheek "Lifeson and Lee recruited Neil Peart, who would soon become the world's greatest (no, none of this 'one of the greatest...' pussyfooting around, THE GREATEST) drummer. Yes, even better than Sheila E." - Thanks to John Harrison for sending the original article!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Transcript: "Rush To Glory: Pleasing Most Of The People All Of The Time" - Hit Parader, April 1981

Moving Pictures was released on this day in 1981, and to celebrate I've transcribed "Rush To Glory: Pleasing Most Of The People All Of The Time" from the April, 1981 issue of Hit Parader. All three members of Rush are interviewed, beginning with an annoyed Alex Lifeson, who was upset as they were on tour supporting the multi-platinum Moving Pictures, yet "...I read somewhere about how Rush is too complex for their own good, or how pompous we are, I'll tell you, stuff like that can get to you after a while. We're in the business of pleasing people with our music, and it can get awful annoying when some people refuse to accept what you're trying to do." Also, Neil describes how the band shrugged off pressure to release a live album followup to Permanent Waves.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Transcript: "Peart Takes Centre Stage" - Rhythm, November 2011

From the November 2011 issue of Rhythm magazine, I've transcribed "Peart Takes Centre Stage", a brief interview with Neil regarding his last instructional DVD, including his thoughts on filming in Death Valley.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Transcript: 'Sweet Miracles!' - BW&BK, July 2002

For your weekend enjoyment I have added a transcript of "Sweet Miracles!", an extensive interview with Alex Lifeson which appeared in the July 2002 issue of Brave Words & Bloody Knuckles magazine. Big Al talks at length about the process of writing and recording Vapor Trails, Neil's tragedies, and their plans for the followup tour.
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