Monday, December 29, 2014

Transcript: "Rush'N Around" - Beat Instrumental, April 1978

My latest transcript is an extensive article from late in the Drive Til You Die tour. From the April 1978 issue of the UK's Beat Instrumental magazine, "Rush'N Around" includes all three members of Rush interviewed to discuss their touring equipment setup. Note this comment: "Alex too has been out shopping for guitars. His original Gibson double-neck was smashed in transit to New York, and he now sports a bright new white version of the guitar. His beloved 335, which he has owned since the beginning of the band in 1968, was damaged in the same accident, which is why Alex was playing his 355 instead for most of the tour." The article includes the sidebar "Rush Equipment List - European Tour 1978". - Thanks to Joe Pesch for the original article!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Transcript: "Q Reissues: 2112 Deluxe Edition" - Q, February 2013

Two years ago today, the 2112 Deluxe Edition was released.  What did you think of the overall reissue and repackaging?  Here's a transcript of a short review of the 2112 Deluxe Edition, from the February 2013 issue of Q magazine. You'll note the author has likely not read any Ayn Rand...

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Rush R40 Desktop Wallpaper and Desktop Theme

Rush's R40 40th Anniversary Collection was released November 11th.  It has taken some time, but I've finally added 37 new wallpaper images to "The Rush Art Gallery" page, and in addition, I have put all the images together into one downloadable wallpaper pack and added it to the Desktop Themes for Windows page. - A huge thanks to John Patuto at Cygnus-X1 for sharing his raw scans!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Transcript: 'An Ongoing Evolution In The Rush Forward' - Hartford Courant, December 12, 1991

23 years ago today, Rush played the Hartford Civic Center on the Roll The Bones tour. My latest transcript was published the day before; 'An Ongoing Evolution In The Rush Forward' is a long lost interview with Neil Peart where he talks about some of the themes of the album, i.e. fate and chance.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Model Maker Scott Alexander comments on the Hold Your Fire street scene

A big thanks to reader Wayne Bryan who sent along this exchange with Scott Alexander, model maker of the street scene from the Hold Your Fire linernotes:
"The street scene for that cover was close to 4 feet wide. The foreground was 1:12 scale and the background, on the right, was 1:24 scale. I can't remember how long it took to build, but I built most of it in the very tiny apartment I had at the time. The foreground building was made of thin plywood and doll-house brick material that came in sheets. The diner and the building it was part of were made from standard architectural modeling materials. The car was a kit, with tail-lights lit up. The alley to the left of the foreground building was actually some other 1:12 scale fronts that had been made for a poster promoting Yamaha musical instruments. Hugh cut out the cat from some black paper and sanded the edges to give it some fur that would catch the light! The wet surface of the street was simply paint thinner poured onto the model. I really enjoyed working with 'Glugh' (Glen [Wexler, photographer] and Hugh [Syme] - pronounced "Glue". They made it up, not me!) They are both very pleasant, creative guys who only work to get the job done in the most professional way. I think they were unique in using miniatures to achieve these album covers and the results were always interesting and very striking. I miss working with them." - Scott Alexander, January 14, 2009

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Transcript: "Guitar Heroes - Alex Lifeson" - Circus, January 2, 1979

Today's transcript addition is from the January 2nd, 1979 issue of Circus Weekly, which included a story featuring various "guitar heroes", including this one page segment on Alex Lifeson written by David Fricke.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Transcript: "Geddy Lee On 'The World's Most Popular Underground Band'" - Faces, May 1986

My latest transcript addition is a part one of an interview with Geddy Lee promoting Power Windows. In "Geddy Lee On 'The World's Most Popular Underground Band'", from the May 1986 issue of Faces magazine, Ged talks about the improvements made since Grace Under Pressure, and what a great experience they had recording Power Windows.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Transcript: "Rush Test For Echo Tour Resumes In May" - MTV News, May 1, 1997

Here's an interesting news update from MTV News published just six days before the second leg of the Test For Echo tour resumed on May 7, 1997: "Rush Tour Resumes In May" explains that the band was in rehearsals in San Bernadino, California, and also announces the remaining tourdates and that the Mercury Rush Remasters were to be released on May 6th.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Transcript: 'Hard Rock Cafe Glows' - Toronto Star, November 27, 2001

Thirteen years ago today, honored guest Geddy Lee threw the switch to light up the giant electric guitar outside the newly renovated Hard Rock Cafe in Toronto's Dundas Square.  City leaders hoped the renovation would be the dawn of the revitalization of Toronto's busiest intersection. Read more in my latest transcript, 'Hard Rock Cafe Glows', from the November 27, 2001 edition of the Toronto Star.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Transcript: 'Rush's Long Road To Triumph In Rio' - London Independent, December 12, 2003

12 years ago today, Rush performed at Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - lovingly remembered as "Rush In Rio". Following the release of the concert film the following year, London's "Independent" newspaper published my latest transcript, 'Rush's Long Road To Triumph In Rio', which recounts the band's history from August 1997 through that amazing night in Rio five years later.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Transcript: 'Rush Climbs Rock Of Ages' - Washington Post, May 4, 1990

Rush's Presto was released 25 years ago today, and to celebrate I've transcribed "Rush Climbs Rock Of Ages", an interview with Neil Peart from the May 4, 1990 issue of the Washington Post. Peart discusses Rush's then-15 year career, as well as the tour in support of Presto.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Transcript: 'Clockwork Angels Tour - Review' - Modern Drummer, April 2014

It has already been a year since the release of Rush's Clockwork Angels Tour live video and album.  To mark the occasion I have transcribed a short review of the 'Clockwork Angels Tour video from the April 2014 issue of Modern Drummer. Critic Asif Khan gives it 4 out of 5 stars. - Thanks to Heiko Klages for the original clipping.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Transcript: R40 Linernotes and Essay

Rush's R40 40th Anniversary Collectors Box Set was released yesterday.  Click here for the linernotes, including a new essay written for this collection by music journalist Martin Popoff. - Thanks to John Patuto for sharing the transcript!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Transcript: "Canadian Rock and U.S. Rock Similar, Peart Says" - The Grand Rapids Press, November 7, 1982

My latest transcript was published 32 years ago today, on November 7th, 1982, in advance of their Kalamazoo, Michigan appearance on the Signals tour.  From the Grand Rapids Press, "Canadian Rock and U.S. Rock Similar, Peart Says" is an exclusive interview with Neil Peart, where he strikes down the myth that Canadian rock is special, and states "what happens musically in Canada is essentially the same in the U.S...I mean if they got rid of the 49th parallel, I'd just as soon join up with the U.S." He goes on to talk about how other Canadian bands had "sold out", and also gives his critique of other drummers of the era. - Thanks to RushFanForever for providing the article.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Transcript: "Rush: Carrying The Prog Rock Torch" - Faces, July 1986

Rush's Power Windows was released 29 years ago today!  My latest transcript addition is an interview with Geddy Lee given the day after the release of Power Windows, although "Rush: Carrying The Prog Rock Torch" didn't appear in print until the following summer, in the July 1986 issue of Faces magazine. Geddy discusses the dark days during the Grace Under Pressure tour when he wasn't sure the band would continue, and how the positive recording experience of Power Windows with Peter Collins had revitalized the band.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Transcript: "A Rush Of Sound!" - Music Canada Quarterly, March 1975

Here's another fresh transcript to celebrate R40!  While the general early history of the band Rush is fairly widely known, many of the specifics have lost focus over time. Here then is an article which contains many of those early details. "A Rush Of Sound!" from the March 1975 issue of Music Canada Quarterly tells us Geddy's favorite courses in high school, that while Geddy and Neil dropped out of high school, Alex was a Grade 12 honor grad (one of his lavish jokes!), and that as has been suspected over time, "there are a number of small rather unsuccessful bar bands playing the U.S. who are also named Rush" (which might explain the ticketstub showing a Rush opening for Genesis in '73!). The writer prophetically states "'Not Fade Away'...for Rush fans this original single will become a collector's item in the years ahead", but does given the false impression that Terry Brown first came into the picture when mixing the debut single (he actually first met them during the production of the debut album).

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Transcript: "Rush Release" - Melody Maker, May 5, 1984

My latest transcript is from the May 5, 1984 issue of UK's Melody Maker magazine.  "Rush Release" is an interview with Geddy Lee which opens with "Rush are in London to shoot videos for a selection of cuts from their new album, 'Grace Under Pressure'." Yeah, this was during MTV's peak. The writer goes on to describe p/g as "Simple Minds meets Led Zeppelin merging into a techno-rock U2," a description which Geddy seems to like.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Transcript: "Spirit Of Rush Reborn" - Toronto Sun, May 6, 2007

The week Snakes & Arrows was released, Geddy Lee appeared on the cover of the Toronto Sun's "ENT" Entertainment supplement. In the feature story "Spirit Of Rush Reborn: Fresh, Back-To-Basics Approach Breathes New Life Into Band", Geddy talks about the keys to making Rush sound "fresh", meeting with Nick Raskulinecz for the first time, and later finding out what a "stealth" Rush fan he really was. - Thanks to John Patuto for the transcript!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Transcript: 'Rush - Heavy Metal Makes For Platinum' - RPM Weekly, March 14, 1981

Rush appeared on the cover of the March 14, 1981 issue of Canada's RPM magazine (Canada's equivalent to Billboard). In the cover story 'Rush - Heavy Metal Makes For Platinum', the author copiously uses material supplied from Neil Peart via the Moving Pictures tourbook, but unfortunately misinterprets the content at the same time.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Transcript: "Burning For Buddy" - Downbeat, November 1994

This past Saturday marked the 20th Anniversary of the release of Burning For Buddy, Vol. I.  My latest transcript is "Burning For Buddy: Seventeen Drummers Tackle Big-Band Charts In Tribute To Buddy Rich" from the November 1994 issue of the drummer's magazine, Downbeat. The article includes comments from Neil Peart and his co-producer Cathy Rich, as well as a few comments from some of the other drummers regarding the project and Buddy Rich. - Thanks to Joe Pesch for the original article!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Transcript: "Geddy Lee on Rockline for Hold Your Fire" - October 5, 1987

The latest and greatest addition to the Transcript Archive is a transcript of Geddy Lee's appearance on Rockline with Bob Coburn which took place 27 years ago tonight, on October 5th, 1987. I remember listening to this one live, and in fact I still have my live cassette recording of this broadcast somewhere.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Transcript: "Alex Lifeson - 10 Questions We Ask Everyone" - Guitarist, Summer 2012

Here's a great new addition to the Transcript Archive, a short Q&A with Alex Lifeson from the Summer 2012 Acoustic issue of Guitarist magazine. Alex answers their "10 Questions We Ask Everyone".

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Transcript: "Rush Drummer Peart Chronicles Life On The 'Road'" -, September 14, 2006

Eight years ago today, Neil Peart's book Roadshow: Landscape With Drums - A Concert Tour by Motorcycle was released.  In advance of the release, the September 14, 2006 issue of Billboard magazine included an interview with Neil Peart titled "Rush Drummer Peart Chronicles Life On The 'Road'" where Neil talks about the book, the people he writes about, progress on Rush's upcoming album (Snakes & Arrows), and what is left in "the vault".

Monday, September 22, 2014

Transcript: "'Rush' Makes Name" - Las Cruces Sun, December 20, 1974

As Rush continues to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the debut album, here's a new transcript to mark the occasion.  By December 1974, Rush had begun making headway on their first United Stages tour, here's a newspaper report from the Las Cruces Sun (about as far from Toronto as they could get), confirming "'Rush' Makes Name" for themselves, and how besides another new trio, ZZ Top, Rush was "a band to keep an eye on", and added "Rush's second album will be out after the first of the year and the band promises a more diverse and original collection."

Monday, September 15, 2014

Transcript: "A Conversation With Geddy Lee" - The Music Paper, May 1986

Here's an interesting comment from Geddy Lee, considering it was made 28 years ago: "I'd be real surprised if we're together in ten years, but you never know; stranger things have happened." That is from my latest transcript addition, "A Conversation With Geddy Lee" from the May 1986 issue of The Music Paper. Geddy discusses Power Windows, and how the band had shifted their focus from songwriting first, musicianship second, versus the other way around as in the past. "It's still important to us to be musicians and to play real well - those values are always there - but we're more challenged now by the songwriting thing because it's not as simple to figure out."

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Transcript: 'Geddy Lee On The Music Of The '70s, The Order Of Canada, And The Full-Time Job Of Rush' - Georgia Straight, May 15, 1997

Test For Echo was released 18 years ago today, and today's transcript is from the May 15, 1997 issue of Vancouver's Georgia Straight, published the day before Rush's performance there on the Test for Echo tour.  Interviewed to promote their new album, the interview includes 'Geddy Lee On The Music Of The '70s, The Order Of Canada, And The Full-Time Job Of Rush'.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Transcript: "Prolific Rush Surprises Lee" - Billboard, October 3, 1987

Hold Your Fire was released 27 years ago today, and to celebrate I've transcribed an article from the October 3, 1987 issue of Billboard magazine.  This is a long lost interview with Geddy Lee by Steve Gett, who published the Rush biography Success Under Pressure just two years before. In "Prolific Rush Surprises Lee", Geddy attributes the band's longevity to the loyalty of the Rush fans, the band's practice of staying away from each other when not recording or touring, and making the recording processing more interesting.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Transcript: 'Alex Lifeson Says Rush's No-Compromise Approach Is Key To Its Staying Power' - Georgia Straight, January 30, 1992

Roll The Bones was released 23 years ago today, and today's transcript addition is 'Alex Lifeson Says Rush's No-Compromise Approach Is Key To Its Staying Power' which appeared in the January 30, 1992 issue of Vancouver's Georgia Straight, three days before Rush's performance there on the Roll The Bones tour  Alex talks about the keys to Rush's longevity, the process of writing Roll The Bones, and thoughts on doing his own solo album.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Transcript: "Caress Of Steel (review)" - Record Mirror, February 12, 1977

Happy September!  Although the exact date of its release is unknown, Caress of Steel was released 39 years ago this month (1975).  And while it is strange that my next transcript was published nearly a year and a half after the album's release, the "Caress Of Steel (review)" from the February 12, 1977 issue of Record Mirror is at least a positive one.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Transcript: "Rush Melds Showmanship, Great Music" - St. Louis Post-Dispatch, November 8, 1991

The latest addition to the Transcript Archive is "Rush Melds Showmanship, Great Music", a concert review from the Roll The Bones tour from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch on November 8, 1991. Includes nice comments on the show and the show opener, Eric Johnson.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Transcript: "Interview: Ray Danniels" - Hot Wax Quarterly, Spring 1980

My latest transcript addition, "Interview: Ray Danniels", is from the spring 1980 issue of the *bootleg* fanzine Hot Wax Quarterly.  Ray doesn't seem comfortable in this interview, but is very clear regarding his and the band's stand on bootleg recordings at that time. 

Friday, August 22, 2014

Transcript: "Sending New Signals, Rush On The Defense" - Boston Globe, December 6, 1982

I've just transcribed "Sending New Signals, Rush On The Defense", an interview with Neil Peart which appeared in the December 6, 1982 issue of the Boston Globe, before Rush's concert at the Boston Garden that same night. Neil talks about the ongoing misunderstanding of Rush by many so called music critics who never bother to listen to them.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

'Time Rewards Rock Underdog' - Now, March 3, 1988

My latest transcript is an extensive interview with Geddy Lee in Toronto's "Now" weekly, before Rush's performance at Maple Leaf Gardens on the Hold Your Fire tour. In 'Time Rewards Rock Underdog', Geddy talks about the recording of Hold Your Fire, scaling down their tours, the band's hesitancy in the world of music videos, and their current extra-curricular activities (Alex was then producing a Toronto band named "Tabula Rasa", who later changed their name to "Clean Slate"). - Thanks to Heiko Klages for the original clipping!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Transcript: "Alex Lifeson On TSN's 'Off The Record' With Michael Landsberg", January 6, 2000

And now for something completely different...a transcript of Alex Lifeson On TSN's 'Off The Record' With Michael Landsberg, from January 6, 2000. As the transcriber Matt S. noted, "This is only barely Rush-related as it is a talk show where the panel discusses sports issues, but Alex was one of the guests. The other guests were NHL Hall of Famer (and friend of Rush) Steve Shutt and Sacramento King Scot Pollard." This aired in the middle of the dark years between the release of Different Stages and Vapor Trails.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Transcript: "Geddy Lee Talks New Rush Album" - Yahoo!Entertainment, October 20, 2000

This transcript was once a shaft of happy news, as with "Geddy Lee Talks New Rush Album", posted by Yahoo!Entertainment on October 20, 2000, just before the release of his solo album My Favorite Headache, we first learned of plans to reconvene to begin work on the album that would become Vapor Trails.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Desktop Wallpaper Update: Grace Under Pressure Japanese Tourbook Exclusives

From November 16-21, 1984, Rush toured Japan for the first and likely only time in their history.  The tourbook sold at those four shows contained unique images taken earlier in the Grace Under Pressure tour.  I have manipulated the images for use as desktop wallpaper images, which you can check out here. - Thanks to John Patuto for sharing the raw scans!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Transcript: "Rush's 'Power Windows' A Triumph At The Arena" - St. Louis Post-Dispatch, April 30, 1986

The latest addition to the Transcript Archive is "Rush's 'Power Windows' A Triumph At The Arena" - St. Louis Post-Dispatch, April 30, 1986, a concert review of Rush's appearance at the St. Louis Arena in April 1986 on the Power Windows tour. The reviewer also sheds some light on the visuals provided during the show.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Transcript: "Rush Open Fire" - Circus, January 31, 1988

Here is a new transcript for your enjoyment. From the January 31, 1988 issue of Circus magazine, "Rush Open Fire" is a short interview with Alex Lifeson where he discusses the less technologically-driven sound of Hold Your Fire and how revitalized the band was at this time. Ironically, Alex would later say that near the end of the Hold Your Fire tour, the band was burned out and would nearly break up.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Website Scheme Update: "Rush Through Time"

It's time for a change, and today we offer up a new website scheme based on Mercury's compilation Rush Through Time. Rush Through Time is a compilation album first released by Mercury Records outside of North America in early 1979, following the release of Hemispheres the previous October.

Although the exact release date is unknown, it was advertised as early as May 1979.  Originally released as a picture disc, the album was repressed on black vinyl in 1981, with additional pressings in the next few years in various countries around the world.  Check it out on ebay.
Tracklist: Fly By Night, Making Memories, Bastille Day, Something For Nothing, Cinderella Man, Anthem, Overture/The Temples of Syrinx, The Twilight Zone, Best I Can, Closer To The Heart, In The End
"Released entirely without our knowledge or consent (not that they need it), and certainly contains nothing of any interest - not even the cover, and certainly not that title. We wouldn't do that. Have you noticed that everyone puns with our name except us?" - Neil Peart

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Transcript: "Kid Rock, Femmes, And Rush On 'South Park' Film Soundtrack" -, June 10, 1999

My latest Transcript Archive addition is "Kid Rock, Femmes, And Rush On 'South Park' Film Soundtrack" posted on, June 10, 1999. A brief announcement, it confirms the album's release date on June 22, and the film release of June 30th.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Transcript: "Pressure Points" - Kerrang!, March 1986

My latest transcript is from the March 1986 issue of UK's Kerrang! magazine; "Pressure Points" is an article which briefly, yet poetically, recounts Rush's then 12 year history since the release of their debut album through Power Windows, and all the changes put forth over that time period.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Transcript: "Hemispheres: Shattered By Latest Rush Opus" - Music Express, December 1978

From the Hemispheres tour, check out "Hemispheres: Shattered By Latest Rush Opus" from the December 1978 issue of Canada's Music Express magazine. Neil talks about the difficulty in writing writing book two of Cygnus X-1 as well as the rest of Hemispheres, the difficulty in recording the album, and the surprise in the success of 2112.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Desktop Wallpaper Update: Clockwork Angels Tourbook 2013 Edition Images

Well, it took a year, but I have finally added images from the 2013 edition of the Clockwork Angels tourbook to the Desktop Wallpaper page.  These are photos which were taken during the 2012 leg of the Clockwork Angels tour.  In total, there are 13 new images which were exclusive to the 2013 tourbook, modified for use as desktop wallpaper.  You can find them here; they are the last entry on this page. - Thanks to John Patuto at for providing the raw tourbook scans!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Transcript "Innerview With Neil Peart" - Innerview, June 11, 1981

Here is another great addition to the archive, another transcription of one of Neil Peart's appearances on Innerview with Jim Ladd. This Innerview was recorded June 11, 1981, while Rush were in L.A. on the Moving Pictures tour. Again candid and relaxed in the company of Jim Ladd, Neil walks us through Moving Pictures, giving some history as well as his thoughts and inspirations on each track.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Transcript: "Toronto's Rush Top Rock Export" - Winnipeg Free Press, December 7, 1977

Here is a new transcript from the December 7, 1977 issue of the Winnipeg Free Press, "Toronto's Rush Top Rock Export" is a succinct history of the band's first five releases, including snippets of an interview with Neil Peart, culminating in their latest release, A Farewell To Kings.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Transcript: "Intense Early Reaction to Rush's Permanent Waves" - RPM Weekly, February 9, 1980

Today's transcript addition is from the February 9th, 1980 issue of Canada's RPM Weekly. Published just one month after the album's release, the article's title "Intense Early Reaction to Rush's Permanent Waves" says it all.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Transcript: "Singing Bass" - Guitar For The Practicing Musician, March 1984

I have just transcribed "Singing Bass: Geddy Lee Is One Of The Reasons Everything Is Coming Up Sevens These Days For Rush", an interview with Geddy given backstage at Radio City Music Hall during the band's Grace Under Pressure warm up tour, aka the Five Night Stand (September 18-23, 1983). The interview ran in the March 1984 issue of Guitar For The Practicing Musician, just  before the album's release. Topics include the Boys Brigade album which Geddy produced, Rush's use of the latest technology, his three basses (Ricky/Fender/Steinberger), how he taught himself the bass, and how they go about songwriting.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Transcript: "All The World's A Stage Press Kit" - Mercury Records, 1976

Today's transcript is the "All The World's A Stage Press Kit" published by Mercury Records, 1976. This is the brief bio sheet which was sent with promotional copies of the album. What is interesting is that this press release is very specific in stating that the Mercury release of Rush's debut album was four days before Rush's first U.S. show of the debut tour. We know that show was August 14th, 1974, which leads to a release date of August 10, 1974. This is closest "official" data I have ever found regarding that album's release date.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Transcript: "Lifeson Times" - Guitarist, March 1999

This past Saturday marked the 17th anniversary of Rush's performance at Chicago's World Amphitheater on the Test For Echo tour.  That night's recording would make up the lion's share of Different Stages.  To mark the event, I have transcribed an article from the March 1999 issue of the UK's Guitarist magazine.  "Lifeson Times" is an extensive interview with Alex Lifeson for the release of Different Stages where he talks about the album, the Chicago show, and more. - Thanks to Joe Pesch for the original article!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Transcript: "Clockwork Angels: Lifeson, Lee And Peart Reconnect With Their Prog, Power Trio Genius" - Guitarist, August 2012

Has it already been two years?! Clockwork Angels was released two years ago today!  From the August 2012 issue of the UK's Guitarist magazine, here's a new transcript to take you back..."Clockwork Angels: Lifeson, Lee And Peart Reconnect With Their Prog, Power Trio Genius". Still...simply an amazing album.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Transcript: "Artist Profile: Rush" - RPM Weekly, December 29, 1973

My latest transcript is now THE OLDEST transcript to be found in the Archive. From the December 29, 1973 issue of Canada's RPM magazine, "Artist Profile: Rush" was the world's introduction to a new hard rock band from Toronto who had just released their first single, "Not Fade Away" on Moon Records.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Transcript: "Rushing About" - Record Mirror, October 2, 1982

Today's transcript addition, "Rushing About", from the October 2, 1982 issue of Record Mirror, is a brief article published shortly after the release of Signals, commenting on Rush's touring practices in the UK. According to this, it cost them $20,000 just to ship their equipment to the UK, rather than rent comparable equipment while there.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Transcript: "Neil Peart: Just A Few Years Ago We Were A Pariah, An Outcast Dinosaur, A Bunch Of Weirdos" - Sym Info, June 1992

Imagine if Nirvana had opened for Rush on the Roll The Bones tour! If Neil Peart had had his way, that is exactly what would have happened. Neil appeared on the cover of the June 1992 issue of the Dutch magazine Sym Info and this and many other very interesting comments are discussed in the cover story "Neil Peart: Just A Few Years Ago We Were A Pariah, An Outcast Dinosaur, A Bunch Of Weirdos". The article was transcribed into English by Alex Van Loon, and I've done a little bit of touch up.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Transcript: "2112 Press Kit" - Mercury Records, April 1976

I've transcribed the "2112 Press Kit" provided by Mercury Records in April 1976. Included is a history of the band's previous releases, as well as specific dates pertaining to the recording sessions, and more.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Transcript: "Rush Confronts The Big Money" - Circus, January 31, 1986

My latest transcript, "Rush Confronts The Big Money" is a review of Power Windows from the January 31, 1986 issue of Circus magazine. The review is generally positive, except for the writer's thoughts on Manhattan Project.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Transcript: "A Rush Of Old Age" - Kerrang!, September 23, 1982

My latest transcript is a tad humorous... "A Rush Of Old Age" is a review of Signals from the September 23, 1982 issue of the UK's Kerrang!, which says Rush are 'middle aged'. I just thought that was funny as at the time, the band members were 30 years old...and they are still endlessly rocking it 32 years later. This reviewer, Dave Dickson, is the Kerrang reviewer who admitted that the album Power Windows went "over his head", although he does make some obvious spot on points regarding how Signals would affect Rush's fanbase...

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Transcript: "Vapor Trails" (Review) - Orange County Register, May 10, 2002

Vapor Trails was released 12 years ago today!  Here is a new addition to the Transcript Archive, a Vapor Trails review from the Orange County Register published on May 10, 2002, the Friday before the album's release. A thoughtful review from a knowledgeable source!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Transcript: "The Video For Rush's 'The Big Money'..." - Billboard, October 12, 1985

This is a very short transcript from the October 12, 1985 issue of Billboard magazine. It is a short announcement providing the production details on "The Video For Rush's 'The Big Money'...".

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Transcript: "A Total Access Pass To Rush" - NBC Network's The Source, June 8, 1984

30 years ago today, the Grace Under Pressure tour kicked off in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  Visions author Bill "B-man" Banasiewicz was along for the ride, and interviewed Geddy, Alex and Neil numerous times on tape over the next few days to discuss Grace Under Pressure, flying(!), and more.  The interviews later aired on NBC's Young Adult Radio Network broadcast as "A Total Access Pass To Rush" the following June.  The radio broadcast was later transcribed and appeared in an issue of the fanzine The Spirit of Rush; I've cleaned up the transcript a little and hope you enjoy it.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Transcript: "Alex Lifeson Interview" - Guitarist, August 2007

Snakes & Arrows was released 7 years ago today!  To celebrate I've transcribed an interview with Alex Lifeson from the August 2007 issue of the UK's Guitarist magazine.  Alex discusses the writing process of S&A, his guitars and amp setup, and also the use of the bouzouki on Workin' Them Angels: "I was visiting a friend in Mykonos last summer and he has a really beautiful place on the edge of a cliff. I'm an early riser, so I'd get up, make a cup of coffee and go and sit on the wall overlooking the Aegean. So I'd be just sitting there playing this bouzouki, feeling my way around it..." - Thanks to RushFanForever for the original article.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Transcript: "Neil Peart On Drum Solos" - Rhythm, March and April 2014

Spread over two issues of Rhythm magazine, Neil Peart has written an essay describing the drum solos on the Clockwork Angels Tour. Part one appeared in the March 2014 issue, and the conclusion appeared in the April issue. Both parts are combined here. Neil not only describes the solos performed on the tour, but also gives mention of his drum soloing influences and other stories along the way. - Thanks to John Patuto for sharing the transcript!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Transcript: "Logical Progression: Rush Looks Back At Their Long Career In A New Documentary" - Needle, July 2010

Rush: Beyond The Lighted Stage premiered four years ago tonight at the Tribeca Film Festival in Manhattan.  The video made the cover of the July 2010 issue of Needle magazine, and the feature story "Logical Progression: Rush Looks Back At Their Long Career In A New Documentary" is a great article promoting the DVD release and includes many memorable quotes from the film itself. - Thanks to John Patuto for sharing the transcript!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Transcript: "Rush Reflections: Winning One For The Good Guys" - Sound Waves, May 2013

Last year at this time, Rush graced the cover of Connecticut's Sound Waves magazine, in anticipation of their May performance at the Mohegan Sun Arena. The cover story "Rush Reflections: Winning One For The Good Guys" is an amalgam of previous interviews where the band discuss their then imminent induction into the Rock And Roll Hall of Fame, as well as the Clockwork Angels album. - Thanks to John Patuto for sharing the transcript!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Transcript: "Rush Releases 3-Record Set: 'Archives'" - Tiger Beat, June 1978

Rush's first compilation, Archives, was released in April 1978 (exact date unknown).  The following transcript is from a full page advertisement that was taken out by Mercury Records to promote the album's release. "Rush Releases 3-Record Set: 'Archives'" appeared in the June 1978 issue of Tiger Beat magazine of all places. - Thanks to Joe Pesch for the original advertisement!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Transcript: "Time Traveling with Alex Lifeson" - Red Hot Rock, May 2014

Last Tuesday, the first U.S. issue of Sweden's "Red Hot Rock" magazine (May issue) hit the newsstands, including two interviews with Alex Lifeson: "Time Traveling with Alex Lifeson". John at has shared his transcript with us, and you can read it here. The first interview was conducted just last month, while the second interview took place shortly after the release of Snakes & Arrows Live. Topics include Rush's plans to tour next spring, that there are as of yet no plans to enter the studio to record something in the interim ("but I'm sure sometime mid-summer, I would guess, we'll probably get a little more serious about what we are going to do direction-wise"), his seeming admission to another lost opportunity at releasing the debut single on the 40th Reissue of the debut album ("I suppose, somewhere, those original few songs are floating around somewhere. But I'd kind of forgotten about that, actually"), that the Toronto '97 concert film recording is still on their minds (as of 2007) and more.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Transcript: "Behind The Lines" - Hit Parader, December 1984

Grace Under Pressure was released 30 years ago today!  To celebrate I have transcribed "Behind The Lines" which appeared in the December 1984 issue of Hit Parader. The story features an interview with Rush given during a break in Toronto on the Grace Under Pressure tour (which would have been just after the p/g tour video was filmed, by the way). Topics include the change in style from Moving Pictures to Signals to p/g, losing fans in the process, the Fear trilogy, and the use of keyboards over time.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Transcript: "Rush-BTO's Heavy Metal Challengers" - Circus Raves, November 1975

39 years ago today, Rush played Detroit's Michigan Palace on the Fly By Night tour. Before the show, Rush were interviewed and the story "Rush-BTO's Heavy Metal Challengers" appeared in the November 1975 issue of Circus Raves magazine. One interesting note regarding the venue; opened in 1926, the ornamental Michigan Palace closed just a year after Rush played there, and it now serves as a parking garage. The ornaments remain.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Transcript: "Leaps & Bounds: Canadians Flying High Onto Radio's Airwaves" - Hit Parader, March 1983

This Saturday will be the 33rd anniversary of the inaugural launch of the space shuttle Columbia.  My latest transcript is "Leaps & Bounds: Canadians Flying High Onto Radio's Airwaves" which appeared in the March 1983 issue of Hit Parader during the Signals tour: while all three members of Rush are interviewed, Alex is the primary source, and discusses the launch of the space shuttle Columbia in detail, among other things.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Transcript: "Neil Peart on Rockline for Roll The Bones" - December 2, 1991

My latest transcript addition is from Neil Peart's first appearance on Rockline, to promote Roll The Bones. From December 2, 1991, this is truly a rarity, and is a great Rockline appearance. Neil is in a great mood, and answers everyone's questions in great detail.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Transcript: "Q&A: John Wesley" - PROG #44, April 2014

Today John Wesley's solo album Disconnect, featuring Alex Lifeson on the track "Once A Soldier" is released in the US. The April issue of Prog magazine includes a new "Q&A with John Wesley" where he talks about working with Marillion, Fish, Porcupine Tree, Steven Wilson, and of course Alex Lifeson on the new solo album and motorcycle rides with Neil Peart. - Thanks to Reed Lover for providing the original article!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Transcript: "Turn On With Rush" - Chicago Tribune, March 28, 1980

34 years ago today, one of the most cherished and heavily bootlegged Rush recordings, "Live In Concert From St. Louis", was first broadcast on radio.  Recorded February 11-13, 1980 then pressed to vinyl and issued to radio stations for later radio broadcast, "Turn On With Rush", from NBC's "The Source", is the press release to promote the radio broadcast the weekend of March 28, 1980: "Recorded by EDR-Media in front of 30,000 people on three consecutive nights, this exclusive concert captures the energy and style of RUSH...The weekend of March 28. On more than 200 radio stations throughout the country."

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Transcript: "Interview With Alex Lifeson" - Radio Clyde, October 1987

Here's an interesting item: a transcript of an interview with Alex Lifeson on Glasgow Scotland's Radio Clyde from October 1987. According to this interview, Hold Your Fire wasn't released in the UK until over a month after it was released in the rest of the world (September 8th, 1987). Alex confirms the delay was a record company discussion to maximize sales, apparently. Other topics include logistical problems when touring the UK, as well as how the band first considered Cyndi Lauper and then Chrissie Hynde, before finally approaching Aimee Mann to appear on "Time Stand Still".

Friday, March 21, 2014

Transcript: "Back On The Road With Rush" - Professional Lighting And Production, Summer 2013

Happy Friday! For your weekend reading, I've transcribed last summer's issue of Professional Lighting And Production magazine, which features Rush on the cover and includes the feature story "Back On The Road With Rush: 'Clockwork Angels' Tour Steams Across Continents". - Thanks to RushFanForever to pointing the way!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Transcript: "Off The Record With Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson" - 1985

The latest addition to the transcript archive is an all new radio transcript.  Check out "Off The Record With Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson", from 'Off The Record With Mary Turner' promoting the release of Power Windows. Geddy and Alex in the studio, it just doesn't get any better than this.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Transcript: "A View From The Middle" - Middle School Journal, September 2010

My latest transcript addition is from the September 2010 issue of the Middle School Journal from the National Middle School Association. In "A View From The Middle", author David Virtue writes about how important the relationships built in early adolescence can be to a person's life, as demonstrated by two guys who met in grade 7 at Fisherville Junior High School... - Thanks to RushFanForever for passing along the article.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Transcript: "Rush Album Review" - Circus Raves, February 1975

March 2014 sees the 40th Anniversary of the original Moon release of Rush's debut album.  As a celebration, my latest transcript is a review of Rush's debut album from the February '75 issue of Circus Raves magazine. Although published far after John Rutsey left the group, the writer makes no mention of his leaving. However, the writer is obviously enthusiastic about the potential future of the new band named Rush!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Transcript: "Backroads & Backbeats: Neil Peart Takes The Scenic Way To Work" - BMW Owners News, March 2014

As I announced yesterday, Neil Peart is featured in the March issue of BMW Owners News. You can check out the full article here: "Backroads & Backbeats: Neil Peart Takes The Scenic Way To Work". - Thanks to John at for transcribing!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Transcript: "Thinking Fan's Band Plays Chapel Hill" - Durham Herald-Sun, March 6, 1992

Published 22 years today, check out "Thinking Fan's Band Plays Chapel Hill" from the March 6, 1992 issue of Durham's Herald-Sun "Preview" magazine. This story appeared before Rush's performance there the following day! - Thanks to John Patuto for sharing the transcript!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Transcript: "After The Gold Rush" - Word, April 2009

Rush's Retrospective 3 was released five years ago today.  My latest transcript addition is from the April 2009 issue of UK's Word magazine.  "After The Gold Rush" is what you get when you ask an ex-Rush fan, a fan who jumped the Rush train after Signals, to review Retrospective 3, a collection of Rush's 'hits' from 1989-2008.    What are your thoughts on this compilation?

Friday, February 28, 2014

Transcript: "Lasting Integrity" - Los Angeles Times, April 12, 1990

Happy Friday!  Today's transcript addition appeared in the April 12, 1990 issue of the LA Times during the Presto tour. "Lasting Integrity: Rush's Stubborn Individualism Has Paid Off In The Long Run", is an interview with Neil Peart, and is an excellent testament of Rush's integrity over the years, defying convention while crafting intelligent songs, and the ongoing shunning by the critics. - Thanks to Joe Pesch for the article!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Transcript: Alex Lifeson talks to Metal Express Radio, May 23, 2013

Here's an interview with Alex Lifeson from last May while Rush was touring the UK which flew under the radar until now. Alex talks to Mick Burgess of Metal Express Radio about the Clockwork Angels tour, and gives his thoughts on the R42 tour (sadly, doesn't look like The Fountain of Lamneth will be included). - Thanks to RushFanForever for sharing!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Transcript: "Stained Glass" - Kerrang!, October 17-30, 1985

My latest transcript is "Stained Glass", a review of Power Windows from the UK's Kerrang! magazine (issue No. 105, October 17-30, 1985).  The writer admits the album went over his head... First comparing Power Windows in scope to Hemispheres with "this album harks back to their 'Hemispheres' period, my least favourite Rush venture and the time when l largely lost interest in the band", he goes on to write "I've always thought I was pretty much in tune with what they're all about, but this album aims a little over my head and I wonder if Rush haven't somehow lost sight of who they're supposed to be writing for..." Thank god Rush doesn't write for the lowest common denominator...

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Transcript: "DW Builds NHL Logo Kit For Neil Peart's Rendition Of The League's Official Theme Song" -, December 2009

For posterity's sake, I've added "DW Builds NHL Logo Kit For Neil Peart's Rendition Of The League's Official Theme Song" to the Transcript Archive. This is a very short announcement originally posted on's news page in December 2009 to announce the creation of Neil's "Hockey Kit".

Friday, February 21, 2014

Transcript: "Geddy Lee: Entering Different Stages" - Long Island Entertainment, October 1998

Yesterday was the 36th anniversary of the recording of the Hammersmith Odeon show from Different Stages, and as a followup here is a fresh transcript of an exclusive interview with Geddy Lee which appeared in the October 1998 issue of Long Island Entertainment newspaper. "Geddy Lee: Entering Different Stages" is a really great interview, and includes some new tidbits regarding Different Stages, such as the fact that the album was delayed one month from its original release date so that two last minute additions, "The Analog Kid" and "Show Don't Tell", could be added to the album. - Thanks to Joe Pesch for the original article!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Transcript: "Rush Tunes Out Growing Temptation To Go Quartet" - Chicago Tribune, March 20, 1986

My latest transcript, "Rush Tunes Out Growing Temptation To Go Quartet", is from the March 20, 1986 issue of the Chicago Tribune. An interesting article from the Power Windows tour, Neil talks about working with keyboardist Andy Richards to record the album, and using new technologies to sample the sounds live on tour. - Thanks to RushFanForever the article.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Transcript: "Rush Fancast: Different Stages" - SonicNet, November 15, 1998

For your weekend reading enjoyment, here's a treasure from 1998: to promote Different Stages, Geddy and Alex appeared on camera from Atlantic's New York offices in a video chat which was streamed live on Sonicnet. Fans asked questions via text online, and those questions were posed by the host/moderator.  Example Q: What do you think of albums like Caress of Steel...I think its absolute genius.  GEDDY: Well, that guy smokes dope. (laughs).  Rush fan SLynn later transcribed the video fancast, and you can read the full transcript here: "Rush Fancast: Different Stages" - SonicNet, November 15, 1998. - Thanks to Kayla Kreuger McKinney for sending the transcript!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Transcript: "The Albums That Saved PROG: 'Signals'" - PROG #43, February 2014

Last weekend I let you know that the new issue (#47) of PROG magazine includes a feature on Signals, and I have transcribed it for your reading pleasure. "The Albums That Saved PROG: 'Signals'" is a new interview with Alex Lifeson, where he talks about the band's decision to make a change after the success of Moving Pictures, the difficulty in making Signals, his frustration with the album's guitar mix, the eventual dismissal of Terry Brown, and more. - Thanks to Reed Lover for sending the original article!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Transcript: "Moving Pictures World Premiere" - CHUM-FM, February 11, 1981

Moving Pictures was released 33 years ago today, and to celebrate I have added a transcript of the "Moving Pictures World Premiere", Geddy Lee on Toronto's CHUM-FM, which aired February 11, 1981. Running through the songs one by one, Geddy sheds his insights on Moving Pictures, recording in digital, and the then-shelved 1980 live album: "when we went over to Britain, we recorded about ten dates so we've got about 50 reels of tape sitting around somewhere". He and the interviewer are drinking Dom Perignon and it appears that after awhile, Geddy gets irritated by the interviewer's interruptions.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Transcript: "Rush Looks Forward, Back" - Billboard, January 31, 2003

Rush's best selling greatest hits compilation, "The Spirit of Radio - Greatest Hits (1974-1987)" was released on this day in 2003. Here's a new addition to the transcript archive: ""Rush Looks Forward, Back" is a short announcement that appeared on Billboard's news page on January 31, 2003, first breaking news of the greatest hits' release, as well as the news that Rush was working on their first concert DVD tentatively to be named "Rush In Rio".

Friday, February 7, 2014

Transcript: "Exit Stage Left - Deborah Samuel Interview" - Durston Photography, November 9, 2012

Rush's album art has always been of particular interest to me. In fact, that was what inspired the creation of my website in the first place. The latest addition to the Rush Transcript Archive is unique in that it provides details on some of Rush's most recognizable album art. Two years ago, photographer Rob Durston interviewed fellow photographer Deborah Samuel for his blog, and that interview never surfaced in Rush circles until this week. Ms. Samuel served as photographer for art director Hugh Syme on four of Rush's album covers, and in "Exit Stage Left - Deborah Samuel Interview", she provides many first hand details of the production of the album covers for Permanent Waves, Moving Pictures, Exit Stage Left and Signals, such as the wardrobe of the Permanent Waves girl, getting the dog on the Signals cover to sniff, etc, as well as details on her work after Rush. - Thanks Darren for the headsup!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Transcript: "'We Have Always Wanted To Be A Mini-Orchestra', An Interview With Geddy Lee" - Sym Info, October 1988

My latest addition to the Rush Transcript Archive comes courtesy of reader Alex Van Loon of The Netherlands. Geddy Lee appeared on the cover of the October 1988 issue of the Dutch magazine Sym Info, and Alex has provided the translation for us. In "'We Have Always Wanted To Be A Mini-Orchestra', An Interview With Geddy Lee", an exhausted Geddy is interviewed backstage at Rotterdam's Ahoy Sportpaleis in May 1988 on the final week of the Hold Your Fire tour. Topics include triggering sound effects on stage, pros and cons of touring, and Rush's best and worst shows ever. And in my mind, he also predicts the Grunge movement...

Friday, January 31, 2014

Transcript: "It's Those Wacky Guys In Rush" - Creem Close-Up, Metal Special Issue, September 1986

Happy Friday Rushians!  My latest transcript is "It's Those Wacky Guys In Rush", from the September 1986 issue of "Creem Close-Up, Metal". This is a great interview with Neil Peart where he talks about reaching a desired cohesiveness on Power Windows, how it was partially influenced by the music of their peers, and how Rush's FANS are intolerant of those influences. He also talks about the influence of Peter Collins and keyboardist Andy Richards.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Transcript: "Counter Attack" - Guitar Magazine, November 1993

My latest transcript is "Counter Attack", an in-depth interview with Geddy Lee from the November 1993 issue of the UK's The Guitar Magazine. Ged talks about the progression of Rush's sound, the writing and recording of Counterparts, that his favorite bass parts are on "Hemispheres Prelude", and looks back on the recording of "Xanadu". - Thanks to RushFanForever for providing the article!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Transcript: "Polygram Records And Lifetime Learning Systems Spark 'Rush To Creativity'" - Polygram Press Release, January 7, 1986

Imagine showing up to your High School English class, and learning the day's lesson was to study Rush! Back in 1986, Rush's "Power Windows" was the prototype for a new educational program brought to you by PolyGram Records and Lifetime Learning Centers, to use popular music to stimulate writing and classroom discussion. Check out the press release, and notice this was also a nice marketing ploy by PolyGram, as "students are encouraged to purchase the album and bring it to class."(!)  Also included are pictures of the original classroom handout.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Transcript: "Rushing Forever" - Metro, May 8, 1997

"Rushing Forever: Alex Lifeson on air guitar, longevity and the grand old game", Silicon Valley's Metro newspaper, May 8, 1997, appeared in advance of Rush's Shoreline Amphitheater performance on the Test For Echo tour.  Alex talks about his current influences and favorites (Underworld, Chemical Brothers, Tool, Eric Johnson) of how he watches the fingers of air guitarists in the crowd to see if they can indeed play, and some typical comments on how they write, record and tour.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Transcript: "RUSH - A Biography" - Mercury Records Press Release, July 17, 1974

As we anticipate the upcoming 40th anniversary release of RUSH, check out the Mercury Records press release which was inserted into promo copies of Rush's debut album before its August '74 premiere. Check out the timing: the press release was written on July 17th, 1974, less then two weeks before Lee and Lifeson first met Peart; accordingly, the bio features Lee, Lifeson, and Rutsey! Also included are comments from Geddy regarding their June 28, 1974 Cleveland show opening for ZZ Top: "We opened for ZZ Top and were scheduled to play about 40 minutes. Well, we played for one hour and the kids were standing on the chairs and screaming. We earned an encore, but ZZ wouldn't let us go back on."

Friday, January 10, 2014

Transcript: "Alex Lifeson and Geddy Lee on Rockline for A Show Of Hands" - February 6, 1989

It's hard to believe A Show of Hands was released 25 years ago today!  Here is something I remember recording onto cassette as it aired live just after its release: from February 6, 1989, here is a new transcript of Geddy and Alex on Rockline to support A Show of Hands. Another epic interview, this transcript appeared in The Spirit of Rush, I just cleaned up the punctuation and removed vocal stammers ("ya know").

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Transcript: "Late Bloomer" - Guitar School, February 1996

Here's a very brief article I've just transcribed for your review.  From the February 1996 issue of Guitar School magazine, "Late Bloomer" is a review of Victor including a few brief comments with Alex Lifeson shortly after the release of the album. - Thanks to Mark Rosenthal for the original article!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Transcript: "Innerview With Neil Peart" - Innerview, March 1980

Celebrating the 34th anniversary of the release of Permanent Waves, here is an all new transcript of Neil Peart on Innerview With Jim Ladd, from March 1980. Neil and Jim run through Permanent Waves track by track, and Neil comfortably gets into details not often discussed before, such as his explanation of how Jacob's Ladder was written.
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