Thursday, August 15, 2013

Transcript: "Interview: Alex Lifeson" - Sym Info, November 1987

Alex Lifeson appeared on the cover of November 1987 issue of the Netherland's "Sym Info" magazine along with an exclusive interivew. This interview includes a few interesting bits of trivia, such as:  "on almost every album we make...a lyric about a subject which Geddy and I feel completely different about won't make it. For this record...(laughs) - it is funny because it would be very topical now - there was a lyric entitled Holy Walter. It had to do with TV evangelists...that lyric dealt with the complete...circus [surrounding the Jim Bakker/Jessica Hahn scandal] and we thought that was a very strong statement about a subject which we didn't want to make a statement about at all. And now it would have been perfect, after all attention in the media." - Thanks to Alex van Loon for translating the text from Dutch for us!

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