Sunday, September 8, 2013

Transcript: "Prime Groover" - Kerrang!, May 21, 1988

Here is another odd story by the UK's Kerrang! magazine published immediately after the Hold Your Fire tour on May 21, 1988. "Prime Groover" is ostensibly an interview with Neil Peart, but is typically full of sneers and jibes by a UK rock journalist. Regardless it does include some great comments by Neil about the process of writing lyrics, touring as a job, the stress of professional musicians, the lionization of musicians after death, and his refusal to play down to his audience: "If we're capable of understanding it then our audience is as well. If we don't communicate with them then it's our fault for not being clear enough. It's not because our audience is stupid." - Thanks to Erwin De Lathouwer for providing the original article!

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