Monday, March 23, 2020

Transcript: "Band Still Creates Rush 30 Million Discs Later" - Vancouver Sun, March 22, 1990

My latest transcript is a newspaper story that was published in the Vancouver Sun 30 years ago yesterday... In "Band Still Creates Rush 30 Million Discs Later", Alex Lifeson reacts to the growth of Rush fanzines such as "The Spirit of Rush" as well as the growth of 'video music' and late 80's heavy metal. - Thanks to Heiko Klages for providing the original article.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Transcript: "'It Is Kind Of Embarrassing Getting This Attention' Rush Power Charity Drive" - Toronto Globe And Mail, November 15, 1982

Another long lost interview with Neil Peart, "'It Is Kind Of Embarrassing Getting This Attention' Rush Power Charity Drive", from the November 15, 1982 issue of the - Toronto Globe And Mail. In it, Neil is embarrassed by the attention the band was receiving for donating the proceeds of three nights at Maple Leaf Gardens to the United Way. "It is kind of embarrassing getting this attention and trying to explain it. We've done charity things before but always in private. This time, it's being treated like a big thing. It shouldn't be forgotten that everyone else is coming along - including the Gardens and the unions - and aren't getting any credit." - Thanks to RushFanForever for sharing the article.
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