Friday, August 30, 2013

Transcript: "Off The Record With Geddy Lee and Neil Peart" - 1981

My latest transcript addition is Geddy Lee and Neil Peart on "Off The Record with Mary Turner" from 1981. The interview includes questions which cover Geddy's mom not being happy with his choice of career, Neil's joining the band, constant touring, going solo, and more.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Transcript: "'A Port Boy's Story' by Neil Peart" - St. Catharines Standard, June 24 & 25, 1994

This article has been in the Transcript Archive since the beginning, but I have just updated it to include the original photos of a young Neil Peart which appeared along with the original article, courtesy of Chris Irwin: "'A Port Boy's Story' by Neil Peart" - St. Catharines Standard, June 24 & 25, 1994

Friday, August 23, 2013

"Thinking Big" - Clockwork Angels: The Watchmaker's Edition, March 1, 2013

From the linernotes to the Clockwork Angels: The Watchmaker's Edition audiobook, here is the essay "Thinking Big" by Kevin J. Anderson. Kevin looks back on his 20+ year relationship with Neil Peart, and how they worked together to create Clockwork Angels, the novel.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Desktop Wallpaper Update: Clockwork Angels Watchmaker's Edition, plus Vapor Trails Remixed

To the Desktop Wallpaper gallery, I've added a wallpaper for the Vapor Trails Remixed edition, as well as eight images from the Clockwork Angels Watchmaker Edition. Read by Neil Peart, this special audiobook release includes deluxe packaging of seven CDs, each contained in their own unique CD sleeve featuring the clock indicating the disk number (one through seven). The back cover of each disk features the alchemical symbol which appears on the clockface at that time.   Click here for the full collection.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Transcript: "Neil Peart: Learning To Swing Has Everything To Do With Learning To Rock" - Drums Etc., September/October 1997

I've just transcribed "Learning To Swing Has Everything To Do With Learning To Rock" by Neil Peart, from the September/October 1997 issue of Canada's Drums Etc. magazine. Neil appeared on the cover, and tells of how he came to be "coached" by Freddie Gruber and the subsequent change in his technique which included the switch from matched to traditional grip.  Neil concludes this interview given just before the start of his personal tragedies by stating his immediate plans were to start the followup to Test For Echo in early 1998, as well as writing a book about the Test for Echo tour called "Landscape With Drums" (sound familiar?). - Thanks to Monica Davidson for providing the original article!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Transcript: "Interview: Alex Lifeson" - Sym Info, November 1987

Alex Lifeson appeared on the cover of November 1987 issue of the Netherland's "Sym Info" magazine along with an exclusive interivew. This interview includes a few interesting bits of trivia, such as:  "on almost every album we make...a lyric about a subject which Geddy and I feel completely different about won't make it. For this record...(laughs) - it is funny because it would be very topical now - there was a lyric entitled Holy Walter. It had to do with TV evangelists...that lyric dealt with the complete...circus [surrounding the Jim Bakker/Jessica Hahn scandal] and we thought that was a very strong statement about a subject which we didn't want to make a statement about at all. And now it would have been perfect, after all attention in the media." - Thanks to Alex van Loon for translating the text from Dutch for us!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Transcript: "Open Ears: On The Road With Rush, Part One" - Guitar For The Practicing Musician, July 1986

My latest transcript is "Open Ears: On The Road With Rush, Part One" from the July 1986 issue of Guitar For The Practicing Musician. This is part one of a story written by Steve Morse in which he documents when his band opened for Rush on the Power Windows tour. Unfortunately, this is only the start of the story, which was continued in a subsequent issue. If you can provide the continuation of this article, please let me know!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Transcript: "PROG: RUSH Limited Edition" - PROG, April 2013

The Clockwork Angels tour came to a close earlier this week, but I have one final transcript for your weekend entertainment. To kick off the 2013 leg of the tour, PROG magazine published the April issue as a Limited Edition hard cover edition with three additional Rush feature stories. On the Clockwork Angels tour, Geddy said: "It's like we're two bands out there. The first set we're the opening act for ourselves. The second set is everything but the kitchen sink. And there's quite a wide variety of stuff that we're doing." He also comments on the immediate future/anniversary tour: "I wouldn't say no to a 41st or a 42nd anniversary tour. I'm not against the idea of doing an anniversary tour - I just don't know why it has to be the number 40. I think a 42nd anniversary tour is much funnier." - Thanks to John Patuto for sharing the transcript!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Transcript: "Time and Motion" - Music's Bottom Line Magazine, November 1, 2002

With the buzz surrounding the upcoming release of Vapor Trails Remixed, I thought I'd share this transcript with you.  In 2002 Cleveland music industry icon Jim Clevo wrote a letter to the local free music magazine "Music's Bottom Line" about Rush. The magazine reprinted Jim's letter "Time and Motion", in full, and included Rush on the cover. Well worth the read, Jim is a long time Rush fan who "gets" Rush, knows their history, and this story includes more than just a reminder that Rush was in town on tour.
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