Friday, March 8, 2019

Dale Head and The Mindwinder's cover of "New World Man"

Here's a recent cover for you to check out, just added to the Rush Covers and Tributes page. "New World Man" performed by jazz band Dale Head and The Mindwinder on Swing on the Rocks, released last July.
"Swing on the Rocks expands the Great American Songbook with 14 classic rock songs re-imagined in an innovative big band format. Swing on the Rocks explores 'soundscapes' in a nod back to the progressive rock of the 1970s...On Swing on the Rocks, Dale is surrounded by an 18-piece big band style orchestra that features amazing guitar solos and the impressive stylings of Paul Shaffer (of the CBS Orchestra on Late Night with Dave Letterman) on the Hammond B3 organ throughout, creating a riveting roller coaster of a musical ride." - 
- Thanks to Rien Jansens for the headsup!
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