Monday, April 28, 2014

Transcript: "Neil Peart On Drum Solos" - Rhythm, March and April 2014

Spread over two issues of Rhythm magazine, Neil Peart has written an essay describing the drum solos on the Clockwork Angels Tour. Part one appeared in the March 2014 issue, and the conclusion appeared in the April issue. Both parts are combined here. Neil not only describes the solos performed on the tour, but also gives mention of his drum soloing influences and other stories along the way. - Thanks to John Patuto for sharing the transcript!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Transcript: "Logical Progression: Rush Looks Back At Their Long Career In A New Documentary" - Needle, July 2010

Rush: Beyond The Lighted Stage premiered four years ago tonight at the Tribeca Film Festival in Manhattan.  The video made the cover of the July 2010 issue of Needle magazine, and the feature story "Logical Progression: Rush Looks Back At Their Long Career In A New Documentary" is a great article promoting the DVD release and includes many memorable quotes from the film itself. - Thanks to John Patuto for sharing the transcript!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Transcript: "Rush Reflections: Winning One For The Good Guys" - Sound Waves, May 2013

Last year at this time, Rush graced the cover of Connecticut's Sound Waves magazine, in anticipation of their May performance at the Mohegan Sun Arena. The cover story "Rush Reflections: Winning One For The Good Guys" is an amalgam of previous interviews where the band discuss their then imminent induction into the Rock And Roll Hall of Fame, as well as the Clockwork Angels album. - Thanks to John Patuto for sharing the transcript!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Transcript: "Rush Releases 3-Record Set: 'Archives'" - Tiger Beat, June 1978

Rush's first compilation, Archives, was released in April 1978 (exact date unknown).  The following transcript is from a full page advertisement that was taken out by Mercury Records to promote the album's release. "Rush Releases 3-Record Set: 'Archives'" appeared in the June 1978 issue of Tiger Beat magazine of all places. - Thanks to Joe Pesch for the original advertisement!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Transcript: "Time Traveling with Alex Lifeson" - Red Hot Rock, May 2014

Last Tuesday, the first U.S. issue of Sweden's "Red Hot Rock" magazine (May issue) hit the newsstands, including two interviews with Alex Lifeson: "Time Traveling with Alex Lifeson". John at has shared his transcript with us, and you can read it here. The first interview was conducted just last month, while the second interview took place shortly after the release of Snakes & Arrows Live. Topics include Rush's plans to tour next spring, that there are as of yet no plans to enter the studio to record something in the interim ("but I'm sure sometime mid-summer, I would guess, we'll probably get a little more serious about what we are going to do direction-wise"), his seeming admission to another lost opportunity at releasing the debut single on the 40th Reissue of the debut album ("I suppose, somewhere, those original few songs are floating around somewhere. But I'd kind of forgotten about that, actually"), that the Toronto '97 concert film recording is still on their minds (as of 2007) and more.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Transcript: "Behind The Lines" - Hit Parader, December 1984

Grace Under Pressure was released 30 years ago today!  To celebrate I have transcribed "Behind The Lines" which appeared in the December 1984 issue of Hit Parader. The story features an interview with Rush given during a break in Toronto on the Grace Under Pressure tour (which would have been just after the p/g tour video was filmed, by the way). Topics include the change in style from Moving Pictures to Signals to p/g, losing fans in the process, the Fear trilogy, and the use of keyboards over time.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Transcript: "Rush-BTO's Heavy Metal Challengers" - Circus Raves, November 1975

39 years ago today, Rush played Detroit's Michigan Palace on the Fly By Night tour. Before the show, Rush were interviewed and the story "Rush-BTO's Heavy Metal Challengers" appeared in the November 1975 issue of Circus Raves magazine. One interesting note regarding the venue; opened in 1926, the ornamental Michigan Palace closed just a year after Rush played there, and it now serves as a parking garage. The ornaments remain.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Transcript: "Leaps & Bounds: Canadians Flying High Onto Radio's Airwaves" - Hit Parader, March 1983

This Saturday will be the 33rd anniversary of the inaugural launch of the space shuttle Columbia.  My latest transcript is "Leaps & Bounds: Canadians Flying High Onto Radio's Airwaves" which appeared in the March 1983 issue of Hit Parader during the Signals tour: while all three members of Rush are interviewed, Alex is the primary source, and discusses the launch of the space shuttle Columbia in detail, among other things.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Transcript: "Neil Peart on Rockline for Roll The Bones" - December 2, 1991

My latest transcript addition is from Neil Peart's first appearance on Rockline, to promote Roll The Bones. From December 2, 1991, this is truly a rarity, and is a great Rockline appearance. Neil is in a great mood, and answers everyone's questions in great detail.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Transcript: "Q&A: John Wesley" - PROG #44, April 2014

Today John Wesley's solo album Disconnect, featuring Alex Lifeson on the track "Once A Soldier" is released in the US. The April issue of Prog magazine includes a new "Q&A with John Wesley" where he talks about working with Marillion, Fish, Porcupine Tree, Steven Wilson, and of course Alex Lifeson on the new solo album and motorcycle rides with Neil Peart. - Thanks to Reed Lover for providing the original article!
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