Monday, March 22, 2021

Transcript: "What's The Rush?" - Des Moines Register, October 31, 2002

It's been a while since I transcribed something. Here's an interview with Geddy given late in the Vapor Trails tour with the Des Moines Register, October 31, 2002. In "What's The Rush?", Ged says "We've just been a consistent, hardworking band. It's not a very sexy story, what can I tell you?" - Thanks to SWT for the original article!

Monday, March 8, 2021

Rush Reference in "Goon: Last of the Enforcers"

In the 2017 sequel film Goon: Last of the Enforcers, during the final game Liev Schreiber chirps to his fighting opponent, “Do you like Kim Mitchell? That's what I thought. I bet you don’t like RUSH either you fuckin....." then proceeds to throw down. Check it out in here, starting about 1 minute into the clip... - Thanks to Tod O’Donnell for the headsup!

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Transcript: "Geddy Lee of Rush" - Greenwich Shoppers Helper, November 10, 1987

I have just transcribed "Geddy Lee of Rush", an interview which appeared in the November 10, 1987 issue of the Ohio Greenwich Shoppers Helper.   Geddy addresses the maturity of the band and the music reflected on Hold Your Fire...   "As much as some of our fans would hate to view it like that...we're changing and our music's changing with us." - Thanks to RushFanForever for providing the original article!

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Tourbooks for Rush, Fly By Night and Caress of Steel - new transcripts and wallpaper

Last October, official tourbooks for the Rush 1974, Fly By Night, and Caress of Steel tours were published as the "Missing Tourbooks Collection".  Each tourbook offers many rare photographs as well as three never before seen press reviews written by Raymond Michael for Buffalo's Courier Express.  You can now check out each tourbook by visiting the Rush Bibliography page, or simply visit the Rush, Fly By Night or Caress of Steel discography pages and click on their respective Tourbook tabs.  All photographs are also now available as wallpaper; accessible on each album's Wallpaper tab, or on the main Wallpaper page. - A huge thank you to John Patuto for providing the transcripts and raw scans!

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Transcript: "Rush's Music Reflects Work Ethic" - Orange County Register, February 15, 1983

I have transcribed another long lost interview with Neil Peart published 38 years ago this month in the Orange County Register during the Signals tour. In "Rush's Music Reflects Work Ethic" Neil reaffirms the band's work ethic five years after the band had finally achieved success in his view, and notes how Rush was incorporating more synths into their sound, while his lyrics had moved from sci-fi themes to personal relationships. - Thanks to RushFanForever for providing the original article!

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Ready Player Two - small Rush reference

Finally was able to read Ready Player Two which was published in November. You may remember the first book had a slew of Rush references. This one picks up where the first book left off (after a deranged A.I. takes control of the OASIS), with all new pop culture references. In this book in the real world, Wade Watts (aka Parzival) lives at "2112 Monsalvat Boulevard" (Monsalvat was the mythical castle of the Knights of the Roundtable searching for the Holy Grail in Richard Wagner's opera, Parzival).

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Transcript: "Neil Peart: The Measure of a Life" - Rhythm, November 2020

Remembering Neil Peart on this sad day with "Neil Peart: The Measure of a Life", the complete transcript of Rhythm magazine's special commemorative issue published last November. - Thank you to John Patuto for sharing the transcript.
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