Friday, December 6, 2019

Transcript: "You Can Judge An Album By Its Cover, Says Rush Band Member" - Indy Star, August 9, 2002

Check out this find, "You Can Judge An Album By Its Cover, Says Rush Band Member", a Q&A with Geddy Lee from the August 9, 2002 edition of the Indy Star. It's a unique interview as Geddy discusses the album cover, not a frequent topic in Rush interviews. - Thanks to RushFanForever for unearthing the article!

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Transcript: Alex Lifeson 'Victor' Press Release, January 1996

Released 24 years ago this coming January, I've just transcribed the Atlantic-Records Press Release for Alex Lifeson's 'Victor' project, which features a Q&A with Alex. Still holding out for Victor 2! - Thanks to Joe Pesch for sharing the press kit!

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Transcript: Neil Peart's foreword to "The History of Canadian Rock 'N' Roll" by Bob Mersereau

Published in early 2015, "The History of Canadian Rock 'N' Roll" by Bob Mersereau presents a streamlined, informative trip through the country's rich history and depth of talent, from the 1950s to today, covering such topics as: Toronto's club scene, the folk rock and psychedelic rock of the 1960s, Canadian artists who hit major stardom in the United States, the challenges and reform of the Canadian broadcasting system, the huge hits of the 1970s, Canadian artists' presence all over the pop charts in the 1990s, and Canada's indie-rock renaissance of the 2000s.  The book's foreword was written by none other than Neil Peart, and you can check it out here. - Thanks to RushFanForever for sharing the transcript!

Friday, October 25, 2019

Transcript: Geddy Lee's foreword to "The Flyer Vault" by Daniel Tate and Rob Bowman

Coming later next month, 'The Flyer Vault: 150 Years of Toronto Concert History' [] by Daniel Tate and Rob Bowman, covers 150 years of Toronto concerts.  The book's foreword was written by none other than Geddy Lee, and you can check it out here. - Thanks to RushFanForever for sharing the transcript!

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Transcript: "Geddy Lee: The Soundtrack Of My Life" - Classic Rock, April 2019

Last spring Geddy Lee appeared in "The Soundtrack Of My Life" feature of issue #261 of Classic Rock magazine.  Freshly transcribed for your viewing pleasure, Geddy Lee talks about "The Records, Artists And Gigs That Are Of Lasting Significance To Him."  check it out now.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Transcript: "Natural Science - New World Man - Mystic Rhythms" - Planet Rock, April 2019

Rush appeared on the cover of this past April's issue of Planet Rock magazine. For your weekend enjoyment, check out the three feature stories. "Natural Science tells the story of the making of Permanent Waves and Moving Pictures, while "New World Man" is an all new interview with Alex Lifeson, where he looks back on his days with Rush, and also addresses the possibility of a future solo album. - Thanks to John Patuto for sharing the transcript!

Friday, July 26, 2019

Transcript: "Rush: 30th Anniversary Tour" - Professional Lighting And Production, Fall 2004

Can you believe it, the R30 tour took place 15 years ago this summer?! Look back on the tour with this fresh transcript of "Rush: 30th Anniversary Tour; One of Canada's legendary bands celebrates 30 years of success with a world tour designed by Howard Ungerleider" from the Fall 2004 issue of Professional Lighting And Production magazine. - Thanks to John Patuto for sharing the transcript!

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Transcript: Time Machine 2011: Live In Cleveland Vinyl Edition Essay by Ray Wawrzyniak

The vinyl edition of Time Machine 2011: Live In Cleveland was released on June 7, and once again Ray Wawrzyniak has penned an all new essay to accompany the reissue.  You can check out the linernotes here. - Thanks to Ray W for providing the essay, and for John Patuto for help transcribing!

Friday, May 24, 2019

Transcript: Geddy Lee: Bass Conservatorr, Vintage Guitar, March 2019

Geddy Lee appeared on the cover of the March edition of Vintage Guitar magazine for the feature story "Geddy Lee: Bass Conservator". Check it out here, and thanks again to John Patuto for sharing his transcript!

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Transcript: Geddy Lee: What a Rush!, Bass Guitar (UK), April 2011

Here's an old cover feature that was recently discovered - Geddy Lee appeared on the cover of the UK's Bass Guitar magazine back in April 2011, and in the accompanying article he talks about the Rickenbacker 4001 bass. A great article, Geddy clearly explains what he loves about that bass, and why he switched to the Fender Jazz... - Thanks to John at for sharing the transcript!

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Rush in Rio Vinyl Edition Desktop Wallpaper Images

Earlier this year, RUSH​ released the 4LP 180 Gram Vinyl edition of Rush In Rio ( I recently shared the vinyl edition linernotes essay written by Ray Wawrzyniak. Now, I have fourteen new desktop wallpaper images exclusive to vinyl edition to share with you. Both the essay and the new wallpaper images are on my Rush in Rio page. - Thanks to John at for sharing his images!

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Transcript: "An Exercise in Self-Indulgence" - "Beauty & The Bass" - "Geddy Lee's Big Beautiful Book Of Bass Review" - PROG, December 2018

Back in December, Rush was featured on the cover of PROG magazine as part of their look at the 40th Anniversary release.  Geddy is interviewed for the cover feature "An Exercise in Self-Indulgence", as well for the followup interview about his basses in "Beauty & The Bass".  The transcript concludes with a review of "Geddy Lee's Big Beautiful Book Of Bass".  Check it all out here, and thanks once again to John at for sharing the transcript!

Friday, March 8, 2019

Dale Head and The Mindwinder's cover of "New World Man"

Here's a recent cover for you to check out, just added to the Rush Covers and Tributes page. "New World Man" performed by jazz band Dale Head and The Mindwinder on Swing on the Rocks, released last July.
"Swing on the Rocks expands the Great American Songbook with 14 classic rock songs re-imagined in an innovative big band format. Swing on the Rocks explores 'soundscapes' in a nod back to the progressive rock of the 1970s...On Swing on the Rocks, Dale is surrounded by an 18-piece big band style orchestra that features amazing guitar solos and the impressive stylings of Paul Shaffer (of the CBS Orchestra on Late Night with Dave Letterman) on the Hammond B3 organ throughout, creating a riveting roller coaster of a musical ride." - 
- Thanks to Rien Jansens for the headsup!

Monday, February 25, 2019

Transcript: Rush In Rio Vinyl Edition Essay by Ray Wawrzyniak

My latest transcript is now available for your reading enjoyment, the liner notes essay from the all new Rush In Rio 4 LP vinyl edition written by Ray Wawrzyniak.

Ray takes us back to that night and the historic setlist from the Vapor Trails tour.  Check out the liner notes here

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