Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Transcript: "Entering Rushdom" - Globe And Mail, April 15, 2010

As Rush is filming their latest tour this week, I thought I would celebrate the occasion with the news story which documented the discovery of Rush's FIRST filmed concert! "Entering Rushdom", Globe and Mail, April 15, 2010, was published a few days before the world premiere of Beyond The Lighted Stage, and tells of the discovery of "the Holy Grail of Rushdom", the concert video of Rush with John Rutsey performing at the Laura Secord Secondary School in St. Catherines (Neil's hometown, ironically), filmed for Canadian Bandstand sometime in either late 1973 or early 1974.  I've included Youtube clips which have been previously released as bonus features on the Beyond The Lighted Stage and Time Machine dvd's.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Transcript: "Rush Out And Get It" - Classic Rock, January 2006

"Rush Out And Get It", Classic Rock, January 2006, is a brief and less than glowing review of Rush's sixth live album, R30, released seven years ago today.  The article is saved by the inclusion of a short Q&A with Alex Lifeson.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Transcript: "The Meaning Of Lifeson" - Kerrang!, November 25, 1989

"The Meaning Of Lifeson", Kerrang! #266, November 25, 1989, is a feature interview with Alex at the release of Presto (released 23 years ago today). Alex talks about the album, the return to guitars as the driving force of the band, leaving Mercury/PolyGram, working with Rupert Hine, and making videos ("I don't particularly like doing them, and I don't particularly like watching them. I think most of them are just glorified beer ads and car ads. They all look the same now, all the strutting...and it's all miming, it's all bullshit....our new one is the usual bullshit.") He also talks seriously about adding a fourth touring member of the band, more-so than any other interview where this topic has been discussed. - Thanks to Erwin De Lathouwer for the article!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Transcript: "Rush 'Rolls The Bones' As They Enter The 1990's" - Tunes, February 1992

"Rush 'Rolls The Bones' As They Enter The 1990's", Tunes, February 1992, is an interview by a Dallas music paper before Rush's concert later that month. While the questions aren't exactly the most well thought out and the interviewer is fixated on Working Man, Closer To the Heart, and the live albums, Geddy does his best to give thoughtful answers. He also gives his thoughts on why he believes some fans feel betrayed when a band dares change their style. - Thanks to Mark Rosenthal for the original article!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Transcript: "The Story Of Kings" aka "Limited Edition Interview Picture Disc" - Baktabak Records, 1987

"The Story Of Kings" aka "Limited Edition Interview Picture Disc", Baktabak Records, 1987, is a transcript of thirty minutes of an interview with Alex Lifeson given after the release of Hold Your Fire. Many Rush fans have likely seen this in the CD bin of their local record store: originally released on 12" vinyl as "Rush Limited Edition Interview Picture Disc" (BAK2083) in 1987, is was reissued on CD as "The Story Of Kings" (CBAK4055) in 1992. The interview on both releases is identical, and was transcribed for your perusal by Terrance A. Stedman for the National Midnight Star over 20 years ago.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Transcript: "Geddy Lee: My Favorite Headache" (Review) - Sound&VisionMag.com, January 23, 2001

"My Favorite Headache (Review)", Sound&Vision, January 23, 2001, is a review of Geddy Lee's one and only solo album released 12 years ago today.  The reviewer praises the album while comparing some of it to Radiohead.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Transcript: "Toque Off, Eh?" - Creem, March 1983

"Toque Off, Eh?", Creem, March 1983, is a negative pseudo-review of Signals; reading this review, I'm only half sure what the reviewer was writing about.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Transcript: "Cover Feature! Rush - Geddy Lee" - Bassist, January 1999

"Cover Feature! Rush - Geddy Lee", Bassist, January 1999, includes Geddy's thoughts on the Test For Echo tour, his Fender Jazz basses and effects pedals, and the Chicago performance which dominates most of the Different Stages album which was released 14 years ago tomorrow. - Thanks to John Patuto for the transcript!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Transcript: "A Peart Response" - Guitar World, November 1996

"A Peart Response" - Guitar World, November 1996, is (for this Rush fan) one of the most rewarding essays Neil Peart has ever written.  If you miss this one, you're missing out.  Neil answers the not-so-simple question: "Why has Rush endured for more than 22 years?"  Neil starts with explaining how he only plays music he really likes, not as a job, but as a passion...finding the same beliefs in Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson...refusing to "play down" to the audience or to become "commercial"...fighting the record company suits with 2112 to win their freedom...and believing their fans follow them for similar reasons.  (Note: this is the second transcript from this magazine, the first was "Time And Motion: Alex Lifeson Dissects Several Key Songs From Rush's Past") - Thanks to Mark Rosenthal for the original article!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Transcript: "Lifeson Arrives Stage Center With Rush" - Circus, March 31, 1982

"Lifeson Arrives Stage Center With Rush", Circus, March 31, 1982, includes an interview with Alex where he discusses Exit Stage Left and compares it with the previous live album, All The World's A Stage.  This past Monday saw the 31st anniversary of the release of Exit...Stage Left!
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