Thursday, July 27, 2023

Transcript: "Rejuvenated Rush Hits Grand Rapids On The Upswing", The Grand Rapids Press, October 23, 1996

Here's another new transcript, "Rejuvenated Rush Hits Grand Rapids On The Upswing," an interview with Neil Peart from the October 23, 1996, edition of the Grand Rapids Press. A great interview, Neil discusses his early days both in London before joining Rush, as well as auditioning for Geddy and Alex after the departure of Rutsey, and studying with Freddie Gruber following the Burning for Buddy tribute albums leading to his reinventing his approach to drumming for Test for Echo.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Transcript: "Andrew MacNaughtan TriNet Chat", December 15, 2002

On the Wallpaper pages of my website I have quotes from Andrew MacNaughtan from a TriNet chat he participated in shortly after the filming of Rush in Rio.  Andrew was not only Rush's photographer but also a close friend to the band, and his untimely passing due to a heart attack in 2012 at the young age of 47 came as a shock to all.   There aren't many interviews with Andrew, and when I recently found on my hard drive the TriNet chat in its entirety, I was surprised to realize it wasn't in my Transcript Archive.  And that leads us to my latest addition: Andrew MacNaugtan, TriNet Chat, December 15, 2002, which I hope you will enjoy.  On a related note, TriNet also once hosted a feature dubbed "An Introduction to Andrew MacNaughtan" which I have been unable to find; if you have it, drop me a line!

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Transcript: "Interview: Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson" - Now, June 10, 2010

Amazingly, it has been 13 years since the release of Beyond The Lighted Stage.  Here's an new (to me) interview with Geddy & Alex at the time of its release, from Toronto's Now.  Classic Geddy: "I think it's kind of a miracle that they made an interesting film, when they had this material to work with." - Thanks to RushFanForever for unearthing this article!

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Transcript: "Rush: Something Special For Everyone", Northeast Ohio Scene, February 14 1980

I've just transcribed "Rush: Something Special For Everyone" from the February 14, 1980, issue of Northeast Ohio's "Scene" newspaper.   This is a great interview with Geddy Lee where he touches on the early days of Rush, and even gives an explanation of Rutsey's leaving.  Geddy also gives Rush's credo which was already was well established by then: "Here we are, three musicians who want to make music. And that's all we care about - making music, and making the kind of music that we like. That's got to be first priority. From the band's inception it was 'We're going to do this on our terms-no one else's terms. No record company, no radio station, no management is going to dictate what we sound like'. So when you think of it in that term, you just do what you naturally do. And that's all we've ever done." - Thanks to John Harrison for sending the article!

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