Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Transcript: 'Gold Is The Color Of Rush's Metal' - Toronto Star, October 19, 1993

Published by the Toronto Star on October 19, 1993, the day Counterparts was released, I've just transcribed 'Gold Is The Color Of Rush's Metal'. Including a brief interview with Neil Peart where he discusses the inspirations behind the music, the article notes that the album was "shipping gold simultaneously in both Canada and the U.S. - 50,000 units here, 500,000 down there", likely the last Rush album to ship gold.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Transcript: 'Lee Takes Off Solo: Unexpected Hiatus Pushed Rush Veteran To Make Album' - Montreal Gazette, November 30, 2000

My latest transcript is 'Lee Takes Off Solo: Unexpected Hiatus Pushed Rush Veteran To Make Album' from the November 30, 2000 issue of the Montreal Gazette. The article includes a brief history of what was going on with Rush at that time, before interviewing Geddy about his solo album. Of note is Geddy's comment "In all honesty, we started writing in hopes of creating some sort of production company together, where we could write songs for other people..."
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