Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Transcript: "Attention All Planets of the Solar Federation... Alex Lifeson Has Assumed Control", Guitarist, May 1995

My latest transcript addition is "Attention All Planets of the Solar Federation... Alex Lifeson Has Assumed Control", a rare magazine feature with Alex Lifeson for his then upcoming solo album, Victor.  Alex was interviewed in the May 1995 issue of the UK's Guitarist magazine, and besides discussing the early stages and planned stylings to be found on Victor  (8 months before its eventual release), he also mentions how he wanted Rush's followup to Counterparts to be "much heavier and maybe a little darker".  He also discusses how they had recently found the Hammersmith Odeon '78 recording that would later first appear on Different Stages over three years later, and how reviewing those songs made him consider bringing some of them back to the set list with the thought that "a 1995 approach to them they would be really quite powerful, certainly more powerful than they were back then".

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