Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Transcript: Geddy Lee: What a Rush!, Bass Guitar (UK), April 2011

Here's an old cover feature that was recently discovered - Geddy Lee appeared on the cover of the UK's Bass Guitar magazine back in April 2011, and in the accompanying article he talks about the Rickenbacker 4001 bass. A great article, Geddy clearly explains what he loves about that bass, and why he switched to the Fender Jazz... - Thanks to John at Cygnus-X1.net for sharing the transcript!

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Rush in Rio Vinyl Edition Desktop Wallpaper Images

Earlier this year, RUSH​ released the 4LP 180 Gram Vinyl edition of Rush In Rio (https://amzn.to/2Dy6IJ8). I recently shared the vinyl edition linernotes essay written by Ray Wawrzyniak. Now, I have fourteen new desktop wallpaper images exclusive to vinyl edition to share with you. Both the essay and the new wallpaper images are on my Rush in Rio page. - Thanks to John at Cygnus-X1.net for sharing his images!

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Transcript: "An Exercise in Self-Indulgence" - "Beauty & The Bass" - "Geddy Lee's Big Beautiful Book Of Bass Review" - PROG, December 2018

Back in December, Rush was featured on the cover of PROG magazine as part of their look at the 40th Anniversary release.  Geddy is interviewed for the cover feature "An Exercise in Self-Indulgence", as well for the followup interview about his basses in "Beauty & The Bass".  The transcript concludes with a review of "Geddy Lee's Big Beautiful Book Of Bass".  Check it all out here, and thanks once again to John at Cygnus-X1.net for sharing the transcript!
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