Saturday, March 28, 2015

Transcript: "Rush Rocks On By Following An Old Formula" - Detroit Free Press, March 28, 1986

29 years ago tonight, Rush's played Detroit's Joe Louis Arena on the Power Windows tour.  On that same day my latest transcript, "Rush Rocks On By Following An Old Formula", appeared in the Detroit Free Press.  A long lost interview with Geddy Lee, he talks about what new offerings the band included on Power Windows, and also discusses the band's longevity, a topic I always find ironic in interviews published nearly 30 years ago! - Thanks to Joe Pesch for providing the original article!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Transcript: 'Roll The Grammy' - Toronto Star, January 10, 1992

Here's a new transcript, which is short and kind of sad... 'Roll The Grammy' is a very rare press announcement of a Rush song ("Where's My Thing?"), being nominated for a Grammy, from the January 10, 1992 issue of the Toronto Star.  [The Grammy winner was "Cliffs of Dover" by Eric Johnson, from Ah Via Musicom.]

Monday, March 23, 2015

Transcript: 'The Road Less Traveled: A Conversation With Neil Peart Of Rush' - Metro Weekend, October 17, 1996

Over the weekend I transcribed 'The Road Less Traveled: A Conversation With Neil Peart Of Rush' from the October 17, 1996 issue of Buffalo NY's "Metro Weekend" newspaper.  Featuring Rush on the cover (they played Buffalo's Marine Midland Arena that weekend), Neil deconstructs the meaning behind many songs on Test For Echo and elsewhere in the Rush catalog. - Thanks to Joe Pesch for sending the original article!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Transcript: "Grace Under Pressure Proves Canadian Trio Remain Masters Of Eclectic Metal" - Hit Parader, October 1984

My latest transcript is from the October 1984 issue of Hit Parader magazine. In "Grace Under Pressure Proves Canadian Trio Remain Masters Of Eclectic Metal", Alex, Geddy and Neil are interviewed backstage on the Grace Under Pressure tour. Topics include achieving success on their own terms and their continued growth.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Transcript: 'Rush Returns To Guitar Roots For Aggressive New Album' - Network, November 1996

Thanks to Joe Pesch for providing the killer cover of the November 1996 issue of Sam The Record Man's Network magazine featuring RUSH! The feature story 'Rush Returns To Guitar Roots For Aggressive New Album' includes an interview with Geddy Lee were he discusses their newest work, Test for Echo.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Transcript: "It's Back To The Future For Rush On Their 20th Album" - Classic Rock, January 2012

From the January 2012 issue of Classic Rock magazine, I've transcribed "It's Back To The Future For Rush On Their 20th Album: That Means Mad Concepts, Epic Songs And Talk Of Time Machines". This is an interview with Geddy Lee given after the Time Machine Tour, just before the band were about to enter the studio to the final five tracks for Clockwork Angels!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Transcript: 'Rush Happily Dwarfed By Its Own Technology' - Toronto Star, March 8, 1988

27 years ago today, Rush performed the first of two nights at Toronto's Maple Leaf Gardens on the Hold Your Fire tour.  My latest transcript is a less than positive hometown concert review from the March 8, 1988 edition of the Toronto Star; in 'Rush Happily Dwarfed By Its Own Technology', critic Craig MacInnis obviously doesn't get it, and makes no bones that he is not a fan of Rush who he says is "full of itself". - Thanks to Heiko Klages for providing the original news clipping.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Transcript: "Rush Fact Sheet" - Mercury Records, January 8, 1980

Today's transcript edition is a short one; from the Permanent Waves Press Kit, here is the "Rush Fact Sheet", the 1980 edition. This is a basic timeline of the history of the band and includes milestones from 1974 through 1980.
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