Monday, July 13, 2020

The Neil Peart Transcript Collection

Since first adding the Rush Transcript Archive to my website nine years ago, it has grown to nearly 1,900 articles for your perusal and enjoyment - nearly double what it was when first launched. The articles are listed in chronological order, and sprinkled through those items are every known article or essay written by Neil Peart.

For the last few months I've been wanting to collect all of Neil's writings in one central location for easy and quick review, and I finally accomplished this goal. At the top of my Transcript Archive page you'll now see a button for "The Neil Peart Collection", a collection of all known newsletters, magazine articles, tour book essays, linernotes, blog entries and more, written by Neil Peart.

Visually, this list of content is striking. We all knew he was a prolific writer, but seeing it condensed in one list is awe inspiring, and I only wish I could continue to add to it in the future...

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