Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Transcript: 'Intelligent Music That Rocks: Rush Chooses Brain Over Wallet' - United Press International, June 8, 1977

All The World's A Stage was released 39 years ago today! It peaked at #40 on the Billboard chart, and was certified Platinum on March 4, 1981.  To mark the occasion I've transcribed 'Intelligent Music That Rocks: Rush Chooses Brain Over Wallet' a UPI syndicated story published June 8, 1977 which ran in all major papers in the US late in the All The World's A Stage tour.  The piece includes a brief interview with Neil Peart, who states "Our music...has to be an honest statement of what we want to hear and what we want to play. Honesty is the keynote, the principle which we try to apply to everything we do - the music, the business, our personal relationships with each other."

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Transcript: 'Rush Concludes Cygnus Cycle' - Circus, December 12, 1978

My latest transcript is 'Rush Concludes Cygnus Cycle', a review of Hemispheres from the December 12, 1978 issue of Circus magazine. Unfortunately the reviewer is obviously a critic of objectivism and it colors the entire review, stating that "most people in Rush's home town of Toronto read Rand before they get out of school" an incorrectly implies that Hemispheres' Apollo and Dionysus were inspired by Rand. The review pretty much spirals into the void not long after the silly statement "Cygnus has ominous overtones of superhuman dictatorship". Uh, yeah...whatever. - Thanks to Greg Nosek for sending the original article!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Transcript: "CPI Video Division [Grace Under Pressure Video Details]" - Canadian Musician, May 1985

31 years ago today, Rush filmed their concert at Maple Leaf Gardens, later released as the Grace Under Pressure tour video.  This next transcript, "CPI Video Division", is a short piece about the firm Concert Productions International's move into video from the May 1985 issue of Canadian Musician magazine, and gives details regarding their filming of the Grace Under Pressure tour video.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Transcript: 'Rush Judgement' - Sounds, July 16, 1977

Here is an article which I've wanted to transcribe for some time. 'Rush Judgement: Tired Of The Stress Of The City, The Canadian Power Trio Take To The Wilds Of Wales' is an interview with Neil Peart by Geoff Barton' from the July 16, 1977 issue of the UK's "Sounds" magazine. Neil is interviewed in Wales during the A Farewell to Kings sessions, and discusses the band's history and more. A couple of interesting points include his story of how he conceived "The Fountain of Lamneth", and how he originally lobbied to have All The World's A Stage edited down to fit on a single vinyl record instead of a two record set of the complete concert(!).

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Transcript: "'Signals' From Rush" - The Pittsburgh Press, November 21, 1982

Rush's Signals was released 33 years ago today.  To mark the occasion I've transcribed a review of Signals from the November 21, 1982 edition of the Pittsburgh Press. The reviewer notes the trend toward keyboards, and gives his thoughts that the conformist theme of "Subdivisions" is similar to the Monkees' "Pleasant Valley Sunday".

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Transcript: 'Rush Burns Intensely On Hold Your Fire' - Toronto Star, September 4, 1987

Rush's "Hold Your Fire" was released 28 years ago today!  It peaked at #13 on the Billboard chart, and was certified Gold two months later.

I've just transcribed a review of the album written by Greg Quill of the Toronto Star. 'Rush Burns Intensely On Hold Your Fire' appeared in the September 4, 1987 issue of Rush's hometown paper, and is a very heartfelt and glowing review, which states "Hold Your Fire is by far the most personal, most likeable album Rush has made...Rush's most completely realized work, a subtly gleaming gem." Hard to argue with that.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Website Scheme Update: "Anthology"

Time for a change, I've updated the website scheme to feature album artwork for the South American Mercury compilation Anthology.

A rare official compilation released in Venezuela, Ecuador and possibly other South American countries in 1984, Anthology featured tracks from the albums 2112 through Signals, and each of those album covers appear in the cover artwork.
Tracklist: 2112 Overture/Temples of Syrinx, Closer to Heart, The Trees, The Spirit of Radio, Tom Sawyer, Limelight, Subdivisions, The Analog Kid
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