Monday, March 19, 2018

New Transcript: 'One More Little Victory: After Several Life-Altering Setbacks, Rush Ends Its Six-Year Hiatus' - Vancouver Sun, August 31, 2002

A new addition to my Transcript Archive, here's an article you may remember. Back in 2002, when discussing the Eagles reunion in the Vancouver Sun, Don Henley dissed Rush as "yuck." When Rush came through town later that year, Geddy was asked about it and didn't hold back. You can read about it and more in 'One More Little Victory: After Several Life-Altering Setbacks, Rush Ends Its Six-Year Hiatus' from August 31, 2002". - Thanks to RushFanForever for sending!

Friday, March 16, 2018

Updated ''Pedals Over The Pyrenees: Or Spain And Spokes And Trains' by Neil Peart' from Power Windows

An expansion to the transcript of Neil Peart's Pedals Over The Pyrenees... It's been 12 years since I first shared Chapter 1 of Neil's privately published travelogue, ''Pedals Over The Pyrenees: Or Spain And Spokes And Trains', transcribed by Geddy On Dime. Now, John Patuto at has expanded the transcript for us, by adding chapters 2 - 4. Check out chapters 1 - 4 here. - Thanks for John Patuto at for sharing!

Monday, March 5, 2018

Transcript: 'Rush Hour (A Farewell To Kings 40th Anniversary Review)' - Stereophile, March 2018

I just transcribed a review of the A Farewell To Kings 40th Anniversary reissue, from the current (March) issue of Stereophile magazine. It includes a few new comments from Terry Brown interviewed just for this review. Check it out here. - Thanks to T. Rivere for the original article.
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