Monday, December 31, 2012

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Transcript: "Rush In Rio: First-Ever Concert DVD To Be Released Early This Fall" -, May 22, 2003

Back in 2003, Rush fans were starving for Rush on DVD. At that time, the only official DVD was the Chronicles video collection, as the first three concert films has yet to be released on DVD. Accordingly, it was great news with announced "Rush In Rio: First-Ever Concert DVD To Be Released Early This Fall" on May 22, 2003. - Thanks to Jordan Finkelstein for sharing the original transcript!

Friday, December 21, 2012

2112 Sighting In Citibank "Airport" Ipad App Commercial

Since it is 21-12-12, I thought I'd pass along this Rush 2112 sighting which reader David Loschiavo recently brought to my attention. In this 2011 commercial for Citibank's iPad app, an airport's "departures" list shows flight "2112" leaving for Toronto. At first glance, this might seem coincidental, until you notice flight "5150" leaving for Los Angeles (home to Van Halen). I wouldn't be surprised if there are other music references included on the screen as well!

Transcript: "Rush Rock Sound Crisp And Strong" - Ottawa Citizen, May 30, 1974

To celebrate Rush Day, I've transcribed the earliest known Rush press that has ever surfaced; this is nearly 39 years old!  "Rush Rock Sound Crisp And Strong", is a review of the original MOON release of Rush's debut album, as reviewed by the Ottawa Citizen, May 30, 1974.  Included is the summation "Rush are definitely brash and unseasoned around the edges but the hard core potential - the willingness to let the notes fall where they may and stand proud - is exciting."  I couldn't agree more. - Thanks to Mark Rosenthal for the original article.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Transcript: "The Alex Lifeson Interview - The Snowdog Raps with CyberSteve" - A Show Of Fans, Winter 1996

Here is my first transcript addition from the fanzine "A Show Of Fans": "The Alex Lifeson Interview - The Snowdog Raps with CyberSteve" is an in-depth interview with Alex by Steve Streeter given 17 years ago in the Winter 1996 issue. This is a rare interview as the focus is on "Victor". Alex talks about working with his son Adrian, his wife Charlene and her friend Esther, Lisa Dalbello, Bill Bell, Edwin, Les Claypool, and more. Included are his comments on the complete coincidence in the similarity between Dalbello's performance and an early Geddy Lee, playing with The Dexters at the Orbit Room, how it was because of Primus that Rush performed "Hemispheres: Prelude" on the Counterparts tour, and how the plans to do a Twentieth Anniversary tour were shelved in order to work on new music (Test For Echo). - Thanks again to Mark Rosenthal for the original article.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Transcript: "Living In The Limelight" - Guitar World, November 1996

Published shortly after the release of "Test For Echo", although they were not featured on the cover, the November 1996 issue of "Guitar World" heavily featured Rush. Here is the main feature story, "Living In The Limelight: Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson And Neil Peart Look Back At Rush's Long, Illustrious Career". I should point that Neil is not featured in this article; his contribution was in the sidebar "A Peart Response" which I previously posted online and is included in the above link. In addition, this magazine included the previously posted "Time And Motion: Alex Lifeson Dissects Several Key Songs From Rush's Past". - Thanks to Mark Rosenthal for the original article!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Transcript: "Rush: Band of the Year?" - Classic Rock, January 2013

The current issue of the UK's Classic Rock magazine features "The Best Of 2012". The magazine is running with five different cover photos including RUSH, including the cover story "Rush: Band of the Year?". - Thanks to John at for the transcript!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Transcript: "Rush Go To Rio For DVD; New Hits Package Also In Stores" -, February 13, 2003

From February 13, 2003, just before the release of The Spirit of Radio Greatest Hits, published "Rush Go To Rio For DVD; New Hits Package Also In Stores". Included in this short blast is the news that at that time Rush were considering including some of the Toronto "Test For Echo" tour footage on the forthcoming Rush In Rio DVD. - Thanks to Jordan Finkelstein for sharing the transcript!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Transcript: "Rush - Why This Band Is Still Around" - Network, February/March 1992

"Rush - Why This Band Is Still Around" - Network, February/March 1992, is an interview with Neil Peart by Dave Bidini of the Rheostatics.  Neil gives his thoughts on how Rush had been able to stay together so long (and this was written 20 years ago!...), and also tells how one day he realized how fate had steered the band's career and developed those thoughts into Roll The Bones.  It is worth noting that two months after this interview was published, Neil would record with the Rheos for their album Whale Music. - Thanks to Mark Rosenthal for the original article!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Rush Sighting on The Big Bang Theory, December 2010

Here's a pseudo-Rush reference from back on December 9, 2010.  During the episode "The Alien Parasite Hypothesis" (season 4, episode 10), Sheldon Cooper says "The best number is 73. 73 is the 21st prime number. Its mirror, 37, is the 12th, and its mirror, 21, is the product of multiplying - hang on to your hats - 7 and 3. In binary, 73 is a palindrome: 1001001, which backwards is 1001001. Exactly the same." - Thanks to James McKay for the headsup!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Transcript: "Entering Rushdom" - Globe And Mail, April 15, 2010

As Rush is filming their latest tour this week, I thought I would celebrate the occasion with the news story which documented the discovery of Rush's FIRST filmed concert! "Entering Rushdom", Globe and Mail, April 15, 2010, was published a few days before the world premiere of Beyond The Lighted Stage, and tells of the discovery of "the Holy Grail of Rushdom", the concert video of Rush with John Rutsey performing at the Laura Secord Secondary School in St. Catherines (Neil's hometown, ironically), filmed for Canadian Bandstand sometime in either late 1973 or early 1974.  I've included Youtube clips which have been previously released as bonus features on the Beyond The Lighted Stage and Time Machine dvd's.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Transcript: "Rush Out And Get It" - Classic Rock, January 2006

"Rush Out And Get It", Classic Rock, January 2006, is a brief and less than glowing review of Rush's sixth live album, R30, released seven years ago today.  The article is saved by the inclusion of a short Q&A with Alex Lifeson.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Transcript: "The Meaning Of Lifeson" - Kerrang!, November 25, 1989

"The Meaning Of Lifeson", Kerrang! #266, November 25, 1989, is a feature interview with Alex at the release of Presto (released 23 years ago today). Alex talks about the album, the return to guitars as the driving force of the band, leaving Mercury/PolyGram, working with Rupert Hine, and making videos ("I don't particularly like doing them, and I don't particularly like watching them. I think most of them are just glorified beer ads and car ads. They all look the same now, all the strutting...and it's all miming, it's all bullshit....our new one is the usual bullshit.") He also talks seriously about adding a fourth touring member of the band, more-so than any other interview where this topic has been discussed. - Thanks to Erwin De Lathouwer for the article!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Transcript: "Rush 'Rolls The Bones' As They Enter The 1990's" - Tunes, February 1992

"Rush 'Rolls The Bones' As They Enter The 1990's", Tunes, February 1992, is an interview by a Dallas music paper before Rush's concert later that month. While the questions aren't exactly the most well thought out and the interviewer is fixated on Working Man, Closer To the Heart, and the live albums, Geddy does his best to give thoughtful answers. He also gives his thoughts on why he believes some fans feel betrayed when a band dares change their style. - Thanks to Mark Rosenthal for the original article!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Transcript: "The Story Of Kings" aka "Limited Edition Interview Picture Disc" - Baktabak Records, 1987

"The Story Of Kings" aka "Limited Edition Interview Picture Disc", Baktabak Records, 1987, is a transcript of thirty minutes of an interview with Alex Lifeson given after the release of Hold Your Fire. Many Rush fans have likely seen this in the CD bin of their local record store: originally released on 12" vinyl as "Rush Limited Edition Interview Picture Disc" (BAK2083) in 1987, is was reissued on CD as "The Story Of Kings" (CBAK4055) in 1992. The interview on both releases is identical, and was transcribed for your perusal by Terrance A. Stedman for the National Midnight Star over 20 years ago.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Transcript: "Geddy Lee: My Favorite Headache" (Review) - Sound&, January 23, 2001

"My Favorite Headache (Review)", Sound&Vision, January 23, 2001, is a review of Geddy Lee's one and only solo album released 12 years ago today.  The reviewer praises the album while comparing some of it to Radiohead.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Transcript: "Toque Off, Eh?" - Creem, March 1983

"Toque Off, Eh?", Creem, March 1983, is a negative pseudo-review of Signals; reading this review, I'm only half sure what the reviewer was writing about.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Transcript: "Cover Feature! Rush - Geddy Lee" - Bassist, January 1999

"Cover Feature! Rush - Geddy Lee", Bassist, January 1999, includes Geddy's thoughts on the Test For Echo tour, his Fender Jazz basses and effects pedals, and the Chicago performance which dominates most of the Different Stages album which was released 14 years ago tomorrow. - Thanks to John Patuto for the transcript!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Transcript: "A Peart Response" - Guitar World, November 1996

"A Peart Response" - Guitar World, November 1996, is (for this Rush fan) one of the most rewarding essays Neil Peart has ever written.  If you miss this one, you're missing out.  Neil answers the not-so-simple question: "Why has Rush endured for more than 22 years?"  Neil starts with explaining how he only plays music he really likes, not as a job, but as a passion...finding the same beliefs in Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson...refusing to "play down" to the audience or to become "commercial"...fighting the record company suits with 2112 to win their freedom...and believing their fans follow them for similar reasons.  (Note: this is the second transcript from this magazine, the first was "Time And Motion: Alex Lifeson Dissects Several Key Songs From Rush's Past") - Thanks to Mark Rosenthal for the original article!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Transcript: "Lifeson Arrives Stage Center With Rush" - Circus, March 31, 1982

"Lifeson Arrives Stage Center With Rush", Circus, March 31, 1982, includes an interview with Alex where he discusses Exit Stage Left and compares it with the previous live album, All The World's A Stage.  This past Monday saw the 31st anniversary of the release of Exit...Stage Left!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Transcript: "Baroque Cosmologies In Their Past, The Boys Focus On 'The Perfect Song'" - Canadian Musician, December 1985

"Baroque Cosmologies In Their Past, The Boys Focus On 'The Perfect Song'", Canadian Musician, December 1985, is a cover feature interview with Geddy Lee where he discusses recording Power Windows with Peter Collins (released 28 years ago today), looks back on working with Peter Henderson, and looks toward the future. He also discusses each song from Power Windows in turn, including this statement regarding "Territories": "One thing particular to the drum part is that Neil used no snare. In the middle section we sampled my voice saying 'Round and round'". - Thanks to John Patuto for the transcript.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Transcript: "Track By Track: Rush Clockwork Angels" - Total Guitar, August 2012

"Track By Track: Rush Clockwork Angels" - Total Guitar, August 2012, is the merged and edited print edition of two separate interviews with Alex Lifeson and producer Nick Raskulinecz previously published online at this past spring. - Thanks to Heiko Klages for the original article!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Transcript: "Guitarmania 2: Return Of The Six-String Beast" - Canadian Musician, June 1995

"Guitarmania 2: Return Of The Six-String Beast" - Canadian Musician, June 1995, was published six months in advance of the release of Alex Lifeson's solo album "Victor". According to this article, the Victor album was born when Alex Lifeson and Bill Bell first got together to record a track for Guitar World's Guitars That Ruled The World compilation CD, and then continued writing. Their track, "Strip and Go Naked", was eventually released on the Guitars That Rule the World, Vol. 2: Smell the Fuzz: The Superstar Guitar Album released October 22, 1996. "...after a lengthy summer of just hanging around, I thought that I had to do something. I have a recording studio at home. Bill Bell, a guitarist who works with Tom Cochrane and a lot of other local people, is helping out...We had fun on Guitar World's Guitars That Ruled The World compilation CD, and just continued writing. I've been doing it since the end of October..." - Thanks to Mark Rosenthal for the original article!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Transcript: "RUSH: Feed Your Head" - RIP, April 1994

"RUSH: Feed Your Head", RIP, April 1994, includes an interview with Geddy Lee published shortly after the release of Counterparts (released 19 years ago today), where he looks back on the Rush catalog, the difficult albums to make (Hemispheres), his favorite album at that time (Moving Pictures), as well as his least favorite ("I can't listen to anything from 'Caress of Steel' without cringing...the only thing I still like is "I Think I'm Going Bald"). - Thanks to Dave Ward for the transcript.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Transcript: "Rush Tour Hit By Nationalist Backlash" - Record Week, October 25, 1976

Tonight Rush play their second of two shows in their hometown of Toronto. Let's hope they are receiving a better homecoming than they did 36 years ago this month as told in "Rush Tour Hit By Nationalist Backlash"Record Week, October 25, 1976.  This news report tells how after receiving the necessary approval to bring lighting and sound gear into Canada from the US, RUSH was hit with a $15,000 levy after a Canadian sound and light company applied pressure on the tax department.  How's that for a hometown welcome?. - Thanks to John Patuto for the transcript!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Transcript: "Rush To Judgement" - Creem, June 1977

"Rush To Judgement", Creem, June 1977, is an odd concert review and interview rolled into one. The first half is an uninitiated writer's introduction to Rush via the 2112 tour, and the second half is the same author's interview with the band six months later, where they discuss the music scene in Canada, making it in the US, already considering adding a fourth touring member, etc. Written 35 years ago, this is a blast from the past...

Friday, October 5, 2012

Transcript: "RUSH Fact Sheet" - Mercury Records, 1984

"RUSH Fact Sheet" 1984 is a simple three page type-written press kit covering RUSH highlights from 1980-1984. The original copy did not include specific source information; I have arbitrarily listed Mercury Records as the source although that may be incorrect.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Pop Culture Reference - "A Passage To Bangkok" Performed In "Hunky Dory"

Set in 1976, the British film Hunky Dory (October 25, 2011) stars Minnie Driver as a teacher who gets her students to do a musical version of The Tempest with pop music from the 60's and 70's.  Although not featured in the trailer, the film includes the students performing Rush's "A Passage To Bangkok" along with songs by Pink Floyd, ELO, Bowie, and more. - Thanks to Kevin McKeown for the headsup!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Transcript: "Bad To The Bones" - Hit Parader, March 1992

My latest transcript, "Bad To The Bones" is from the March 1992 issue of Hit Parader. Geddy talks about his aversion to reading reviews, spending less time on tour, and his thoughts on "Bravado". - Thanks to Monica Zimmerman for the original article!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Transcript: "'Roadshow: Landscape With Drums' Neil Peart Review" - Classic Rock, February 2007

Neil Peart's fourth book Roadshow: Landscape With Drums, A Concert Tour By Motorcycle, was officially released six years ago today. Here is a very brief review of 'Roadshow' from the February 2007 issue of Classic Rock magazine.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Transcript: "Making Memories" - Guitarist, January 2006

Eight years ago today Rush recorded their R30 concert film at the Festhalle in Frankfurt, Germany. Released in November 2005, the feature story "Making Memories" appeared in the January 2006 issue of Guitarist magazine. Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson look back on their first 30th years. - Thanks to Joe Sterle for the original article!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Transcript: "Prog Special: The Cult Is Alive" - Terrorizer, September 2007

Rush was featured on the cover of the September 2007 issue of Terrorizer magazine; the cover story "Prog Special: The Cult Is Alive" is an interview with Geddy and Alex where they look back on their history, what it means to be called a progressive rock band, staying relevant, and how Snakes & Arrows is a reflection of the world in 2007. - Thanks to John Patuto for the transcript!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

2112 Sighting - Pop Culture Reference Addition

In the Sean Penn film This Must Be the Place which premiered at the 2011 Cannes Film Festival on May 20, 2011, at 8:40 into the film Sean Penn's character loses a game of handball by the score of 21-12. - Thanks to Grtz Ab Rooswinkel for the headsup!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Desktop Wallpaper Update: Clockwork Angels Tourbook Images

The Clockwork Angels tour kicked off last Friday in Manchester, New Hampshire. Here for your viewing pleasure are all of the Clockwork Angels tour book images modified for use as desktop wallpaper, reproduced faithfully to the original tour book layout except for a few minor exceptions where "creative license" was required. Thanks again to John at for providing many of the raw images!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Transcript: "Geddy: 'Touring Britain Is A Real Grind'" - Kerrang!, October 21, 1982

A few months ago I transcribed "New World Men", an interview with Alex Lifeson and Geddy Lee from the October 7, 1982 issue of Kerrang! magazine. Here now, is "Geddy: 'Touring Britain Is A Real Grind'", part two of that conversation, from the October 21, 1982 issue of Kerrang!. For continuity, I've added this second half to the bottom of the previous transcription.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Transcript: "Alex Lifeson: The Making Of A Guitar Legend" - Guitar One, September/October 1996

Test For Echo was released 16 years ago today! The September/October 1996 issue of Guitar One magazine included the feature story "Alex Lifeson: The Making Of A Guitar Legend", were Alex discussed his guitar playing on Test For Echo, his signature riffs and sounds, and more. Included is the sidebar "Which artists and records would be on Alex Lifeson's essential listening list and why?". - Thanks to Joe Sterle for the original article!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Transcript: "Face To Face With Rush's Geddy Lee" - Circus, March 31, 1983

Signals was released 30 years ago today! The March 31, 1983 issue of Circus magazine included the feature interview "Face To Face With Rush's Geddy Lee", where Geddy talks about recording Signals, writing shorter songs, working on lyrics with Neil, the increased use of keyboards, and more.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Transcript: "Neil Peart: Mystic Rhythms" - Rhythm, August 1988

Celebrating the Silver Anniversary of the release of Hold Your Fire, here is a cover feature for your reading pleasure. In "Neil Peart: Mystic Rhythms", from the August, 1988 issue of Rhythm magazine, Neil discusses his past history in London, how he chose his pearlecent-pink Ludwig kit, creating the Hold Your Fire drum solo from scratch, playing odd time signatures and more. - Thanks to John Patuto for the transcript!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Desktop Wallpaper Update: Clockwork Angels - The Novel wallpapers

Clockwork Angels: The Novel, includes four additional images not found in the original album art, as well as a version of the "Seven Cities of Gold" image which is larger than what was included in the album's linernotes.  I have created wallpaper images for all four images and added them to the "Desktop Wallpaper: Album Art Images" page; click here to grab them.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Pop Culture Reference: Men In Black 3

Added to the Rush References page, Men In Black 3, released May 25, 2012.

Only a diehard Rush fan would spot this reference!  Roughly 37 minutes into the film, the analog hallway clock reads twelve minutes after nine, or 21:12 in military time (the same time found on the clock on Clockwork Angels). - Thanks to Ab Rooswinkel for the headsup and screen capture!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Transcript: "Alex Lifeson & Geddy Lee: Flesh And Bones" - Guitar World, December 1991

Celebrating the 21st anniversary of the release of Roll The Bones, here is a transcript of Guitar World magazine's extensive feature: "Alex Lifeson & Geddy Lee: Flesh And Bones" from their December 1991 issue. Geddy and Alex discuss the recording of "Bones", including Geddy's work to sing in a lower register and how that affected how the songs were written, Alex's demo solos which made it to the final release (i.e. Ghost), the rap section, recording the first instrumental since YYZ, and more. - Thanks to Joe Sterle for the original article!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Transcript: "The Rush Trio Enjoys Offstage Workouts, Too" - Detroit Free Press, July 9, 1984

And here is the last of the "previous tour" transcripts that I wanted to get out of the way as it were. A brief transcript from the Grace Under Pressure tour, "The Rush Trio Enjoys Offstage Workouts, Too" appeared in Detroit Free Press on July 9, 1984, and includes bits of an interview with Alex and Neil, discussing how they stayed fit on the road (at the age of 30!), and being recognized by the fans on the road. - Thanks to Heiko Klages for the article!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Transcript: "Rush Keeps Proving That It's No 'Fly By Night' Rock Band" - The Pittsburgh Press, December 12, 1985

I've transcribed "Rush Keeps Proving That It's No 'Fly By Night' Rock Band", an article which appeared in The Pittsburgh Press on December 12, 1985, before RUSH's stop there on the Power Windows tour. Neil Peart is interviewed and discusses saving jams recorded in soundchecks, staying together for 11(!) years, touring the Orient in '84, and more. - Thanks to Heiko Klages for the original article.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Transcript: "Concert Preview: 'Vapor Trails' Tour Has Been A Rush For Rush" - Seattle Times, September 13, 2002

As the Clockwork Angels tour is about to kick off, I've got a couple of previous tours' press clippings to transcribe which I'll be uploading in the next few days. The first is an interview with Geddy Lee in advance of RUSH's concert at The Gorge in Washington near the end of the Vapor Trails tour. In "Concert Preview: 'Vapor Trails' Tour Has Been A Rush For Rush" - Seattle Times, Sepember 13, 2002, Geddy talks about the Gorge, writing lyrics, and his voice (i.e. "the damned howling in Hades").

Monday, August 27, 2012

Transcript Collection: "Alex Lifeson's New Year's Eve At The Ritz"

On New Year's Eve 2003, stemming from false accusations made to the police by employees of the Ritz Carlton in Naples Florida, Alex Lifeson, his son and daughter-in-law were the victims of police brutality. The event, and its subsequent court cases, were well documented in the press. I have taken the time to collect all the key articles revolving around the case, and have added over THREE DOZEN spread out over nearly five years' time to the Rush Transcript Archive. Together, they paint the complete sordid story of Alex Lifeson's New Year's Eve At The Ritz. These articles are grouped together between the Rush In Rio and Feedback releases, which is when the event took place; click here for the group link.  If you are unfamiliar with the incident, or unclear of the details, this article pretty much sums up what happened.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Transcript: "Good Gracious! Another Rush LP" - Music Express, January 1984

Here is short transcript from the January 1984 issue of "Music Express", which includes caricatures of RUSH on the cover along with various other Canadian musicians. "Good Gracious! Another Rush LP" is a brief announcement of the release of "Grace Under Pressure" later that spring; what is interesting about the article itself is that it includes the statement "Artwork for the album will again be done by Hugh Syme, currently out on bail awaiting trial on charges connected with the massive gold fraud..." Gold fraud? What?! - Thanks to Monica Zimmerman for the original article!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Transcript: "The Rush Tapes, Part 3: Alex Lifeson, The Walking, Talking King of Canadian Guitars" - Circus, November 10, 1977

Here is the final installment of "The Rush Tapes, Part 3: Alex Lifeson, The Walking, Talking King of Canadian Guitars", Circus, November 10, 1977. Alex talks about his primary guitars, his early influences, playing classical guitar, and the first song he ever played. - Thanks again to Monica Zimmerman for the original article!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Rush 640x960 Iphone Wallpaper

I've recently updated the "Smartphone" wallpaper download section of my website, and have created a completely new collection of RUSH album art customized for use as iPhone wallpaper: Rush 640x960 Iphone Wallpaper from Power Windows

These RUSH wallpapers have been modified with a size of 640 x 960 pixels. To download, click on the preview file to open the full resolution version, then save to your iPhone's camera roll. To use as wallpaper, go to Settings, Wallpaper, and choose the downloaded file as your wallpaper. Additional wallpaper from album art will be added on request...

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Transcript: "The Rush Tapes, Part 2: Geddy Lee, From Immigrants' Son to Rush's Lead Singer" - Circus, October 27, 1977

In "The Rush Tapes, Part 2: Geddy Lee, From Immigrants' Son to Rush's Lead Singer", Circus, October 27, 1977, Geddy talks about listening to old Rush records to learn from his mistakes, listening to the production of other band's albums, meeting his wife, and how his mother views his music and how she was affected by the concentration camps ("are we the last ones left alive?").

Monday, August 20, 2012

Transcript: "The Rush Tapes, Part 1: Neil Peart Sizes Up 'Farewell To Kings,' The Latest Canadian Rock Opus" - Circus, October 13, 1977

Back in the fall of 1977, Circus magazine published "The Rush Tapes", three individual Q&A sessions with each member of RUSH, spread over three successive issues of the magazine. I'll be posting each one individually over the next week or so, starting with "The Rush Tapes, Part 1: Neil Peart Sizes Up 'Farewell To Kings,' The Latest Canadian Rock Opus" from the October 13, 1977 issue. A couple of interesting tidbits are included, with a brief nod to Peter Talbot's help writing "Closer To The Heart". - Thanks to Monica Zimmerman for the original article!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Transcript: "On The Road With Rush" - Canadian Musician, November/December 1984

I've just transcribed "On The Road With Rush", from Canadian Musician Vol. VI No. 6, November/December 1984, an extensive story focusing on RUSH's tour crew including their day to day operations, the band's touring philosophy, and includes a complete equipment breakdown and more. - Thanks to Heiko Klages for the original article!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Transcript: "There's Always Hope" - Toronto Sun, February 8, 2009

Coinciding with the Beijing Olympics, four years ago today the Songs for Tibet: The Art of Peace benefit album was released containing a live version of "Hope" recorded on the Snakes & Arrows tour. The track was later nominated for a Grammy (their 6th nomination in the Best Rock Instrumental Performance category, ultimately losing to "Peaches En Regalia" a cover song performed by Dweezil Zappa's band from Zappa Plays Zappa), as told in "There's Always Hope" - Toronto Sun, February 8, 2009.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Transcript: "The Secrets Of Playing While Singing" and "Working With a Drummer...How To Sound Your Best" - Canadian Musician, September/October & November/December 1999

This next transcript combines two articles published during Rush's "sabbatical", in the dead year between the release of the live Different Stages and Geddy Lee's My Favorite Headache. "The Secrets Of Playing While Singing" and "Working With a Drummer...How To Sound Your Best" is an extensive two part interview with Geddy Lee spanning the Sep/Oct and Nov/Dec 1999 issues of Canadian Musician, where he talks about forgetting lyrics, writing YYZ, his influences, advice for new players, and more. - Thanks to Carlos Mejia and Heiko Klages for the original articles!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Transcript: "Just Like 'Clockwork'" - Goldmine, September 2012

The new September issue of Goldmine magazine includes the feature story "Just Like 'Clockwork'". I've transcribed the article for your reading pleasure, thanks to Ed at RushIsABand and Kelly M for the original scans. Alex talks about the album and goes through the songs track by track. He also discusses the band's history, and also his "greatest riffs". He closes by sharing that he has recorded "an hour or two" of solo material for potential release on a second solo album in the future, but has no immediate plans to do so.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Power Windows advertisements added

Collector Heiko Klages has found a few more advertisements for the Power Windows album, you can check them out on the Power Windows discography page.

Transcript: "Getting In Gear" - Needle, June 2012

Rush appeared on the cover of the June issue of Needle, 'The Canadian Indie Store Record Magazine'. The article, "Getting In Gear", is an edit of recent interviews which appeared in Classic Rock magazine. - Thanks to John Patuto for sharing the transcript!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Transcript: "A Parallax View" - Music Express, December 1985

Rush appeared on the cover of the December 1985 issue of Music Express magazine and in the feature story "A Parallax View", Neil Peart and Geddy Lee discuss the writing and recording of the album Power Windows. The "thesis" of the album is "Power and the different aspects of power on both a grand and human scale", and each song's form of power is discussed, as well as bringing in Peter Collins and the changes he brought with him, the various locations used to record the album, etc. - Thanks to Joe Pesch for the original article!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Transcript: "Drum Part: Peart & McCracken 'Battle Scar' By Max Webster" - DRUM!, November 2007

Last weekend saw the 32nd anniversary of the recording of "Battle Scar" from Max Webster's album Universal Juveniles.   The track was recorded live on July 28th, 1980 by Max Webster and Rush together at Phase One Studios in Toronto. The November 2007 issue of DRUM! magazine included "Drum Part: Peart & McCracken 'Battle Scar' By Max Webster" where Peart reminisces about recording the song. - Thanks to RushFanForever for the headsup!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Transcript: "Classic Rock Presents: RUSH Clockwork Angels" - Classic Rock, June 11, 2012

For those of you that missed out on the Classic Rock Fanpack, here is the complete transcription of the fanpack magazine, in its entirety: "Classic Rock Presents: RUSH Clockwork Angels". - Thanks to John Patuto for the transcript!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Transcript: "Conquering Mount Rush-More" - Kerrang!, July 21, 2012

"Conquering Mount Rush-More", from the recent (July 21st) issue of Kerrang!, is "a 10-point list of reasons why Rush are awesome". Also included are comments from a few "bands who really, really love Rush". Thanks to John Patuto for the transcript!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Transcript: "It's Not Over Yet" - Classic Rock, October 2003

Nine years ago today, RUSH participated in the "Molson Canadian Rocks For Toronto" concert (aka Sarsstock) to benefit Toronto's SARS-depressed economy on July 30, 2003. The October 2003 issue of Classic Rock magazine included the story "It's Not Over Yet" featuring a review of the Sarsstock show and a preview of the Rush In Rio video release.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Transcript: "Closer To The Heart" - Revolver, April 2007

From the April 2007 issue of Revolver magazine, just before the release of Snakes & Arrows, "Closer To The Heart" is an interview with Geddy Lee given during the mixing stage of Snakes & Arrows, sharing his excitement over the recording process and how it was influenced by the recording process of "Feedback". - Thanks to Chris Milmerstadt for the transcript!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Transcript: "15 Minutes with Geddy Lee of Rush" - Sound&Vision, February/March 2001

Here's a short transcript from the February/March 2001 issue of Sound&Vision magazine. "15 Minutes with Geddy Lee of Rush" was published shortly after the release of "My Favorite Headache", and includes Geddy's thoughts on writing lyrics, illegal downloading and recording in surround sound. - Thanks to Will Holt for the transcript.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Transcript: "Rock Around The Clock" - Guitar World, September 2012

The current (September) issue of Guitar World includes the extensive feature article "Rock Around The Clock", and it is now available for your reading pleasure courtesy of John Patuto at   Alex Lifeson talks about the guitar work on Clockwork Angels, including how the carnival sounds were achieved in Carnies, why eventually Geddy did not play guitar on the final version of The Wreckers, and how lyrically the album's story changed over the course of Time Machine tour.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Transcript: "All The World's A Stage" - Q Classic's Pink Floyd & The Story Of Prog Rock, July 2005

Back in July 2005 the UK's Q magazine published the 150 page special issue Pink Floyd & The Story of Prog Rock, a veritable encyclopedia of Prog, starting with "The Roots Of Prog", then dedicating multi-page articles to various historic prog artists. Rush is featured in the eight page article "All The World's A Stage", including a couple of sidebars plus some great quotes from the band regarding their Prog years: "Caress Of Steel was a pretty big flop...We really put a lot in to it. You can almost smell the hash oil." The magazine also breaks down "40 Cosmic Rock Albums: Your essential guide to the world of mind-blowing music adventures", with a full breakdown of "A Farewell To Kings" coming in at #6.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Transcript: "A Rare Rock 'N' Roll Silver Anniversary" - Maclean's, January 11, 1999

My latest transcript, "A Rare Rock 'N' Roll Silver Anniversary" - Maclean's, January 11, 1999, is a very short article published shortly after the release of Different Stages, discussing Rush's longevity and the hiatus due to Neil's tragedies.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Transcript: "Spirit Of Peart: A Major Interview With Neil Peart Of Rush" - Kerrang!, June 17-30 and July 1-13, 1983

"Spirit Of Peart: A Major Interview With Neil Peart Of Rush" is so huge, it was published in two parts. Part one appeared in Kerrang! No. 44 June 17-30, and the second part appeared in No. 45 July 1-13, 1983. This is a VERY in depth interview with Peart where he pulls no punches discussing the press, the fans (Rush fans as well as other fans, i.e. fans of Iron Maiden and AC/DC), his music, Cygnus-X1 versus Hemispheres, and is asked all the tough questions and reaffirms his individualistic nature. - Thanks to Erwin De Lathouwer and Jun'ya Suzuki for the original articles!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Transcript: "Talkin' Baseball With Rush's Geddy Lee" -, April 10, 2007

Tonight is the MLB All-Star Game, and on a related note, here is an interview from which they posted shortly after Geddy Lee's "Iron Diamond" Fantasy Baseball commercial premiered on ESPN in spring 2007. "Talkin' Baseball With Rush's Geddy Lee" is one of the more in-depth baseball interviews with Geddy, and includes details such as how he obtained both the ball and the bat Mickey Mantle used to hit a homerun in the 1960 World Series. Geddy also discusses fantasy baseball and his favorite and least favorite ballparks.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Transcript: "The Rush Conquests" - Circus, May 12, 1977

Here's a great article for the archive, from the May 12, 1977 issue of Circus magazine: Rush was currently on tour for All The World's A Stage, both that album and 2112 were about to go gold, the band were driving new luxury sports cars, and in "The Rush Conquests" Geddy is interviewed regarding their future plans which included their upcoming first tour of the UK, and plans to record their next album (with a working title "Closer To The Heart") at Rockfield Studios in Wales. The magazine also included a two page poster, included here and suitable for use as desktop wallpaper! - Thanks to Greg Nosek for the headsup and John Patuto for the original article!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Transcript: "Alex Lifeson's Letter Of Thanks" - Guitar For The Practicing Musician, September 1991

This is very very short, but I had to transcribe it for the archive - "Alex Lifeson's Letter Of Thanks" found in the "Letters to the Editor" section of the September 1991 issue of Guitar For The Practicing Musician, a sweet note written in response to his inclusion in their Hall of Fame issue the previous April. - Thanks to Joe Sterle for the original clipping!

Transcript: "TG Icon: Alex Lifeson / Rush" - Total Guitar, November 2007

Alex Lifeson was Total Guitar's Icon of the month for November 2007, and talks about the first songs he ever learned, writing on acoustic guitar for Snakes & Arrows, inspiring others, and more.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Transcript: "Resurge With Rush" - Applause, January 1994

Rush was on the cover of the January '94 issue of Applause, the monthly newspaper of Austin, Texas' Frank Erwin Center. Included is the short feature "Resurge With Rush", which is put together from previous interviews and Neil's tour book essay. - Thanks to Joe Sterle for the original article!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Transcript: "Stage Pass: Rush Takes Songs, Lights And A Video Vampire On The Road" - Circus, April 30, 1983

From Circus magazine, April 30, 1983, "Stage Pass: Rush Takes Songs, Lights And A Video Vampire On The Road" is a report from back stage at Madison Square Garden on the Signals tour. Alex and Geddy are interviewed, and besides mentioning their desire to record solo albums and Neil's plans on releasing a book of poetry, Geddy says "We're trying to make greater and greater use of keyboards...keyboards are becoming more important to the sound."

Friday, June 29, 2012

Transcript: "Canadian Prog Giants Play 'Moving Pictures' In Full, With Much More On-Stage Madness" - Classic Rock, June 2011

Published in advance of the second leg of the Time Machine Tour, "Canadian Prog Giants Play 'Moving Pictures' In Full, With Much More On-Stage Madness" appeared in the June 2011 issue of Classic Rock magazine. A brief interview with Geddy Lee, he confirms that the steampunk stage set was designed for the Clockwork Angels tour, and that they "were going to hold it back until the next tour, but we got too fired up and just couldn't keep it a secret any more."

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Transcript: "Rush In No Hurry To Go Slow" - Austin American-Statesman, January 20, 1994

Did you ever wonder how the "Thing" instrumentals were named? In an AP story published at the start of the Counterparts tour, "Rush In No Hurry To Go Slow" (January 20, 1994), Neil Peart says "[When working on Roll The Bones] Alex would be working the console and we were doing the demos...he'd be looking for something you know, 'Where's my thing?'"...[When working on Counterparts] "We all grew goatees, or at least interesting facial hair, during the recording and writing process...When you have a goatee of hair, you tend to play with it all the time, so we were constantly saying to each other, 'Leave That Thing Alone!'". - Thanks to Joe Sterle for the original article!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Transcript: "Rush: Working Like Clockwork - An Interview With Geddy Lee" - Fireworks, July/August 2012

A big thanks to John Patuto for transcribing "Rush: Working Like Clockwork", the cover feature from the current June/July issue of Fireworks magazine.

Transcript: "You Need Hands" - Kerrang!, February 4, 1989

Neil Peart was interviewed in Kerrang! No. 224 (February 4, 1989) to promote "A Show of Hands". Like many Kerrang interviews, the first 1/3 of "You Need Hands" is fluff, but eventually Neil gives his thoughts on leaving Phonogram for Atlantic, Peter Collins' leaving as producer, and his initial thoughts on what would become Presto. - Thanks to Erwin De Lathouwer for the article!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Transcript: "Clockwork Angels Review" - PROG, July 2012

Issue #27 of the UK's PROG magazine hit newsstands on Wednesday, and included is an extensive review of Clockwork Angels. Also included a fantastic illustration of the band by PROG's John Ueland. You can read the full review below. - Thanks to Tony R for the scans!

Transcript: "Art For Art's Sake: RUSH" - PROG, June 2009

A year and a half after Nicky Wire of the Manic Street Preachers met Rush (see previous transcript from Classic Rock, December 2007), he gave his thoughts on Rush's album art in "Art For Art's Sake: RUSH" in the June 2009 issue of PROG magazine. Nicky discusses the artwork of RUSH's debut album through Power Windows, with the exception of Hemispheres and Grace Under Pressure. The same issue included the story "The Top 50 Prog Albums Of All Time", which includes four Rush albums. - Thanks to Tony Riviere for the original article!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Transcript: "Wine, Women And...Geddy Lee" - National Post, June 19, 2000

Twelve years ago today, "Wine, Women And...Geddy Lee" appeared on Canada's "National Post", telling of a charitable wine tasting held at his Rosedale home to benefit Toronto's White Ribbon Campaign to end violence against women.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Transcript: "Behind The Boards" - Toronto Star, April 28, 2007

Now that you've have had a chance of hearing and absorbing "Clockwork Angels", what are your thoughts on Nick "Booujzhe" Raskulinecz and how would you rank him among RUSH's producers? Need a refresher? Published on the eve of the release of "Snakes & Arrows", "Behind The Boards" - Toronto Star, April 28, 2007, is a brief primer of the six producers Rush had employed in the last 38 years.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Transcript: "Riffs That Changed The World: Working Man" - Classic Rock, Christmas 2004

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. Speaking of dads, this short transcript, "Riffs That Changed The World: Working Man", is a brief look back at the song "Working Man" in the Christmas 2004 issue of Classic Rock magazine. Alex Lifeson discusses the track, and how it was dedicated to his hard working father.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Transcript: "When Manic Street Preachers Met Rush" - Classic Rock, December 2007

In the Classic Rock Clockwork Angels fan pack magazine, there is a photo of Nicky Wire and James Dean Bradfield of the Manic Street Preachers meeting Rush in 2007. Going back to the December 2007 issue of Classic Rock, check out "When Manic Street Preachers Met Rush" where Nicky and James got the thrill of a lifetime as they interviewed Geddy and Alex for the magazine with a fun Q&A session.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Transcript: "Three Stages Of Rush" - Classic Rock, Summer 2006

Rush's Replay X3 concert film boxed set was released six years ago today (time flies...). Here is a brilliant review from the Summer 2006 issue of Classic Rock. In "Three Stages Of Rush", the author writes "Those live albums of the 70s and 80s - All The World's A Stage, Exit Stage Left, A Show Of Hands - were landmarks, not contract fillers. Now the DVD age defines Rush, or so their sales suggest. Their concert films sell in the quantities that their live albums used to. Bedroom headphone porn has become widescreen, surround-sound porn."

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Web Scheme Update: "Clockwork Angels"

Today marks the official release of Clockwork Angels, and we're celebrating the release with a new scheme reminiscent of the album cover. Enjoy!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Transcript: "The Story of '2112', Live at Massey Hall, June 11-12-13, 1976" - Official Program

36 years ago tonight, Rush played the first of three consecutive dates at Massey Hall in Toronto, June 11-12-13, 1976, later released as "All The World's A Stage". Although scans have been shared on the net for some time now, John Patuto transcribed the official program which includes ""The Story of '2112'". Thanks John!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Transcript: "First Bass Men: Rush's Geddy Lee And Primus' Les Claypool" - Guitar World, June 1992

A Guitar World feature story from June 1992 - Primus fans, you'll love this one: "First Bass Men: Rush's Geddy Lee And Primus' Les Claypool". The bass players are interviewed together during the 'Roll The Bones' tour, and talk about their influences, what shaped their styles and tone, their early recordings, etc. Ged also tells Les the secret of what Les said his his ultimate goal, 'the Moving Pictures tone': Ged states it is simply his Jazz bass he found in a pawn shop for $170, and Les guesses how Geddy ruined the sound of his Precision bass - by cutting it into a tear-drop shape. - Thanks to Dave Ward for the transcript and Joe Sterle for the images.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

"Clockwork Angels" Desktop Wallpaper Now Available

The album hits store shelves next Tuesday, but you can Rushify your desktop now with a complete set of Clockwork Angels Desktop Wallpaper.

I have had a near complete set of high resolution digital images for some time now, and with special thanks to Med Salama of Finland who provided with scans of the balance of images from the CD booklet from the Classic Rock fanpack, I am now able to offer a complete set of wallpaper for your viewing pleasure. (Note, I plan on revisiting/tweaking these images next week after I too have received my own copy of the fanpack!)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Transcript: "Canada's Premier Hard Rockers Remain A Cult In Britain" - Record Collector, December 1990

Published shortly after the release of "Chronicles", "Canada's Premier Hard Rockers Remain A Cult In Britain" - Record Collector No. 136, December 1990, blends a history of RUSH with a history of their single and album releases, and discusses which of those releases are valued by collectors and why. The article also points out how many of Rush's singles topped out in the low 40's on the Billboard charts, and how not cracking the Top 40 means those singles were never added to "the all-important Top 40, and associated radio playlists". Also included is a complete descriptive discography. - Thanks to Erwin De Lathouwer for the article!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Pop Culture Reference: Annihilators vol. 1 no. 2 "The Trees"

The second story in Marvel Comics' Annihilators vol. 1 no. 2, June 2011, has a big Rush reference.  Starring the space traveling adventurers Rocket Raccoon and Groot,  the story is titled "There Is Unrest In The Forest, There Is Trouble With The Trees". - Thanks to Karl Domes for the headsup!

Transcript: "Neil Peart Interview" - At Guitar Center, February 2010

Neil Peart appeared on the cover of the February 2010 issue of At Guitar Center magazine; included is an interview with Neil where he discusses songwriting and drumming, Alex "the Musical Scientist's" drum programming, the incorporation of a 23" bass drum and DW's VLT snare, his Paragon cymbals, etc. Also included is a sidebar written by Neil where he provides options for drummers on how to "Soup Up Your Setup".

Friday, June 1, 2012

Transcript: "Rush - A Lesson In Rock" - El Paso Times, January 30, 1994

"Rush - A Lesson In Rock" was published in the El Paso Times as a prelude to the band's Counterparts tour stop in nearby Las Cruces, New Mexico. Neil Peart eagerly talks about the new state of rock music, having recently left the 80's and synth-music behind: "The 80s really were an awful time with Bon Jovi and all..." - Thanks to Javier Reyes for providing the original article!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Transcript: "Rush: Interview with Alex Lifeson" - Power Play, October 2007

From the October 2007 issue of Power Play magazine, here is an "Interview With Alex Lifeson" given just before the band kicked off the UK leg of the Snakes & Arrows tour. Alex talks about the album, as well as discussing Neil's tragedies and the contrast between the recording of Vapor Trails and Snakes & Arrows. - Thanks to John Patuto for the transcript!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Transcript: "Legendary Trio Return To Action With Grace Under Pressure" - Hit Parader, August 1984

Here is a very cool story that appeared in the August 1984 issue of Hit Parader: "Legendary Trio Return To Action With Grace Under Pressure" was written by none other than the B-man, Bill Banasiewicz, three years before he published Visions. What's great is that B-man tells of his visit to Le Studio in early January of 1984, during the recording of Grace Under Pressure. Its a bit like being a fly on the wall, especially when he discusses hearing Alex doing his guitar tracks for hours on end, or when Geddy announced it was "weird sounds weekend...making reference to the fact that they were going to be recording various sound effects for the record...including noise from a television set and steam whistling through a cappuccino machine." - Thanks to Joe Sterle for the original article!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Transcript: "Q&A: Geddy Lee On Rush Merchandise" - National Post, May 29, 2010

From two years ago today, here's a very brief "Q&A: Geddy Lee On Rush Merchandise" from Canada's National Post, May 29, 2010, just before the launch of the Time Machine tour. Geddy talks merchandising, and mentions the "Homer Simpson" starman created by Rush fan Richard Carter.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Transcript: "Rush: The Complete Album-by-Album Guide" -, July 10, 2008

Another story Rolling Stone published online on the heels of "Rush Never Sleeps" which was lost to the ether: "Rush: The Complete Album-by-Album Guide" was also posted to on July 10, 2008.

Transcript: "Rush vs. Rolling Stone: A Qualitative Analysis" -, July 10, 2008

The July 2008 issue of Rolling Stone included the feature story "Rush Never Sleeps" (which you can find in my Transcript Archive). Not surprisingly, Rush fans everywhere responded that after 34 years it was about time the magazine run a feature on the band. Resurrected from the ether and added to the archive, countered online with "Rush vs. Rolling Stone: A Qualitative Analysis" where they claim a long standing support of Rush!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Transcript: "Angelic Upstairs" - PROG #26, 2012

On Wednesday PROG #26 hit newsstands, and I have transcribed the two Rush articles it contains for your reading pleasure. Geddy Lee is interviewed in the article "Angelic Upstairs" which contains the tagline: "After 44 years at the top of the prog rock game, Rush are set to return with their new album Clockwork Angels. Frontman Geddy Lee gives us a glimpse behind the scenes...". In addition, Hugh Syme is interviewed in the "Art For Arts Sake" column. - Thanks to Tony R for the original scans!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Transcript: "Fans Stick With Subtle Rush Evolution" - Ottawa Citizen, May 4, 1984

"Fans Stick With Subtle Rush Evolution" - Ottawa Citizen, May 4, 1984, is a review of 'Grace Under Pressure' focusing on the new release before going off on a tangent... - Thanks to Chris McDonald for the transcript.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Transcript: "All The World's Their Stage!" - Classic Rock presents PROG, May 2010

Isn't it strange that we have been talking about Clockwork Angels for two years now? If this latest transcription is accurate, Rush was mixing Caravan/BU2B the day before Beyond The Lighted Stage premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival on Saturday April 24th, 2010.  "All The World's Their Stage!" is an interview with Geddy Lee from the May 2010 issue of PROG magazine, where he talks about the film, the preliminary work on Clockwork Angels, and the then upcoming Time Machine Tour.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Transcript: "Three Rounds With...Geddy Lee" - Entertainment Weekly, March 17, 2009

"Three Rounds With...Geddy Lee" appeared from the March 20, 2009 issue of Entertainment Weekly magazine. Ged gives his ratings on three rounds of wine, and also discusses Retrospective 3, appearing on The Colbert Report and I Love You Man, as well discusses his favorite album, travel destination, book, etc.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Transcript: "Alex Lifeson Of Rush" - Sound Waves, January 2006

Rush appeared on the cover of the January 2006 issue of Southern New England's "Sound Waves" magazine. Included is the interview "Alex Lifeson Of Rush", given shortly after the release of R30. Alex discusses the R30 tour and the differences between Rush in Rio and R30. - Thanks to John Patuto for passing along the transcript!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Transcript: "Closer To The Peart" - RAW, February 8, 1989

Here is a rare cover feature from the A Show of Hands era: Neil Peart on the cover of RAW, February 8, 1989. In this in-depth feature story, "Closer To The Peart", Neil discusses the evolution of RUSH's live albums, how technological improvements helped make 'A Show of Hands' the definitive live album at that time, the beginnings of what would become 'Presto', and how Peter Collins had decided to move on to greener pastures, leaving them to find a new producer. - Thanks again to Erwin De Lathouwer for the article!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Transcript: "Mellowing Out" - Maclean's, July 22, 2002

Another Vapor Trails era article, "Mellowing Out" - Maclean's, July 22, 2002, is brief article discussing the return of Rush with the release of Vapor Trails, and how after three decades together, the members of Rush were not taking things as seriously as in the past. "I see young bands being interviewed and I remember what it was like to talk about your music like it was so important. Now Rush is just one other thing I do in my life.'"

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Transcript: "RUSH Roasted: Poonsters Honor Canadian Group" (Havard Lampoon's 'Musicians Of The Millennium') - Harvard Crimson, May 10, 1993

Last week I posted a video to my Facebook page of Rush's being named Musicians of the Millennium by the Harvard Lampoon. "RUSH Roasted: Poonsters Honor Canadian Group" is a short news report from the "Harvard Crimson", Harvard's student newspaper, from May 10, 1993.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Transcript: "Speed Freaks" - Classic Rock, July 2002

'Vapor Trails' was released 10 years ago today, and here is one transcript you definitely want to take the time to enjoy. Shortly after the release of the album and before the start of the subsequent tour, Rush was the focus of the extensive feature story "Speed Freaks" in the July 2002 issue of "Classic Rock" magazine. This is a great read, recounting how Geddy and Alex sat down and literally listened to the entire catalog to prepare the Vapor Trails setlist, it includes many of their thoughts on albums and/or songs from the back catalog, and goes on to recount the history of Rush, including all the highs, and lows. - Dave Ward, thanks for the transcript, wherever you may be!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Transcript: "Inside Rush's Moving Pictures" - Music Express, January 1981

Another great read, and this one a rare Moving Pictures cover feature. Published just before the release of the album "Inside Rush's Moving Pictures" - Music Express, January 1981, is a rare look at Rush just before their popularity exploded a few months later. Geddy talks about how their second live album, originally planned for release after Permanent Waves, was put on the back burner as "sometime last spring we found our jams at sound checks were suddenly getting very interesting". - Thanks to John Patuto for the transcript!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Transcript: "What A Rush" - Toronto Star, May 11, 2002

Ten years ago today the story "What A Rush" appeared in the Toronto Star, three days before the release of Vapor Trails. Chronicling the excitement over the album's release, included are bits of interviews with Geddy Lee, Donna Halper and RushCon's Phred Wyrrd.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Transcript: "Hockey Anthem A Rush" - Toronto Star, January 14, 2010

As the Stanley Cup playoffs are currently underway, I thought I'd pass this along. Back in late 2009 Neil Peart recorded a revamped "Hockey Theme" for Canada's TSN network. In "Hockey Anthem A Rush" - Toronto Star, January 14, 2010, Neil tells of the months of preparation that he put into the one minute long extravaganza, and also includes an interesting discussion comparing athletes and drummers.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Transcript: "Vapor Trails" (Review) - Guitar World, June 2002

I'm amazed at how quickly the last 10 years have flown by; Vapor Trails is nearing its 10th Anniversary. Looking back, do you agree with this Vapor Trails review from the June 2002 issue of Guitar World?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Transcript: "Revenge Of The Nerds" - Mojo, June 2012

Last week, the latest issue of Mojo hit newsstands, with an 8 page feature on Rush: "Revenge Of The Nerds" is a 40 year retrospective on the band from the early days up to the release of Clockwork Angels. - Thanks to John Patuto for the transcript!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Transcript: "Angels Are Go!" - PROG, April 2012

The April 2012 issue of Classic Rock Presents PROG is now available, and includes the two page story "Angels Are Go!".  The article shares for the first time additional Clockwork Angels track details.  Thanks Reed Lover for the original article!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Transcript: "Closer To The Art" (Chronicles DVD Review) - Classic Rock, July 2004

On this day in 2004, the Chronicles DVD was finally released in Europe, a full three years after its release in North America. "Closer To The Art" is a review of the DVD from the July 2004 issue of Classic Rock magazine by none other than Geoff Barton. If you have the DVD, then you'll likely agree that Barton's review pretty much hits the nail on the head...

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Transcript: "Geddy Lee of Rush: Driven" - The Island Ear, November, 1996

"Geddy Lee of Rush: Driven" - The Island Ear, November, 1996, is a bittersweet interview with Geddy Lee where he talks of the rejuvenation of the band 9 months before tragedy stuck... - Thanks to John Patuto for the transcript.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Transcript: "Snakes Alive! - Classic Rock, June 2007"

Happy Birthday Snakes & Arrows! Today is the fifth anniversary of the album's release - I'm amazed at how time has flown by. Here is the album's review from the June 2007 issue of Classic Rock magazine: "Snakes Alive!" is written by none other than Geoff Barton who you might remember as a the 'Sounds' correspondent who jumped the Rush ship with the release of Hemispheres, an album he could never come to terms with. In fact, in this review for Snakes he states "...The Main Monkey Business is closest in spirit to La Villa Strangiato (the nonvocal offering on 1978's Hemispheres) with its elaborate-but-heavyweight approach." Heavyweight? Overall, however, its a very positive review, and it is nice to know Barton eventually returned to the fold.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Transcript: "Geddy Lee On The Art Of Being Rush - Hijinx, January 1992"

In "Geddy Lee On The Art Of Being Rush", Hijinx, January 1992, Geddy looks back on the "greatly over-magnified" Ayn Rand influence on the band fifteen years after 2112, and also discusses the relationship between he and Neil Peart in regards to lyrics. - Thanks to John Patuto for the transcript!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Transcript: "My Passion For Wine: Geddy Lee - Decanter, March 2012"

Back in February, I posted on my news page that the March issue of UK's Decanter magazine includes an interview with Geddy Lee. I have now transcribed the full article "My Passion For Wine: Geddy Lee", where Geddy talks about how he first became a collector and what his current preferences are. - Thanks to Douglas Wilson for the article!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Transcript: "Interview: Neil Peart - Freetime Rochester, April 27, 1994"

Rush was featured on the April 27, 1994, issue of Rochester, New York's "Freetime" Magazine. The magazine includes an interview with Neil Peart discussing "Counterparts" in advance of the band's appearance there the following week. - Thanks to Heiko Klages for the article!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Transcript: "Rush Hour: Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson - Guitarist, May 1992"

Twenty years ago this month, Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson appeared on the cover of the May 1992 issue of Britain's "Guitarist" magazine. The extensive "Rush Hour: Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson" includes separate interviews with both Geddy and Alex, topics include staying active on the road, the decreased use of keyboards, deciding not to add additional touring musicians, and Alex gives a good distillation of his choice of guitars over the years from the Gibson, through the Fender, Signature and finally PRS brands. - Thanks to Erwin De Lathouwer for the article!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Transcript: "Mountain Haven Inspires Rush To Reach New Peak - Daily Oklahoman, April 25, 2008"

Here's something I recently came across, published on this day in 2008, an interview with Alex Lifeson from the second leg of the Snakes & Arrows tour. In "Mountain Haven Inspires Rush To Reach New Peak - Daily Oklahoman, April 25, 2008", Alex discusses recording Snakes & Arrows at the now closed Allaire Studios, and also Malignant Narcissism losing the Best Rock Instrumental Grammy to Springsteen: "No, are you kidding? We were up against, well, Bruce Springsteen. He was up for an instrumental, WHICH HE HADN'T WRITTEN OR ANYTHING ("Once Upon a Time in the West" by Ennio Morricone). I think it's the third time we've been nominated in this category [note, actually it was their 5th nomination in this category], and I don't know how to take that anyway. I am almost relieved that we don't win it. It's nice to get the nomination, and it's amazing how excited friends get. 'Oh, you got a Grammy nomination!' But I don't know about all that Grammy bull----."

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Transcript: "Out Of The Box, The History Of Rushmovies - Toronto Star, April 28, 2010"

"Out Of The Box, The History Of Rushmovies - Toronto Star, April 28, 2010" appeared the week the documentary "Rush: Beyond the Lighted Stage" opened at the Hot Docs Film Festival in April 2010. The article includes a brief interview with Samm Dunn where among other things he tells of how the footage with John Rutsey was found in the basement of Anthem's office.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Transcript: "King Canucks - Kerrang!, May 1, 1988"

"King Canucks - Kerrang!, May 1, 1988" is a concert review from Rush's three night (sold out) stand at the Birmingham NEC on the "Hold Your Fire" tour, the shows which were filmed for the "A Show of Hands" video 24 years ago this week. What is laughable, is how the reviewer comments on how the band is "growing old with grace"...and they still are, 24 years later! Any Rush fan who has seen the band live will agree with this comment, however: "...they offer their audience something that's way above the simple 'hey rock 'n' roll', How can I explain? Aw shucks, you just have to see them to really understand." - Thanks to Erwin De Lathouwer for the article!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Web Scheme Update: "Headlong Flight"

"I stoke the fire on the big steel wheels, steer the airship right across the stars..."  Power Windows has gone "Headlong Flight"!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Transcript: "Rush's Music Of The Spheres - Circus, December 5th, 1978"

"Rush's Music Of The Spheres: Geddy Lee Lashes Out At Critics In Both 'Hemispheres'" - Circus, December 5th, 1978, is an interview of Geddy Lee by David Fricke, given shortly after the release of Hemispheres. Geddy discusses the album, including the full story behind how many takes were needed to record "La Villa Strangiato". - Thanks to John Patuto for the transcript!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Wallpaper Update: R30 Tourbook Images

I've finished the last of my updates to the tour books "back catalog", with a revamp of the R30 Tour Book collection on the Desktop Wallpaper "Tour Books" Page. With this update, all images from R30 the tour book have been added, reproduced faithfully to the original tour book layout except for a few minor exceptions where "creative license" was required.  The next update to this Wallpaper page will be to accommodate the Clockwork Angels tour book images. Thanks again to John at for providing the raw scans!

Transcript: "Grace Under Fire - Music Express, June 1984"

Neil Peart appeared on the cover of the June 1984 issue of "Music Express" magazine. The cover feature, "Grace Under Fire", is an in-depth interview with Neil discussing the band's growth both lyrically and musically, the influences on "Grace", politics, religion and more. - Originally transcribed by Dave Ward - thanks Dave, wherever you are...

Monday, April 16, 2012

Transcript: "Pane And Pleasure - Kerrang!, November 1985"

An extensive interview with Alex Lifeson for the release of 'Power Windows', "Pane And Pleasure - Kerrang!, November 1985" has Alex running through all the songs on the album and discussing each song's form of "Power". He also talks about recording the album, laughing in hysterics at the choir singing to their music, and touches on other points including his belieff that with Power Windows the band had found the perfect balance between keyboards and guitar... - Thanks to both Monica Zimmerman and Erwin De Lathouwer for providing scans of this article!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Transcript: "Caught In The Act: Wembley Arena, London - Music Express, July 1983"

With the rumor that Rush may be playing all or much of Signals on the upcoming tour, here is an interesting read, "Caught In The Act: Wembley Arena, London - Music Express, July 1983" a concert review of Rush's performance at Wembley Arena, London, on the Signals tour. Some interesting notes are included, and this comment showed foresight: "the strength of the new numbers is such that they will surely be regarded as classics a few years hence." - Thanks to Heiko Klages for the article!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Transcript: "Pirate Cd, Video Haul More Trash Than Treasure - Toronto Star, July 9, 2004"

"Pirate Cd, Video Haul More Trash Than Treasure - Toronto Star, July 9, 2004" tells of a raid by the Canadian mounties on a record show where they seized over 3,000 bootlegs and arrested a 43-year old Hamilton man on five counts of copyright infringement charges. Included in the story is the discussion of an 85 minute hand held video bootleg of a Rush rehearsal, with a brief statement by Ray Daniels.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Transcript: "RUSH: A Chronology - Mercury Records, 1989"

This press kit containing a five page type-written chronology and essay, "RUSH: A Chronology - Mercury Records, 1989", was found in a case of notch-cut copies of the A Show of Hands vinyl promotional album shipped from Polygram in 1989. It includes an essay by Neil Peart which was previously published in the 1988 Backstage Club Newsletter as "The Drummer Sounds Off". - Thanks to Greg Nosek for providing the originals.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Transcript: "Q&A: Geddy Lee Of Rush - Rolling Stone, December 12, 1996"

Here's a rare Rolling Stone appearance - "Q&A: Geddy Lee Of Rush - Rolling Stone, December 12, 1996", was published after the first leg of the Test For Echo tour, and includes Geddy talking about spending time off the road with his family, tribute bands, rabid fans, and using the internet in 1996 primarily for fantasy baseball!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Transcript: "Rock Forecast Calendar 1983: Rush - Circus, January 31, 1983"

"Rock Forecast Calendar 1983: Rush - Circus, January 31, 1983", a brief update for Circus' readers of Rush's plans for 1983, included a two page poster of Geddy and Alex, included here for your pleasure. This is the first of a batch of stories provided by Erwin De Lathouwer of Belgium. Check out Erwin's Rush collector's site "Earthshine", which includes a detailed listing and scans of many rare Rush releases, photographs, and more.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Transcript: "Rush Hour: Celebrating 30 Years In The Biz - Birmingham Evening Mail, August 28-September 10, 2004"

In 2004 as Rush prepared for their first visit to the UK in 12 years, the UK press ran many interviews to promote the tour. "Rush Hour: Celebrating 30 Years In The Biz" is an interview with Alex Lifeson that appeared in the "What's On" supplement to the Birmingham Evening Mail, August 28-September 10, 2004. At the time, the band was unsure they had any fanbase left in the UK, and this article is a brief review on what the band had been doing for the past 10 years... - Thanks to Heiko Klages for the original article!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Transcript: "Sports Talk With Geddy Lee - Sporting News, April 30, 2007"

Baseball Season is here, and One Likes To Believe In The Spirit of Baseball!! Woot woot! To celebrate I transcribed this short Q&A from five years ago, "Sports Talk With Geddy Lee - Sporting News, April 30, 2007". Geddy discusses fantasy baseball, MST3K and fashion mistakes from the 70's.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Transcript: "10 Things You Gotta Do To Play Like Alex Lifeson - Guitar Player, January 2011"

Published just over a year ago and written by a true fan, "10 Things You Gotta Do To Play Like Alex Lifeson - Guitar Player, January 2011" is a very detailed breakdown of some of Alex's greatest riffs, and is sure to delight all levels of guitarists. All fans, be sure to read the two closing paragraphs, beginning with "I'm writing this on a day that Rush have again been snubbed by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame's nominating committee. While accolades and awards aren't really what music's all about, it's still surprising the Hall has yet to officially recognize them as one of the all-time greats. Their 30-plus years of sustained success, legions of fans, sold-out arena tours, 24 gold, 14 platinum, and three multi-platinum albums, and hordes of professional musicians who regularly cite them as an influence and inspiration certainly suggests otherwise..." - Thanks to Ed Stenger for the original article!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Transcript: "Alex Lifeson - Free Music, June 1984"

Back before landing the job as Rush's photographer, Andrew MacNaughtan briefly published Free Music magazine, distributed through Toronto music stores. "Alex Lifeson - Free Music, June 1984" is an interview he conducted with Alex Lifeson opening day of the p/g tour. - Thanks to John Patuto for the transcript!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Transcript: "Best Bassist: Geddy Lee; Best Drummer: Neil Peart - International Musician and Recording World, February 1985"

Geddy and Neil were the winners in their respective category in the first ever IM&RW Music Awards Poll. "Best Bassist: Geddy Lee; Best Drummer: Neil Peart - International Musician and Recording World, February 1985" includes interviews with both, plus a breakdown of their respective gear. One note: included in the article is the statement that Alex Lifeson first saw Neil playing in a local bar, and apparently remembered him when Rutsey left. - Thanks to Monica Davidson for providing the original article!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Transcript: "The Latest Product Of Howard Ungerleider's Long-Term Collaboration With Rush - Lighting & Sound America, September 2007"

Published near the close of the first leg of the Snakes & Arrows tour featuring Geddy Lee on the cover, "The Latest Product Of Howard Ungerleider's Long-Term Collaboration With Rush - Lighting & Sound America, September 2007" is an interview with Howard detailing the Snakes & Arrows concert visuals. - Thanks to Joe Pesch for the article.

Pop Culture Reference: "Jews And Baseball: An American Love Story"

Thanks to Andrew for letting me know that "Hope" from Snakes & Arrows is included in the soundtrack to the documentary film Jews And Baseball: An American Love Story, which debuted November 5, 2010.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Transcript: "The High Priests Of Conceptual Metal Go Steam Punk For Lp 19! - MOJO, March 2011"

Here's a brief transcript of a Clockwork Angels "teaser" that appeared a full YEAR ago: "The High Priests Of Conceptual Metal Go Steam Punk For Lp 19! - MOJO, March 2011". The story includes a couple of tantalizing quotes from Geddy Lee...we'll find out soon enough if his teasers were correct.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Transcript: "Roll The Bones With Rush: An Interview With Geddy Lee - U.S. Rocker, October 1991"

In "Roll The Bones With Rush: An Interview With Geddy Lee - U.S. Rocker, October 1991", Geddy talks about the new album Roll The Bones, the growth of Neil's lyrics, his favorite Rush albums, and also makes a very concise statement on how any given fan has a favorite "time period" for a band which represents much more than just a song, etc. - Thanks to Heiko Klages for the original article!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Transcript: "From Power Trio to Big Band: Neil Peart Talks About Burning for Buddy - Canadian Musician, December 1994"

John Patuto has transcribed four Rush related articles found in the December 1994 issue of "Canadian Musician", including "From Power Trio to Big Band: Neil Peart Talks About Burning for Buddy". Two articles center around Neil Peart's recording of "Burning For Buddy", while another is written by Howard Ungerleider regarding his stage show design.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Transcript: "VICTORious - Rock N' Roll Reporter, February 1996"

Here is one of the most in depth interviews yet regarding Alex Lifeson's solo album, Victor. In "VICTORious - Rock N' Roll Reporter, February 1996", Alex not only discusses both how and why he recorded his solo album, but also discusses some of the more personal aspects of his relationship with his wife (the couple just recently celebrated their 40th Anniversary!). - Thanks to Ed Stenger for the original article!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Transcript: "RUSH - Sounds, Fan Library #6, January 1983"

John Patuto has transcribed the lenghty "RUSH - Sounds, Fan Library #6, January 1983" special issue. Written by Steve Gett, while he later edited and expanded the content for his book, Success Under Pressure, John found that there was additional content in the Sounds special issue that didn't make it into the later biography.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Transcript: "On The Edge Of The Limelight - Song Hits, November 1984"

"On The Edge Of The Limelight - Song Hits November 1984" is another very informative cover feature with Alex Lifeson where he touches on a variety of subjects. (I have found that Alex's interviews are never the same, he always has something new to say.) One key topic is his statement of where the title of Grace Under Pressure came from (which was news to me!):
"There was an Alex Colville painting that we were thinking of possibly using for the album cover, but it was a little too powerful I think, and the idea for the title Grace Under Pressure, really fit that picture well. Although we decided not to use that picture we decided to stick with that title."
- Thanks again to Joe Pesch for the original article!

Wallpaper Update: Test For Echo Tour Book Images

I've revamped the Test For Echo tour book collection on the Desktop Wallpaper "Tour Books" Page. Like other recent wallpaper updates, all images from the tour book have been added, reproduced faithfully to the original tour book layout with a few minor exceptions (where "creative license" was required).  Thanks again to John at for providing the raw scans!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Transcript: "Tracking Surround: Rush - Sound&, July 17, 2007"

Following up on yesterday's update, here is an article that fell completely under the radar when it was originally posted online. Music journalist Mike Mettler gave this indepth review of the 5.1 surround sound mix of "Snakes & Arrows" back in July 2007. The article, "Tracking Surround: Rush - Sound&, July 17, 2007" is a review of the MVI edition of the album. Just reading this gives me an even greater anticipation of what might be in store for Clockwork Angels...surely it too will be released with a 5.1 mix?

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Transcript: "'Moving Pictures: Deluxe Edition' Review - Sound&Vision, June/July/August 2011"

Check out the very brief "'Moving Pictures: Deluxe Edition' Review - Sound&Vision, June/July/August 2011". After reviewing the Moving Pictures Deluxe Edition in depth on, Mike Mettler penned this short review for the print edition of the magazine, giving it 5 stars for both music and sound.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Transcript: "Vapor Trail Afterglow, Bass Guitar, January 2003"

"Vapor Trail Afterglow, Bass Guitar, January 2003" is a cover feature interview with Geddy Lee given shortly after the completion of the Vapor Trails tour. Geddy explains how the band wanted to tour the UK in '02 but were unsure if they would still have the endurance for a long tour after so long and ultimately toured South America instead. He also talks about how they got into shape for the tour, which songs he has trouble singing, and more. - Thanks to Joe Pesch for the original article!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Wallpaper Update: Vapor Trails Tourbook Images

Another massive upgrade to the Desktop Wallpaper "Tour Books" Page, this time it is an upgrade to the Vapor Trails tour book images.  Like other recent wallpaper updates, all images from the tour book have been added, reproduced faithfully to the original tour book layout with a few minor exceptions (where "creative license" was required).  Once again, I owe a huge thank you to John at for providing the raw scans.

Additional updates for the Test for Echo and R30 Tour Book wallpaper images coming soon!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Transcript: "Iron Man, Guitar Aficionado, December 2009"

A couple of years ago Alex Lifeson's second passion, golf, was the focus of "Iron Man: When He's Not Onstage Or In The Studio, Alex Lifeson Gets His Rush On The World's Finest Fairways", Guitar Aficionado, December 2009". The story includes some great photos of Alex, and he shares how he first got into golf, his current game, golfing with fellow celebs, and this great comment regarding Neil Peart: "Neil's a little bit uncoordinated when it comes to golf," Lifeson says with a chuckle. "He'll usually play for a bit and then throw his clubs down and say something like, 'This is stupid,' and stalk off." The article also includes the sidebar "Grapes Under Pressure" where Alex discusses his third passion, collecting wines. - Thanks to RushFanForever for article.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Transcript: "The Movie Soundtrack: Contemporary Can-Rock Acolytes, Toronto Star, October 1, 2006"

"The Movie Soundtrack: Contemporary Can-Rock Acolytes, Toronto Star, October 1, 2006" is a very brief review of the soundtrack to 'Trailer Park Boys: The Big Dirty': "Rush didn't just sign off on the inclusion of 'Spirit On The Radio,' they agreed to put the whole CD out on their own freakin' label while Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson hit the studio with contemporary Can-rock acolytes from the Tea Party, Three Days Grace, Thornley, and Die Mannequin to grind out an exclusive version of 'I Fought The Law' as the Big Dirty Band."

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Transcript:: "Lifeson Times, Kerrang!, October 17, 1987"

My latest addition is the cover feature "Lifeson Times, Kerrang!, October 17, 1987". This is a unique interview, as Alex gives his interpretation of each song on 'Hold Your Fire'. In addition, among other topics he tells us how although they considered Cyndi Lauper for the guest female vocalist on 'Time Stand Still' they first approached Chrissie Hynde of The Pretenders, but that it was only due to scheduling conflicts that they later chose Aimee Mann. - Thanks again to Joe Pesch for the article!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Transcript: "Rush - Knocking Down The Walls, Hamilton Place, February 9, 1976"

"Rush - Knocking Down The Walls, Hamilton Place, February 9, 1976" is from the official concert program for Rush headlining Hamilton Place in Hamilton, Ontario, a full three months before the release of 2112. This was the first known show AFTER the Down the Tubes tour: at this point Polygram had already written off the band as a flash in the pan, yet the text of this program reveals another story. It's almost premonitient. This show was unknown until recently, and lands right in between previously known dates of the Caress of Steel and 2112 tours; the 2112 album was likely recorded in the weeks preceding this show.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Transcript: "Geddy Together, Sounds, June 2, 1979"

In "Geddy Together, Sounds, June 2, 1979", Geddy talks, or should I say complains, about his basses, including the many faults he had found in his Rickenbackers. As the tagline of the interview reads, "What kind of people use bass guitars they've hardly got a single good word for? Only poor men, idiots and Rush 's Geddy Lee, it seems." - Thanks to Bob Holt for the article.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Wallpaper Update: Counterparts Tourbook Images

On Monday I announced a major upgrade to the Tour book desktop wallpaper collection (see below).  Today, I have added to the collection by updating the Counterparts tour book wallpaper collection.  All images unique to the tour book have been added; some images were manipulated slightly for use as wallpaper, but for the most part they were reproduced faithfully to the original tour book layout.  Again, I owe a huge thank you to John at for providing the raw scans. 

As I explained previously, when I first launched the Power Windows website in 1998, one of the primary goals was to create a "complete" album art gallery for use as wallpaper images.  While the collection of artwork from the actual albums has always been complete, the collection of live images from the tour books was limited, until now.

Originally when I added the tour book wallpaper images I focused on the "album art-ish" images, combined with the formal band member and drumkit portraits.  Now, I've added all the remaining tour book images for use as Desktop Wallpaper.  As always, the images have been cropped and/or manipulated to fit your screen.  For easier browsing, the Tour book images have been moved to their own page.  Note, an update to the Test For Echo, Vapor Trails and R30 tourbook collections is coming soon.

Transcript: "Rock Of Ages, Hard Roxx, February 1999"

Alex Lifeson appeared on the cover of the February 1999 issue of the UK's "Hard Roxx" magazine. In the accompanying article "Rock Of Ages", Alex discusses the making of "Different Stages", from the enormous number of shows that were recorded to how the 1978 "Hammersmith Odeon" show was rediscovered. - Thanks to Joe Pesch for the article!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Welcome to the "Site Updates" Page!

Welcome to the "Site Updates" page, a new addition to the Power Windows website.  This page has been created to document additions to this website which might not necessary be worthy of sharing on the main "News" page, such as additions to the "Inspirations", "References" or "Downloads" pages, or the occasional historical addition to the "Tour" page.  More notably, it will document the frequent ongoing updates to the "Transcript Archive".  To be notified of updates, you can also subscribe to my Twitter feed, and/or "Like" us on Facebook.
© Feb. 1, 1998 - Mar. 18, 2025, Anthem Entertainment, all rights reserved. Web concepts and maintenance by Power Windows. For promotional & private use only. It is strictly prohibited to republish, reproduce, redistribute, or profit from the content found herein.