Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Transcript: "Rush Album Art: The Stories Behind All 19 LP Covers" -, December 24, 2011

Around a year and a half ago, posted a series of 20 articles over a period of a few months each focused on one Rush album cover and fresh commentary by Hugh Syme. I have collected all of those posts and added them to my Transcript Archive as "Rush Album Art: The Stories Behind All 19 LP Covers". If you love Rush's album art as much as I do, I think you'll enjoy this one.

Monday, March 14, 2022

Transcript: "Introduction to 'Rush Gigs' by Ray Wawrzyniak" from Power Windows

Last December the Rush Backstage Club published Rush Gigs: Found On The Studio Walls And In Concert Halls, a unique book featuring "ads and gig posters promoting everything from Rush's first concert in America to the largest crowd they ever played (a benefit show in Toronto) to their final act, at the fabled Forum in Los Angeles".   This book features items from the collection of Ray Wawrzyniak; Ray has kindly sent us the book's introduction which you can read here.

Friday, March 11, 2022

Rush Reference in "The Expanse: One Ship" webisode "Night Watch"

During The Expanse: One Ship webisode "Night Watch" (aired December 31, 2021), the character Clarissa Mao (Nadine Nicole) is looking at a maintenance schedule for the Rocinante, and there are three drones listed as Peart, Lee and Lifeson. - Thanks to Chris Branch for headsup!

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Transcript: "The Art of Rush" - PROG #125, November 2021

Back in November, PROG magazine published "The Art of Rush", another insightful interview with Hugh Syme to promote the updated and reprinted Art Of Rush: Serving A Life Sentence.   I enjoyed this snippet where he talked about the cover from the A Farewell to Kings 40th Anniversary edition:
"I enjoyed creating that cover. There was a slight nod to the fact that there had been retirements, so the thrones were empty now, just to say the band weren't there anymore. And then highlighting their specific interests: the set of golf clubs standing in the window waiting for Al to play a round, Neil's love of reading in those stacks of books, the open bottle of red, drinking obscenely expensive wine. I think everything's accounted for in that image."
- Thanks to RushFanForever for providing the article!

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Transcipt: "Alex Lifeson: New World Man" - Guitar Player, November 2021

It's been awhile since I added a new story to the Transcript Archive, but last fall Alex Lifeson appeared on the cover of Guitar Player magazine once again.  In the feature story, "Alex Lifeson: New World Man" , he discusses his new Epiphone Alex Lifeson Les Paul Axcess Standard as well as his upcoming new solo album (can we call it a solo album?) Envy of None, among other things.

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