Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Transcript: "Entering Rushdom" - Globe And Mail, April 15, 2010

As Rush is filming their latest tour this week, I thought I would celebrate the occasion with the news story which documented the discovery of Rush's FIRST filmed concert! "Entering Rushdom", Globe and Mail, April 15, 2010, was published a few days before the world premiere of Beyond The Lighted Stage, and tells of the discovery of "the Holy Grail of Rushdom", the concert video of Rush with John Rutsey performing at the Laura Secord Secondary School in St. Catherines (Neil's hometown, ironically), filmed for Canadian Bandstand sometime in either late 1973 or early 1974.  I've included Youtube clips which have been previously released as bonus features on the Beyond The Lighted Stage and Time Machine dvd's.

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