Thursday, June 29, 2023

Transcript: "Rush Receives Marvel Comic Honors", Circus, May 12, 1977

A year after the release of 2112, the March 1977 issue of Marvel Comic's "The Defenders" was dedicated to Rush, and that issue's villain, Red Rajah, quoted lyrics from "The Twilight Zone". I've just transcribed "Rush Receives Marvel Comic Honors" from the May 12, 1977 issue ofCircus magazine, where Neil talks about how proud he was to receive that recognition and discusses the Randian influence. Also included in that issue of Circus is "The Rush Conquests: 'Closer To The Heart' Will Be The Group's Sixth LP".

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Transcript: "Attention All Planets of the Solar Federation... Alex Lifeson Has Assumed Control", Guitarist, May 1995

My latest transcript addition is "Attention All Planets of the Solar Federation... Alex Lifeson Has Assumed Control", a rare magazine feature with Alex Lifeson for his then upcoming solo album, Victor.  Alex was interviewed in the May 1995 issue of the UK's Guitarist magazine, and besides discussing the early stages and planned stylings to be found on Victor  (8 months before its eventual release), he also mentions how he wanted Rush's followup to Counterparts to be "much heavier and maybe a little darker".  He also discusses how they had recently found the Hammersmith Odeon '78 recording that would later first appear on Different Stages over three years later, and how reviewing those songs made him consider bringing some of them back to the set list with the thought that "a 1995 approach to them they would be really quite powerful, certainly more powerful than they were back then".

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Transcript: the "Grace Under Pressure Radio Special"

Another radio special! I didn't know this existed until recently, and have transcribed the "Grace Under Pressure Radio Special", a promo album produced by Anthem Records for radio broadcast to promote the release of Grace Under Pressure in April 1984! Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Transcript: Signals Radio Special

After audio of the Signals Radio Special show recently surfaced online, I compared it to a transcript fellow long time Rush fan Dave Ward had completed back in the 90's, and I realized Dave's transcript was missing half the show. I have duly completed the transcript, made a few edits for punctuation, and have updated it accordingly. Check it out here!

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Transcript: "We Have Assumed Control" - Sounds, June 11, 1977

46 years ago today, Rush played their first show in the UK (also their first show outside of north America), at the City Hall in Sheffield, England, on the All the World's a Stage tour. Sounds' Geoff Barton was there, and wrote a detailed account of what happened that night, including the technological issues before and during the show, in "We Have Assumed Control". I've had this clipping tucked away in the Tour Archive under this tourdate for years, and finally took the time to transcribe it. It's well worth the read!
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