Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Transcript: 'Just My Type: Geddy Lee Interview by Dan Patrick' - Sports Illustrated, October 26, 2015

I've just transcribed 'Just My Type: Geddy Lee Interview by Dan Patrick' from last October 26th's issue of Sports Illustrated. This interview took place shortly after last year's World Series, and Geddy talks about the Series as well as his experiences singing the Canadian National Anthem in '93 as well as throwing out last year's first pitch in Toronto.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Transcript: "Act Natural, Lee" - Entertainment Weekly, December 15, 2000

I just added a transcript from the December 15, 2000 issue of Entertainment Weekly: "Act Natural, Lee" is a basic Q&A with Geddy published shortly after the release of My Favorite Headache.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Transcript: "Presto Brings Magic Back To Rush Performance," Toronto Star, May 10, 1990

I've just transcribed another long lost interview, this one is with Geddy Lee, interviewed during the Presto tour, as it appeared in the May 10, 1990 issue of the Toronto Star.  In "Presto Brings Magic Back To Rush Performance," Geddy talks about the rebirth of the band with Presto, and also discusses how they went about choosing the opening bands on tour. "Whenever we pick an opening act, we're supplied with a list of who's available. How that list comes to be is always beyond me...and all we try to do is pick a decent band that will work with us. For this tour, we thought it would be nice to have a French act [Voivod] play with us. To be frank, that's as far as we thought about it." - Thanks again to Heiko Klages for supplying the original article!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Rush Sampling Added: "Fright Night" by Capaz on Ultimo Cigarro

Just added to the Tributes & Samplings page, "Fright Night" by Capaz on Ultimo Cigarro.  This song includes a sample of Rush's "A Passage To Bangkok" throughout.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Transcript: 'For The Record: Exit...Stage Left Album Review' - Brandon Sun, November 23, 1981

My latest transcript is from the November 23, 1981 edition of the Brandon Sun: 'For The Record: Exit...Stage Left' is a review of the album where the critic applauds the production for making the live show sound close to the original studio versions, while criticizing Neil's drum solo as "coming up short". - Thanks to J Harrison for sending the transcript!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

A Few Site Additions for Your Review

A few website additions for your review...  If I'm missing anything, please drop me a line! - Thanks to Paul Knox-Roberts, Tod Odonnell and Joe Pesch for the headsup!

To the "Rush Covers" page, I added "Tom Sawyer" performed by The United States Airforce Rock Group on the album Mach 1, released in 1983; this is a collection of upbeat anthems, and is now the earliest known Rush cover in print.

Next, a few additions to to the "Pop Culture References" page... During the television show "Person of Interest" (episode "Bad Code", season 2, episode 2), 2112 is part of a tab code which Finch enters into a telephone handset.  Another television show, "Ray Donovan" (episode "Federal Boobie Inspector", season 4, episode 4), sees Ray and another character discussing Canadian rock bands and include Rush.  And finally, as previously posted, the movie "The Infiltrator" was released July 13th, featuring "Tom Sawyer" during the opening credits scene, and it is also the lead track on the film's soundtrack.

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