Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Transcript: 'Intelligent Music That Rocks: Rush Chooses Brain Over Wallet' - United Press International, June 8, 1977

All The World's A Stage was released 39 years ago today! It peaked at #40 on the Billboard chart, and was certified Platinum on March 4, 1981.  To mark the occasion I've transcribed 'Intelligent Music That Rocks: Rush Chooses Brain Over Wallet' a UPI syndicated story published June 8, 1977 which ran in all major papers in the US late in the All The World's A Stage tour.  The piece includes a brief interview with Neil Peart, who states "Our music...has to be an honest statement of what we want to hear and what we want to play. Honesty is the keynote, the principle which we try to apply to everything we do - the music, the business, our personal relationships with each other."

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