Monday, April 14, 2014

Transcript: "Time Traveling with Alex Lifeson" - Red Hot Rock, May 2014

Last Tuesday, the first U.S. issue of Sweden's "Red Hot Rock" magazine (May issue) hit the newsstands, including two interviews with Alex Lifeson: "Time Traveling with Alex Lifeson". John at has shared his transcript with us, and you can read it here. The first interview was conducted just last month, while the second interview took place shortly after the release of Snakes & Arrows Live. Topics include Rush's plans to tour next spring, that there are as of yet no plans to enter the studio to record something in the interim ("but I'm sure sometime mid-summer, I would guess, we'll probably get a little more serious about what we are going to do direction-wise"), his seeming admission to another lost opportunity at releasing the debut single on the 40th Reissue of the debut album ("I suppose, somewhere, those original few songs are floating around somewhere. But I'd kind of forgotten about that, actually"), that the Toronto '97 concert film recording is still on their minds (as of 2007) and more.

1 comment:

  1. I went straight to my local B&N and sat down. Nice big glossy zine like the old LIFE mag, larger than life as ROCK PROG METAL ETC. is! I gather those hot summer nights with iced coffee at Ged's place will produce SERIOUS new ideas. RUSH are mythological Gods nows and I believe we are in S&A Part II. Remember -- I put out my interview on the Power Voltage Recs release in the digital stores - EVERY SATURDAY MUSIC.COM (has the scoop and all the amazing new Prog of EVERY SATURDAY, the veteran Art Rockers!) of the exclusive KEVIN J ANDERSON "BEYOND THE WORDED PAGE". We already know that KJA is down with Peart for anything, should they choose to work together. I hope we get FAR CRY II -- why? Call it a educated RUSHOPHILE hunch. RUSH ELDERS CLUB on FB. JOIN! and, http;//,


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