Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Transcript: "The Meaning Of Lifeson" - Kerrang!, November 25, 1989

"The Meaning Of Lifeson", Kerrang! #266, November 25, 1989, is a feature interview with Alex at the release of Presto (released 23 years ago today). Alex talks about the album, the return to guitars as the driving force of the band, leaving Mercury/PolyGram, working with Rupert Hine, and making videos ("I don't particularly like doing them, and I don't particularly like watching them. I think most of them are just glorified beer ads and car ads. They all look the same now, all the strutting...and it's all miming, it's all bullshit....our new one is the usual bullshit.") He also talks seriously about adding a fourth touring member of the band, more-so than any other interview where this topic has been discussed. - Thanks to Erwin De Lathouwer for the article!

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